Throughout the ten seasons of "Smallville" we have been introduced to various villains that have challenged Clark Kent and his pathway to destiny.
From 'Kids On Kryptonite" to Lex Luthor, Zod, Braniac, Doomsday, and a host of others. This variety of villains either wanted to share in Clark's destiny or did their best to ensure the world would never be introduced to the "Man of Steel."
Now Clark must face his biggest enemy yet. It will not take place in the Phantom Zone nor will it be in a parallel universe. Kal-El's ultimate battle will take place at the altar with his most formidable enemy, and greatest love, Lois Lane.
Since learning of Clark's past, Lois has gained complete knowledge of both his current abilities, and the destiny that is to come. She helped protect the identity of the Blur by coaching Clark into developing a clumsy and awkward persona which has the world seeing him as anything but "Super."

Lois has done a fantastic job in creating the "Mild Mannered" Clark Kent but her love for him is placing "Superman' in jeopardy.
The last two episodes have proven that Lois cannot sacrifice her love for Clark in order to protect the greater good. When Clark and Oliver travelled to the Phantom Zone, Clark instructed Tess to start a countdown in order for the portal to be destroyed had he not returned after a specific amount of time. (Clark was willing to make the sacrifice)
By holding a gun to Tess' head, Lois was willing to allow Phantoms to enter, and possibly destroy earth, in order for the portal to remain open in time for Clark's return.
In the latest episode, entititled "Prophecy" Jor-El provided the ultimate test by allowing Lois to gain Clark's "abilities" while Clark lost his. In fear of losing Clark, Lois made a deal with "Toyman" resulting in him controlling her and directing Lois to "Kill the Blur." The same episode saw Kara (Supergirl)resist her need to save Clark thus making the ultimate sacrifice by leaving Earth to forge her own destiny in a different time and space.
In the end, Lois understood that she cannot choose the world over Clark thus making the "ultimate sacrifice" by calling off the wedding. Clark, however, believes that his destiny is now in his hands solely and (once again) pulled the plug on Jor-El in order to, both embrace his destiny, and marry his true love.
Previews, for the finale, show that there will indeed be a wedding however, fans predict that before the I do's Darkseid will be unleashed on earth with Clark's best man Oliver (Green Arrow) falling under the spell of the Omega symbol. We know that Oliver is in possession of Gold Kryptonite that has the ability to cause Kal-El serious damage. Unlike green kryptonite, if hurt with the gold, Kal-El will be permanetly damaged thus not being able to be healed by the sun.
My theory is that, when all else fails and he has to "re-boot" Jor-El, Clark will be left with the option. Choose the girl or the destiny. Clark will choose his destiny ending with him donning the "Red and Blue"
Somehow Lois will lose the knowledge of Clark's path and destiny. (Superman II)
In the very last scene of the very last episode, we will finally see "Superman," but for those of us that have followed the path for the last ten years, we will not just be fixated on the "suit" but will know that the S is more than just the family crest or the "Superman" symbol.
The symbol will also stand for "Sacrifice"
We will see a "Superman" loved by the world, yet destined to be alone.
Thank you "Smallville" actors and producers for ten years of fun, excitement, and never ending anticipation.
Ubermensch (Jerry Baas)
(I would have added the Space Channel preview but it has not been released yet and I refuse to post something that someone has filmed from their television)