A Song of Criminals and Cowls: Game of Thrones & Batman Mash-Up

A Song of Criminals and Cowls: Game of Thrones & Batman Mash-Up

I do an expansive fancast of the Batverse using Game of Thrones characters. Check it out!

By caseyhaney - Jul 13, 2015 03:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Game of Thrones

A Song of Criminals and Cowles


Game of Thrones

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The worlds of Westeros and Gotham meet in this world clashing fan cast. We intermix the roles of those in Westeros with those in Gotham. Each one is individually cast based on character traits, and it is not just based on age, height, weight or looks. Let’s find out who is who and why they fit the bill!


Bruce Wayne (Batman): Jon Snow

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So, starting off this fancast is the one and only Batman. I thought long and hard about who relates most to the Dark Knight. Considering he’s my favorite character of all-time it took a lot of thinking. However, I think Jon Snow is my guy.


Jon is a man of extreme will and honor. These are the two most important components to Batman. Both have lost their parents who were important figures in their respective worlds and helped hold the world together. Their worlds were both thrown into a bit of chaos upon the death of each of their parents. Jon Snow also looks most like Batman to me. He reminds me a lot of Batman from Year One. He is a young man with strong convictions and an unwavering sense of morality. He puts others before himself even when it is detrimental to him. Jon is not only a leader, but tries hard to lead those who need it most. He also has his close confidant as well as his disciples. Jon Snow, in my eyes at least, is the only man in the GoT universe worthy of donning the cowl (also, he’s constantly in black and grey just like Batman).


Jason Todd (Red Hood): Olly

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Olly is my Red Hood for his relation and actions to and towards Jon Snow. He is one of Jon Snow’s confidants and trainees, who then betrays him by delivering the fatal blow to him. He, much like Jason Todd, has a tendency towards extreme measures. When Jon wants to help the Wildlings, Olly urges him to abandon them and let them die. Jason Todd would casually beat criminals to a pulp when they were low level crooks who didn’t deserve that degree of punishment. His betrayal is what ultimately connects Olly to Tim. Like Jason, Olly knew what would draw Jon out and how he could defeat him. Jason knows Batman intimately and knows what his soft spots are, making him a formidable foe.


Dick Grayson (Nightwing): Oberyn Martell

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Oberyn, to me, is a perfect Nightwing. He is someone based in honor and skill. He is one of the most skilled fighters around and has a bit of cockiness to him. Nightwing is the embodiment of all of these traits in the Batverse. Nightwing, having been trained by Batman, is now an extremely proficient fighter with a style similar to Oberyn. Having to constantly prove himself, he is now a bit cocky about his level of skill in attempt to show Batman that he is indeed a worthy protege. Both men are men who fight for the innocent and for a bit of revenge. Like Nightwing, Oberyn’s family has been murdered and his crusade for justice is based on this fact.


Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle): Sansa Stark

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These are two strong women. Batgirl is a woman who has had to play coy, survive extreme trauma, and fight for her life with her extreme perseverance. Sansa is the exact copy (and I don’t mean that in a bad way). We’ve seen Sansa endure rape, family murder, torture, and being sold into marriage multiple times. There are few women who could endure such harshness and still want to live and still want to fight. Much like Barbara, who was shot by the Joker and stripped naked while he took photos to later show her father, Sansa has seen the worst in the world through Joffrey, Ramsay, and Little Finger. Somehow, both women’s perseverance keeps them going no matter what they face, and they admittedly face the worse of both of their worlds.


James Gordon: Samwell Tarly

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Being Jon Snow’s best friend doesn’t hurt Sam in this casting choice! Not only is he Jon’s partner and confidant, but he has an unshakable sense of what is right, regardless of his ability to uphold what he believes at all times. Gordon is someone who tries his hardest to uphold the law in a city full of supervillains, whilst remaining a normal man. He cannot fight Bane, bust Penguin, scare Scarecrow, or kill the Joker, but dammnit if he won’t try! This reminds me a lot of Sam who defends Gilly at all costs even though he isn’t the most fit to do so. He knows what is important to him, and is willing to dedicate his life to defend it, just like Gordon.


Tim Drake (Robin): Arya Stark

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This was another easy choice for me. Arya is a girl who is a girl of strong convictions. She knows what she wants and what she believes and goes to extreme lengths to achieve them. She is trained well in fighting and perception and is able to hold her own regardless of her age and size. Tim Drake was always the underdog to me when it came to Robins. He was always one who was overshadowed by the others, but who deserved to be a Robin. He is very highly skilled and disciplined. He follows Batman’s crusade and sometimes challenges him on his calls much like Arya follows the Many-Faced God, but questions the teachings. They are both hard headed characters, but they are not hindered by this trait.


