Thor trailer: Breakdown and my analysis

Thor trailer:  Breakdown and my analysis

Breaking down what we see in the Thor trailer and thoughts on the characters

Editorial Opinion
By claybo4131 - Aug 03, 2010 08:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor

I am sure many people here and on the web have managed to take a look at the trailer for Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios anticipated comic-book adaption of THOR that was seen at Comic-Con. Marvel has been sending out the brute squad on any sites that have it, but a few still have it up. Good news, it was a trending topic higher than Justin Bieber that day, so all is good in the universe because of that.

Back on topic, since the trailer/footage is 5 minutes long I was thinking there were going to be some spoilers. In fact, it did not have a whole lot of spoilers in it and I am glad of that. Anyhow here is my breakdown on the trailer, costumes, other realms, so on and so forth


For those who have NOT seen the Thor trailer, it is still here on CBM and I found another site that still has it up, so if you want to see it and make it full-screen, email me where it says CONTACT ME and I can send the link to you in an email.

My apologies for not posting screen caps or the trailer on here, since Pietro already did it and Marvel/Paramount told him to take them down, I can not put up those photos, the only ones I can put up are ones officially released by Marvel/Paramount. I do have a lot of those photos on my computer but I don't want Marvel's hit squad to come after me.


The website I had saved to email people the THOR trailer got hunted down by the Marvel hit squad. I just noticed this on August 6, but for all that got to see it, I hope you enjoyed it. If anyone knows of another link or finds another link, email me so I can save it to my favorites. Thanks


I am going to start with the beginning part of the trailer. You see SHIELD Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) interrogating someone. You see screen clips of Thor (Chris Hemsworth) taking out people left and right. Agent Coulson wants to know where he came from. It goes to a shot of Thor with a serious look on his face.

It seems that SHIELD wants to know where the Mjilnor (Thor's hammer for those not up to speed) came from, what it is, and why they cant get it out of the ground. It seems they put up some quarantine-type mobile command center around it. Anyhow I like this becuase SHIELD doesn't know what they are dealing with and what is going on, introducing them to the other realm/other world universe.

Now on to Asgard. I have run out of adjectives to describe the breathtaking look of Asgard. I can tell from the footage that Digital Domain, who is working on the effects, is not finished with the effects. I can make-out Bifrost, the rainbow bridge, but it doesnt seem bright enough as it seems in the comics. Like I said, I have a feeling this isn't the final product. The Halls of Asgard and Odin's throne room are a loss for words. Odin's throne is magnificent, and even having the crows shows that Kenneth Branagh really did his homework and is putting every last detail in this.

Also from the trailer I made out Jotunheim, the land of the Frost Giants, I can tell from some scenes due to the ice and snow. I think I had made out Svarltenheim, the land of the Dwarves and where the Mjilnor was forged but I am not 100% sure. It looks like they did not use a whole lot of green/blue screen, but if they did, wow did they turn out great.

I also made out what looks like either Frost Giants or Dark Elves, though I did notice one Frost Giant which I believe is Colm Feore, again speculation, but I hope they are actually GIANTS.

On this part we see plenty of the Asgardian characters and right here we will break them down.

Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Obviously, many of us have seen Chris Hemsworth already as Thor, and yes people HE DOES HAVE THE HELMET, and many things have been said about the costume. I love the costume and looking at him now, I see THOR, I don't see some actor as Thor, I see THOR.

The only thing I had seen Hemsworth in prior was as Captain Kirk's father in the first 10 minutes of "Star Trek", as have most of us, and I have been told that he was in other stuff but I haven't had a chance to see "A Perfect Getaway"

From the trailer, he has beefed up to be the massive size of the God of Thunder. He admits he does have pressure playing such a well known character that has been around for 50 years that has a massive fan base, but now seeing Thor in action, I feel that they went with the right guy.

Tom Hiddleston as Loki

I admit I had never seen Tom Hiddleston in anything before, I am sure some of our friends in England have seen him on Wallander so when he was cast as Loki, I had no idea what to expect, sometimes an unknown is sink or swim. I watched an interview of him at the BAFTA awards I believe (correct me if I am wrong) and then after seeing the Comic-Con interviews, I can tell by his posture, tone, enjoyment of playing the role that he was the right fit for Loki, and Kenneth Branagh did previously work with him so he saw something in Tom

After seeing him in the trailer, I am very convinced HE IS LOKI, the posture, the look in his eyes just spell out the manipulation he has going on in his head to rule Asgard and kill Thor. I sense he will be that "I hate him but love him" type of villian and I have a gut feeling this has a reminder of Commodus from "Gladiator", played tremendously by Joaquin Phoenix in the film. I am not saying that Loki will land Tom an Oscar nomination or a win like Heath Ledgers Joker did, but I feel that we have a rising star not only in Chris Hemsworth, but with Tom Hiddleston as well. An Oscar nomination/win in the future....possibly.

Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif

Many of us who have Twitter are probably following this young lady and her tweets, and for a while, she was the best updated news we had from the set. She even told me back in March after someone made that bad photoshop job of her as Sif that her costume was way cooler than that photo, but also indicated to me that Sif had multiple outfits.

From the trailer I made out 3 different outfits for Sif, the one we all saw on that glimpse on ET, another similar to it but instead it doesn't have sleeves and the third it looked a bit more ceremonial/lady-like. The ones I am sure we care about more are the battle costumes. They have the crimson color in them which is correct, one thing guys will notice is its not as revealing as it has been in the past, but they went for a more warrior style outfit. Nonetheless, Jaimie was right her outfit was cool, we see maybe two action scenes real quick with her, one where shes jumping down thrusting her Enchanted Sword in someone, and another where she is showing off, which I happen to like. From this she looks like Sif, and I hope we see her in plenty more action scenes

The Warriors 3, Ray Stevenson as Volstagg, Joshua Dallas as Frandal, Tadanobu Asano as Hogun

3 warriors that are loyal to Thor and always love to go to battle with him. At first I was trying to picture The Punisher and also Gary Oldman's right hand man in "The Book of Eli" in a fat suit and ZZ Top beard, and I saw an interview online that he enjoyed putting it on. Even Kylie Furneaux (stuntwoman) told me in a tweet it was her favorite costume on set. I saw where many people are comparing him to Gimli from "Lord of the Rings" and I can see that in a way, but he is much taller than the dwarf from Middle-Earth. You see glimpses of him as well as the other 2, but you do see a full shot of him. Granted he isn't as fat as he is in the comics (with comics you can over-exaggerate and do stuff) but not to the point where you dont notice him. I am sure it was also for comfortability and mobility.

Joshua Dallas is a young man I have no idea who he is I admit, but looking at him, I'm glad Stuart Townsend decided to be a douchebag yet again and walk off the set of a major blockbuster franchise AGAIN. Joshua looks like Frandal, he has that Eroll Flynn look to his character, or as someone else on here referred to him as The Dread Pirate Roberts (Princess Bride=Classic).

Only saw a bit of Tadanobu Asano as Hogun, Hogun did look a bit Genghis Khan-like and they cast a guy who has played Genghis Khan recently in an Oscar nominated foreign film, so this seems to work. I like the diversity of the cast so far.

Rene Russo as Frigga

I noticed Rene Russo has not been in a film in 5 years (WHAT crazy I know) but she still looks stunning in her mid-50's (yes that is true). Most of us remember her from action films like "Lethal Weapon 3&4" and "In The Line of Fire" but here, she is more motherly in this, the caring mother (I know Step-Mother but still) and also worries about Asgard as you hear her in part of the trailer. One notation is she doesn't have grey hair like in the comic, but who wants to see the lovely Rene Russo with grey hair anyways right?

Idris Elba as Heimdall

You only see two glimpses of Idris as the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, and many commented about a black guy being in Thor, well you should see the look on his face as Heimdall, he looks like someone who will slice and dice you. Hope we get to see more of him

And finally

Anthony Hopkins as Odin

Do we really need to go on about him as Odin? One of the best actors out there, we all know how good he is, has a great screen presence, just great command, in charge, and him playing a God, can you ask for anything better? Sometimes you come across perfect casting for films based on comics/cartoons and other well known books, Sir Anthony as Odin is perfect casting, we don't need to go any further.

Back to the trailer:

Here Odin casts Thor down. Thor is found in the desert by a young scientist Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) and Darcy (Kat Dennings) seems to have a thing for Thor saying "For a crazy homeless person he's.....pretty cut" with a flirtatious look on her face. Then Thor tries to get his hammer back but can't, then most of the scenes cut back from Earth and Asgard, a good balance. When Thor gets to Earth we are introduced to 3 other people

Natalie Portman as Jane Foster

Jane seems to have a big heart cause she comes across Thor in the desert and I am sure she thinks he has lost his mind, saying he comes from a place where Magic and Science are one in the same, not knowing what is going on. Later on you see she cares for Thor a lot (Kissing scene yes its in the trailer) but we don't know what her character does when the action shifts to earth (One scene you see Thor in regular clothes and in the background you see Jane, Kat Dennings, Stellan Skarsgard, Sif and the Warriors 3, what is going on, only speculation). Love the choice of Natalie as Jane, playing a smart scientist and not looking like eye candy for the movie

Kat Dennings as Darcy (???)

