The Hero Complex Film Festival takes place May 18-21 at the Regal Cinemas at L.A., and director Zack Snyder will be on hand to talk about the new Superman movie, the Man of Steel.
Zack Snyder will actually be there promoting the Zombie genre, as Snyder was responsible for the Dawn of the Dead (2004) remake, and will be there along side Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead.
Snyder and Kirkman will "discuss, celebrate and debate zombies and a horror subgenre that seems to possess an undying appeal" on May 18th according to the HeroComplex website, and will "share tidbits" about their upcoming projects.
Perhaps Zack Snyder will give us some details on the Man of Steel trailer, rumored to be attached to The Dark Knight Rises.
Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead is in a full sprint as season 3 is set to begin later this year on AMC featuring fan-favorite characters Michonne and The Governor. In addition, The Walking Dead Video Game was just released, and a sequel to The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor novel has been announced. The Walking Dead comic book is also creeping toward its 100th anniversary issue.

Man Of Steel flies into theaters June 14th, 2013 directed by Zack Snyder starring, Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel, Diane Lane as Martha "Ma" Kent, Kevin Costner as Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Michael Shannon as Zod, and Russel Crowe as Jor-El