Alfred Pennyworth: Aemon Targaryen

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Aemon was the second casting choice that I thought of. Right when I decided Jon was Batman, it was instantaneous that I thought of Aemon as Alfred. He is right there with Jon providing counsel to the troubled man, but has a lot of experience that isn’t immediately recognized. Alfred is a man who is trained in medicine, much like a Maester would be, and he acts as a father figure not only to Batman, but to the rest of the Bat-Clan as well. He is a just man who knows how to give advice without giving the answers. Aemon is a master at helping leading Jon to the choice that Jon feels is right rather than telling him what to do. Both are always there for the other and are irreplaceable.


Thomas Wayne: Eddard Stark

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Here we are with the meeting of patriarchs. Both men are the epitome of honor, intelligence, and legacy. However, when both men die in their universes, it throws each into chaos. Thomas Wayne’s death helps bring the birth of Batman and all of his villains. His death also throws Gotham into a spiral of chaos as people fight to overtake the power held by the late Thomas Wayne. The exact same thing happens when Ned Stark meets the blade. His death in season 1 is the major catalyst for all of the conflicts being explored throughout GoT. Without his death some of our favorite heroes and villains wouldn’t have risen up.


Amanda Waller: Cersei Lannister

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Now these two are some cold-hearted women. As cold-hearted as they may be, they are both women of extremes whether it be their will, their power, their influence, their cunning, or their idealism. We’ve seen Cersei do horrible things in order to get what she wants, but she also uses her wits to keep most of her control over others. Amanda Waller goes toe to toe with Batman in regards to intelligence and always uses her cunning and planning to keep Task Force X in check. These women command respect and ooze power.


Lucius Fox: Tyrion Lannister

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Both of these men are the best at what they do--advise. Lucius Fox’s role has always been to inform Batman and create gadgets in order to help his crusade against injustice. Tyrion has always served as royalty and his one of the most intelligent characters in all of GoT. Although he is one of the main characters, as well as one of my favorites, he is best utilized as the second in command. He is better at keeping his higher up well informed and ahead of the curve. They both are always willing to tell their higher-up what it is they need to hear rather than just what they want to hear. This trait makes both men invaluable assets.


Ra’s Al Ghul: Tywin Lannister

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When I think of both of these men, only one word comes to mind--legacy. These men are obsessed with legacy to the point where it is actually one of their major flaws. Ra’s al Ghul wants nothing more than to find a worthy successor to take up the mantle of The Demon’s Head. However, he does not deem one of his children as this successor and is obsessed with making Batman his successor. He just wants someone worthy of his name. Tywin Lannister despises Tyrion, has a daughter in Cersei, and Jaime cannot marry due to his enlistment with the Kingsguard. His legacy has now been tainted, and he wishes to due his best to try and create a worthy legacy so that perhaps somehow the Lannister name may live on. This obsession is in part what causes his death.


Talia Al Ghul: Daenerys Targaryen

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Both of these women are deadly, cunning, powerful, and passionate. Daenerys wants nothing more than to rule and command her people, but is tainted by the actions of her family before her. Even though she can sometimes act like those who came before her, she strives to be different and become her own women and ruler. Talia, living under the pressure and dissatisfaction of her father, strives to lead the League while also adapting to life now. She cares vehemently for her people but also finds love outside of her immediate area. She is a powerful assassin and is highly respected among the ranks of assassins. She shows more restraint and understanding than her father. Much like Daenerys, she struggles to find a balance in living her own life while still remembering  where her heritage lies.


Poison Ivy: Melisandre

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Do I even need to explain? Both of these red witches are seductive and deadly. They use their powers of persuasion to get what they want, and cause harm. Both have a mystical side to them. Melisandre often seems to exclude herself from the outcomes of events in her world, appearing to only care because the Lord of Light does. Poison Ivy oftens displays a similar disconnection with people by usually referring to them as humans, and identifying more as a plant. She seems to only care about the quarrels of man when it directly involves the well being and interest of her plants. Plus, the hair. I mean come on. It’s definitely the hair.


Harley Quinn: Myranda

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Psycho is psycho no matter where you’re from. Both Harley and Myranda are head over heels in love with their murderous lovers. Both of their obsessions actually cause them immediate harm, yet they always remain in love. They both carry out horrible actions in the name of their significant others. They are also both skilled killers but are sometimes blinded by their obsession with their lovers.


