The Teenage Mutants Ninja Turtles franchise continues to endure to this day with a loyal and devoted fanbase, but most would agree that Steve Barron's 1990 live-action movie remains the most popular and well-received take on the Heroes in a Half-Shell.
The film's 30th anniversary is fast approaching (Fathom Events screenings are taking place on Thurs., Nov. 5, Fri., Nov. 6 & Sat., Nov. 7), and producer Bobby Herbeck has revealed that he's attempting to get a follow-up/reboot set in the same universe into development.
"We're trying to make that happen. We want to do a reboot," Herbeck told "We got our fans come to us on Instagram, they're, 'Why don't you guys do a reboot of the first movie?' We'd love to do it."
"The truth is, this property, it's established now after 30 years as a part of our modern pop culture, it's not going away," he added. "It's only going to continue to grow. I do wish that we could go back. I mean, we've talked to Steve Barron about this, and Brian Henson, and if there were an opportunity, if one of the studios saw fit, I think we could go back and reboot it like it was... Imagine if Brian Henson had access to the technology he does today to make these costumes and all that. I think it would be amazing. A reboot like that I think would really get people's juices flowing."
As far as we know, Seth Rogen's Point Grey Pictures is still working on a CGI reboot and there are rumors of a CBS All Access live-action series in the planning stages. If Nickelodeon/Warner Bros. were to consider a reboot of the recent Platinum Dunes movies then Herbeck's idea could come to fruition, but it might just be wishful thinking.
What do you guys make of this? Would you like to see a sequel or a loose reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)? Let us know in the comments.