You only see her once in the trailer, but I still have money on her being Hela, the Goddess of the Dead, in disguise.

Stellan Skarsgard as ???

I see him a bit in the trailer, whats funny is his son Alexander was considered for Thor, but I guess his son will still be a blood sucker for now. I think Stellan is some Norse expert or something, can not make it out.

After we see the THOR title, we see Destroyer come up on SHIELD agents and start blowing away the cars. My favorite part was when one of the agents asks Agent Coulson "Is that one of Stark's?" and he replies "I don't know, the guy never tells me anything." which shows the tie-in from the Iron Man franchise in there.

One other thing I did notice, I noticed a Dr. Pepper vending machine in one scene, which has me believing that we will see Thor on Dr. Pepper cans next summer.

I am glad they did not put too many spoilers in the trailer. One omission that people will notice no....

FOR ODIN......FOR ASGARD said in it

I am glad they did not do that, I would rather be surprised and not know when to expect him saying that in the movie, kind of an element of surprise, but when he says it, watch us fanboys having to check our underwear after that.

Also I noticed no Balder, Valkyrie or winged horses, and Amora. I don't think Amora is in the film, but I have heard whispers about Balder and Valkyrie, but again they didn't give us all the spoilers.

As a massive Thor fan with Thor being my fav of all time, this does not let me down, this was jaw-dropping to me. If the trailer can do this for me, I can not imagine what the movie will look like.

PREDICTION-The movie will be 2 1/2 hours long, and I think the general audience will catch on to his and go see it and not have the "Oh its another fantasy or comic book movie" mentality, when the first trailer comes out in theaters/internet, I think people will flock to this. Opening weekend projection, last year I would have said 80 million, Im going for the big one, over 100 million dollars opening weekend.
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Destroyer14 - 8/3/2010, 9:33 AM
The Destroyer is going to be the best part.
Wadey09 - 8/3/2010, 9:35 AM
then why would she be commenting on how he is "pretty cut?"
there's an awkward relationship!!!
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 9:36 AM
@moraga uumm I am not the only one who thinks Kat Dennings is Hela, Hela is more of a central character in the comics than Gaea has been, and if you look at Kat, tell me she isnt Hela, do your homework please.
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 9:52 AM
I said Darcy is Hela in disguise, and am I the only one that thinks that? Tell me how that is weak

I agree with @wadey cmon if that was his "mom" unless Thor turns to Oedipus, I am missing something
HelaGood - 8/3/2010, 9:59 AM
@moraga there are a lot of us that think she may be Hela due to many factors...

see this article:

HelaGood - 8/3/2010, 10:02 AM
@claybo4131 great article/breakdown!

i am glad rene is in this film and without grey hair. she is indeed beautiful.

jaime is gonna be the next hot ticket. i wouldnt be surprised if she is approached by WB to play Wonder Woman after this movie!
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 10:06 AM
@moraga Brown Hair and Blue Eyes, again do your homework, Kat Dennings has big brown eyes, and read @Helagood's article he did about a month ago

@Hela You arent the only one that mentioned her as Wonder Woman, Pietro started a Twitter trend with that, and Kylie said only if I can be her stuntwoman, and even Jaimie retweeted it herself and liked it. I agree that Chris, Tom and Jaimie will become household names next summer
HelaGood - 8/3/2010, 10:11 AM
@claybo4131 which is a good thing! tom, chris, and jaime are all great actors and deserve their time in the sun! its a shame with the whole MGM thing going on that two of chris' movies have yet to see the light of day... Red Dawn & Cabin in the Woods. cant wait to see Cabin in the Woods particularly. whedon and hemsworth!
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 10:17 AM
@Hela Very true, he was asked about the Red Dawn thing and MGM is in a big cluster%&$# right now and that even holds up James Bond and The Hobbit. I dont know how MGM got this way.

Yes Chris Tom and Jaimie deserve their time in the sun, Jaimie actually cried when she got through filming because she didnt want it to end and I am sure she cant wait to do a sequel since Chris and Tom will be back in costume this Feb. for Avengers.

And yes Rene with grey hair would look odd to me in a way
HelaGood - 8/3/2010, 11:05 AM
i think Darcy is.... teabag
HelaGood - 8/3/2010, 11:54 AM
im thinking it might be cool for an after credits scene/set-up for Avengers where Darcy shows up at Loki's doorstep, reveals who she is (Hela in disguise), and they plan to attack earth together using the Hulk!
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 12:33 PM
@helagood I will add that after credits scene to the other one I have in theory of After Credits for Thor (I just have one for Cap but its kinda obvious on that one) The other after credits scene I thought of was Loki captures Dr Banner. Of course theories and it leads to good arguments

@ckal Yeah I heard if Balder and Valkyrie are in it, they might be minor roles, and I know Amora isnt in it for sure

@brazilianbatman Frost Giants are in it, Kenneth Branagh said that during Thor cornation that there are some chill creatures that come, plus a few scenes are dead giveaways that there are frost giants involved cause they are on Jotunheim. Remember, this is August, the movie is out in May, they arent giving us the entire piece of pie right now they want us to see the movie.

@moraga Kat Dennings is not Thors mom trust me, no one here thinks that.
HelaGood - 8/3/2010, 1:12 PM
@Anil Rickly awww c'mon man, youre no fun! ;)
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 2:03 PM
@Anil cmon man, dont rain on @helagoods parade, if Hela isnt in Thor, he will go home crying
HelaGood - 8/3/2010, 2:25 PM
@claybo4131 damn straight!
Destroyer14 - 8/3/2010, 2:42 PM
I hope the Destroyer gets a huge role in the film. I wonder if someone will be controlling it, or will it movie on its own. Hoping for the latter.
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 2:45 PM
@destroyer, If I had to put money on it, Id say LOKI is controlling Destroyer pretty much. Again, this is all fun speculating, but we are not one of the lucky people that were involved in the movie

@Hela Yeah the best weve seen of anything other than comics of Hela is in the Hulk Vs Thor, I dont know about that 1966 Thor cartoon, trying to get that cartoon out of my head lol
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 2:46 PM
As long as Thor doesnt open like this, I will be happy

bjvb997 - 8/3/2010, 3:23 PM

I think I would walk out if the opening looked like that.
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 3:27 PM
@bjvb I know id say shoot me and hang me from a tree

Id like to see it open like this in a way, the part that has the credits

MinkyUrungus - 8/3/2010, 4:43 PM
Man, I hope the Bifrost bridge is just the brightest damn rainbow we've ever seen.
DEFENDER - 8/3/2010, 5:26 PM
so far to me kat dennings character in the film does not interest me & why insert such a character in the movie unless she is disguised as hela death goddess who is spying on thor & reporting back to loki.
claybo4131 - 8/3/2010, 8:31 PM
@Anil if it goes by the comics, then Donald Blake finds a stick and it turns out to be Thor's hammer and he can change himself into Thor. If you notice its not even close but still looking like its done great. I dont think doing a new character in this with an up and coming actress like Kat Dennings for as just Janes understudy works, Hela has always wanted Thors soul and sees him as vulnerable on earth, hint Darcy is Hela in disguise, but thats a theory
claybo4131 - 8/4/2010, 6:51 AM
@jerbear Stellan Skarsgard is an earth character, you see him 3 times overall in the trailer
Urban8er - 8/4/2010, 7:19 AM
I really liked him throwing mjolnir. if he didn't do that and say FOR ODIN..FOR ASGARD I would be a little bit disappointed.
claybo4131 - 8/4/2010, 8:09 AM
@moraga I dont work for Paramount Pictures

@Urban he does say FOR ODIN...FOR ASGARD from all accounts I have heard, what part I dont know and I dont want to know till the movie. If they added that in a trailer, id rather it be voice over so it can surprise us fanboys, but when he says it, I might have to check my underwear after it.
claybo4131 - 8/4/2010, 8:11 AM
For all the people who have emailed me requesting the trailer, I appreciate all the kind words and compliments, even if you tell your friends to contact me that is find, I will gladly link the trailer for all to see. Again thanks for being appreciative
superotherside - 8/4/2010, 8:56 AM
@claybo4131 wow great article! although u beat me to making an article like this, i'm glad u told me about marvel taking off pictures! because i'm uploading over 70 thor pictures to photobucket so i could make an article like this as i type. so glad u told me that! i'll have to make an article when the next trailer comes out so that there will be no problems with the pics... anyway great article again! and i agree with u 100%!
claybo4131 - 8/4/2010, 9:05 AM
@otherside I have all those photos on my CPU as well but not in the CBM photobucket. you can still email me in the CONTACT ME part or here if you want to add or discuss anything as in your opinion or want to add anything that I may have missed.

This was my analysis, if course it could be different from yours, the thing is there is no right or wrong analysis
Urban8er - 8/4/2010, 2:31 PM
That's amazing!!! @claybo thank Odin. :D
claybo4131 - 8/4/2010, 3:41 PM
@urban By Odins Beard you are welcome
patriautism - 8/8/2010, 3:39 PM
It looks to me like they're going with more of the Ultimate story line for Thor.
I think Everyone will think he's just plain nutso, until Loki invades earth.
DEFENDER - 8/28/2010, 4:22 PM
going by the trailer i feel this will be a very very good movie & i think will pass $100 million opening weekend.
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