TEEN TITANS: BIRTHRIGHT is based on Teen Titans' "The Insiders" story arc (Teen Titans Vol. 3 #24-25). The short fan film (comes in at a little over 8 minutes) packs a dramatic and emotional wallop as it focuses on the revealing confrontation between Superboy (played by Anthony Pizarro, the film's Writer, Director and Executive Producer) and Lex Luthor (played by Gus Scharr, who also serves as Executive Producer and is responsible for the film's haunting score). With a total budget of just under $500, Pacdeloup Films manages to pull off a BIG bang for the buck by focusing on a good script, great acting, and a serious commitment to the source material.
"It is our hope that the public will respond favorably to the love and hard work that went into making this film. ALL of us in the film company are comic book fans and we were hungry for a fan film that honored the source material and the storyline's creators Dan Didio, Geoff Johns, Mathew Clark, and Art Thibert."
- Anthony Pizarro (Exec. Prod., Actor, Writer, Director)
The film gets a lot of things "right" (no spoilers here, but the use of a particular CODE at the end of the film will make any Teen Titans/Superboy fan geek-out!). Attention to detail and well-executed special effects makes this fan film worthy of multiple viewings and will make you hungry for the story's next chapter.
To watch TEEN TITANS: BIRTHRIGHT, copy the link below and paste to your browser: