I know, I know. What would you do with out Megan Fox article's to bitch about? I don't know either? Sounds like a few industry executives have dropped the news that Michael Bay is considering the idea that Megan Fox will be clipped at the beginning of Transformers 3, riding off into the sunset by way of a gory death scene!
Don't check your eyes or your Internet connection, and remember you heard it here first.
Hollyscoop.com goes on to say:
“Michael’s pretty much discovered Megan and now he’s very quietly looking for her replacement. He hasn't decided if he’s going to kill her off in the next movie, but he just wants to be prepared.”
Way to go Michael! That's how you stick it to her. I guess Michael Bay just got tired of having to clean up the mess her potty mouth makes every time she opens it. Earlier reports are that the crew did not like Megan either. I guess it was only a matter of time before all her ugly comments caught up with her. One could only dream of the money they would make by putting out an action figure that recreates the gory death scene that will be the end of Megan Fox in the Transformers movie franchise.