2015 Film Slate
The Flash
This film would also summarize Barry's Origin in the Opening Credits since it is pretty straightforward.
Barry is a vigilante, using his super-speed (NOTE: It should be established in this film that Barry is way faster than Superman or any other hero. I always thought the idea of Superman being able to even match the Flash at top speed was stupid becuase then Flash's powers are redundant if Superman is just as if not faster than him.) to save citizens of Central City and stop small time criminals. He's been operating as The Flash for a few months now and unlike Batman his presence in not met with hostility by the police or general public. Barry is investigating a string of myseterious bank robberies as a Forensic Scientist. The crime scenes are quite odd, the bank vault doors are frozen and then smashed into a million pieces and any witnesses are dead due to extreme cases of hypothermia/frostbite.
One day while Barry is out on a date with Iris West, he notices a robbery taking place on the other side of town with hostages (sees a news update or something). He runs as a fast as he can toward the bank (putting on a red bandana to cover his face and putting up the hood of his red hoodie) he moves as a blur. The camera would show this by having everything around him: pedestrians, cars, etc. moving in slow motion and then him whizzing past (similar to Quicksilver in X-Men Days of Future Past) with a trail of lightning following him. He arrives at the crime scene and fights the burgalar who is using a high-tech cryogenic weapon (The Cold Gun). This fight is cool, as we see Barry interact with his soon to be archenemy Captain Cold. Captain Cold ends the fight by freezing the hostages and telling the vigilante he can either thaw them out or chase him. Barry races over to the hostages and takes as many of them as he can at a time to the hospital. When he is finished in a matter of seconds Captain Cold is in a van escaping the scene. While is accomplices drive, Captain Cold shoots at The Flash with his Cold Gun. He misses every time and Barry gets closer and closer to the vehicle, but a lucky shot freezes Barry's leg and he collapses to the ground (This entire sequence is done in slow motion). Barry is freaking out and tries to move his trapped leg. He moves it faster and faster until the ice melts. By this time the vehicle is long gone and Barry's clothes have burned off due to friction.
Later, at the police station he is able to identify the bank robber as Leonard Snart and read through his criminal history. Barry hears about how S.T.A.R Labs (Science Technology Advanced Research Laboratories) in Metropolis was robbed and a prototype weapon was stolen a few months prior. He travels to Metropolis and is able to find out more about the stolen weapon at S.T.A.R Labs. It was intended to be a non-lethal weapon for police to use, that would restrict atomic movement in objects freezing them. But the engineer involved with the project disappeared along with the weapon once his sister was diagnosed with cancer. Barry works with Silas Stone a scientist at S.T.A.R Labs to develop a suit composed of nantechnology that could generate a frictionless force field around him and fold indefinetely to compactly fit in the smallest of places. Silas does this but wants to run tests on Barry.
After a few days, Barry returns to Central City searching for Leonard Snart as The Flash and finds him at a bar. The Flash tells him that he knows everything and attempts to reason with him. Leonard is hostile and a major fight ensues, between them. It finally ends with Leonard defeated and imprisoned. Barry offers to help pay for some of the cancer treatment and Leonard accepts his help. The final scene shows Barry spray painting a yellow lightning bolt on the suit, then the suit folds and shrinks into his ring.
Green Lantern

Opening Credits set up the Green Lantern premise of The Guardains, Green Lanterns are selected to protect different sectors of space from intergalactic threats (The Green Lantern Corp), etc.
John Stewart was a former architect, now fighting overseas as Marine. His entire batallion is killed, and he is the sole survivor. He is captured as a POW (prisoner of war) and is tortured by violent militants everyday but he refuses to give up or accept that help will probably never come. He attempts escape regularly. He demonstrates how strong his will power is, and one day a green ring appears in his cell. He puts it on and to his surprise anything he thinks about is constructed by the ring. He uses it to escape, then the ring automatically builds a space vessel and transports him to Oa. John meets the Guardians who expalin the Green Lantern Corp and why he was selected. He then undergoes training and learns how to use the ring (This will take up most of the film). The Guardians tell all of the Green Lanterns about an alien threat that is headed toward Earth. A final fight occurs where John leads his fellow Green Lanterens in epic space battle against the alien foes. The Green Lanterns win and the film ends with John returning to Earth and stopping a mugger with his new abillities
END CREDIT SCENE: The Aliens that The Green Lantern Corp fought are revealed to be controlled by star shaped parasites attached to their faces. On a foreign world a giant star shaped creature with a single eye in its center is revealed, Starro