Brandon Routh starred in the 2006 film, Superman Returns, as the man of steel. Before the film was released, there was a lot of hope and enthusiasm bringing back Superman to the big screen. However once the film was released, it was not received well by its loyal following, nor by critics. We spoke to Brandon Routh and Sam Huntington, who both starred in Superman Returns, and reunited for the horror/comedy Dylan Dog: Dead of Night, which opens in theatres April 29th.
Routh told us that while he liked Superman Returns, he admits there were flaws in the film. Routh also adds if given to chance to star in the reboot of Superman film, Superman: Man Of Steel, he feels he could have brought a little growth to the character, considering he is six years older and more mature than when the last film was released.
There is an audio clip but i cannot embed it for some reason.
Here is a transcript:
"I love the movie, I'll standby the movie, did it do everything that everyone and every fanboy wanted, no, I think their should have been fighting in it ,yes it would have been great, I would’ve like to of seen more of brnadon as superman flying as opposied to CGI superman flying yes, I think it pulled me out of the film a little bit, but they did an amazing job with it but some shots where not as good as others"
"Im 6 years older now then I was then, I'm more mature and I feel as tho I could’ve bought more reverence and maturity to the character then when I was 25.