One of DC Animation's most highly anticipated titles in 2017 is Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, and now a brand new image for the movie has found its way online. Based on the popular New Teen Titans storyline by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, the feature-length adaptation looks pretty cool, and it's pretty clear that it follows the comic book as Deathstroke takes aim at each of the heroes.
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract will serve as something of a follow-up to last year’s Justice League vs. Teen Titans. The comic introduced the perhaps not-to-be-trusted Terra to the Teen Titans and was the storyline in which Dick Grayson first adopted the identity of Nightwing. One of the most popular comic book storylines of its year, it's continually ranked among the greatest Teen Titans stories ever told.
As you can see, the latest image from the movie features the full team assembled, something sure to make fans of the comic books extremely happy. It's also been announced that the highly anticipated release will premiere on the evening of Friday, March 31st, 2017 at WonderCon Anaheim in the Arena of the Anaheim Convention Center. As always, let us know your thoughts on this reveal down below.