Joker: Ramsay Bolton

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Just look at these two. They are almost identical! Beside just the physical resemblance, both are [frick]ing batshit crazy. Sadomasochism barely begins to explain the psychosis of both of these maniacal killers. They kill with repulsive precision, enjoyment, and indiscrimination. They love toying with their victims as well as spontaneously killing those who are anything but deserving. Torture is also their favorite hobby. The Joker loves to torture as we’ve seen in the Killing Joke with Gordon and Barbara, or in Death in the Family with Jason Todd, or even Harley. Ramsay tortured Ree-I mean Theon for an entire season of the show! He then repeatedely rapes Sansa and beats her. These men are two peas in a pod.


Bane: The Hound

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These massive men have danced on the line of villain and antihero. Bane has been a formidable foe for Batman for a long time, but has also worked alongside him to take down other criminals. He has a code of honor colored in grey and is a brutal man. He lives in pain, much like The Hound. The Hound is a character that we all hated in the beginning, but grew to like a tad considering his protection of young Arya. However, even during this time, he brutally killed people, lied, and cheated to get his way. He is a survivor who does what it takes to get his way, much like Bane.


Solomon Grundy: The Mountain

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These Hulks are obviously physically alike. They are huge monsters and can take a huge [frick]ing beating. They are also both unable to die. They also rise back up. Both are brutes with little going on in their heads, but a lot going on in regards to their muscles. We’ve seen both go beserk in blind fits of rage and perform horrible acts. Solomon Grundy has also been easily controlled and manipulated over the years and used to further other’s agendas. The Mountain is a loyal servant to Cersei and only lives to serve her.


Catwoman: Nymeria Sand

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Now you might not know too much about Nymeria Sand if you watch Got, but if you read the books, you may know more about her. She is described as the most observant and cunning Sand Snake. She takes her time and assesses her enemy before striking, relying on her ability to calculate and read a certain situation. She does not rely on brute strength and is extremely skilled with a whip. Catwoman is a small woman, but is known for her cunning and ability to work her enemy down. Her precision with her whip is renowned as well as her ability to move with skill and precision. Both are extremely agile and chillingly calculating.


Clayface: Jaqen H’ghar

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I, like most people, really love Jaqen H’ghar. His ability to change faces and his devotion to the god that grants him this ability is much like Clayface. Clayface can replicate not only people’s looks but voices much like Jaqen. Clayface’s motivations have changed over the years, but he has always remained devoted to giving the best performance he can due to his background in theater. Both men devote their lives to perfecting their crafts of shapeshifting.


Deathstroke: Bronn

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These are my two of my favorite characters of all-time. However, both men are arguably the best swordsmen in their universes as well as skilled mercenaries. Both love the challenge of fighting someone of a similar skill level to themselves. Although Deathstroke has had more time as a villain, he is still very much so an anti-hero. He does live by a code, even though it isn’t the most honorable. Bronn has people he cares about, but doesn’t always rise to the occasion to help them unless there is something in it for him. To be honest, I’d love to see both of these men have a sword duel.


Scarecrow: Qyburn

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These two frightening monsters of men are mad scientists with bad intentions. Scarecrow specializes in scaring people while Qyburn uses his talents to do several horrific things, both men share in a desire to use science to create evil things. Scarecrow wants to use his fear toxin to harm those in Gotham as well as Batman. Qyburn wants to revive the Mountain so that he may protect and kill for Cersei Lannister. They both win the mad scientist fair in their universes.


Michael Lane (Azrael): Jorah Mormont

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After playing through Arkham Knight I really fell in love with Michael Lance’s Azrael. I instantly thought of Ser Jorah when playing as Azrael. Both are men trained to kill for what they think is a righteous cause, when both are confronted with conflicting ideals. They both must choose which it is they align themselves with. During this decision they battle internally with turning their life upside down as well as keeping the trust of those around them because both have, or have attempted to, betray those who they serve/work with now. Both are honorable men, but have conflicting ideologies that they are constantly struggling to overcome.


Well there it is! Thanks for sticking around, and I apologize if I didn’t cover your favorite character from either universe. I put a lot of work into this, so I hope you enjoyed the read, and I look forward to doing more fancasts like this in the future. As always, let me know what you think in the comments below and be sure to follow me on Twitter @HaneyCasey, Moviepilot.com/HaneyCasey, and on my website SlackerNerds.com!


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kong - 7/13/2015, 6:08 AM
How TF is Nightwing supposed to be 12 years older than Batman.
caseyhaney - 7/13/2015, 12:04 PM
I literally put in the beginning that the characters aren't based solely on age, height, weight, or looks. For me, it was about the character motivations and emotional traits.
DetectiveCinema - 7/13/2015, 5:29 PM
[frick], I've been sitting on my own one of these for the better half of six months. Serves me right for not getting my shit together on it.

Anyway not bad, I don't agree with a lot of your choices which I'm glad about. We both have a very different approach on it. Thumbs up from me
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