The Walking Dead is an Eisner Award winning comic series created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore in 2001. The series went on to get critical acclaim that resulted into it getting a TV adaption. The TV show would also garner much critical acclaim and break ratings records within its first two episodes. These ratings records would also allow the show to gain a second season coming later this year.
1UP was recently invited to a video game announcement meeting. They are reporting that according to the invitation that game developer
Telltale Games, who are making the upcoming
Back To The Future video game, are doing a video game based off of a TV show that is also based of a comic and they are speculating that it is
The Walking Dead.
"one based on a just-launched property from the TV and comic book world whose popularity is changing life as some know it."
The Walking Dead is currently a comic series being distributed by Image Comics as well as a TV show on AMC currently in between seasons.
The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse; it follows a small group of survivors, traveling across the desolate United States in search of a new home away from the shuffling hordes of the undead. The group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a sheriff's deputy in the fictional King County, Georgia, before the zombie outbreak. As their situation grows more and more grim, the group's desperation to survive pushes them to the brink of insanity. At every turn they are faced with unspeakable horrors-- both from the dead, and from the scattered remains of a struggling human populace.