Although it's been almost one season now that Arrow has been on television the fan following has been going strong. Oliver Queen was never thought of as a top level character created by DC comics, but in recent years rose to that occasion. It was mostly due to the enormous popularity status of the 10 season long hit series Smallville which made the character a series regular by the time season 8 rolled around. That shows story lines (plus the performance by Justin Hartley) is what made Oliver Queen an instant favorite among long time fans of the show. So much of a favorite that people actually wanted Oliver to get his own spin off series even before Smallville ran its course. They also wanted Justin to stay on as the title character since his popularity grew also. At first the shows creators stayed far away from even bringing any acknowledgement to a possible series starring the "Emerald Archer", but the network itself saw the potential of bringing such a show to fruition.

Don't expect to ever see something like this on Arrow.
Fastforward 5 seasons later and the end of an era finally came to a close as the boy who would eventually become a "Superman" finally took flight into the history books. Solidifying its place among the longest lasting shows in television history. Afterwards people were left wondering when or even if a new superhero series was on the horizon to take Smallville's place. Those questions quickly got answered, because no less than a year and a half later the fans of that show got their wish granted (sort of). Usher in the new man in green tights with the CW's brand new series simply titled "Arrow". Stephen Amell is the new guy taking up the mantle as Star Citys current protector, but from a different perspective. It seems that although it hasn't been on the air long enough a distinct similarity can be made between this show and Christopher Nolan's superhero trilogy. Arrow definitely differs in overall tone in comparison to its fellow super show brethren Smallville.

Can boxing glove arrows exist in the "real" world?
The stories plus the way Oliver goes about delivering his brand of "justice" just shows how opposite this show, and its star character is from what was presented on Smallville. That brings me to my article headline which clearly points out the very obvious absence this show will have to get over no matter how much fans want to see it. In a world like the one Nolan presented in his stories it was obvious that Bruce Wayne would never get a visit from his "super friends" in any movie team up. This will also be the case when it comes to any potential appearance from super beings joining Oliver in his crusade to fight crime. One of Smallville's strongest assets which helped it to stay on for such a long time was having DC universe characters at their disposal to use from time to time. Yes they were restricted from using certain people, but at least they were able to put together some type of version of the league that wasn't horrible. Arrow won't be able to do that unless they intend on making a group of non super powered heroes, but how many people would really get hyped about that idea?