Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been fantastic this year to say the least. Last year was a little slow, but the slack has been picked up completely. I’ve decided to go ahead and say which characters I would love to see in this TV show. I would like to also note that not all of these characters fit into this season, a lot of them seem to be better fit for when Shield becomes more stable and they need more commanding officers. So without further ado, let’s take a look at these characters.
1. Already existing
Ok a little bit of a copout, but I would like to recognize a few characters I feel they could bring back for more action. One is Justin Hammer, he was somewhat good in Iron Man 2, but he could do more. He has the resources to take up a few episodes against the agents, and use those resources to do some damage to them. Imagine a few of those Hammer Drones going up against mockingbird? Another is Deathlok. Surprisingly we haven’t seen him yet this year, but I have a feeling that’s because they are waiting to bring him in as a heavy hitter. Hopefully Daniel Whitehall will get his Kraken armor from the comics, in which case Deathlok would be perfect to bring him down. Madam Masque could be Agent 33, makes total sense as she isn’t a powered villain, but a skilled one. I hope this ends up being the case. I could go on forever but those were just a few of the characters used in the MCU I feel should return.
2. Clay Quartermain
This guy is high on any comic book fans list; I’d probably place him in my top ten best agents. He has no special abilities; however he’s snappy enough to be interesting. A lot like Nance Blood in my opinion, however follows the rules a little tighter. Coulson is without a doubt needing any troops he can find, Clay would be an excellent edition. Personally think he would be great to use him as an operative that goes over seas to command someplace else. Shield obviously has people all over the world, so if they go overseas at any time, they can meet up with Quartermain.
3. Quake
How about a minor character? Quake is a pretty rock solid superhero. She is the only character in the comics to reach Level 10 status besides Fury and Black Widow, so evidently she is a high level agent. Quake has the ability to use vibrations in order to essentially make earthquakes, hence the name Quake. Definitely could show up for a few episodes, and has the power to go help out in a fight against Graviton should he return.
4. G. W. Bridge and Jimmy Woo
A high level agent as well, George Washington Bridge is a beast. Large and in charge he has connections all over the world, this is a guy who can get you stuff. He has spent time in the past chasing down the Punisher and Basilisk. A solid fighter, I could see him helping Coulson again as a commander of a division of Shield. Jimmy Woo is an undercover agent who would do excellent working with Mockingbird. There is no shortage of agents in marvel, but he is one I would pick for a stealth action agent. Again if Mockingbird got her own team he is definitely someone to look at.
5. Spiderwoman
I think this has become a clique pick by now, but seriously, she is great for this show. There are still no really super powered heroes on this show; she is the best fit to take that position. She’s the ability to pulse electric energy, as well as have superhuman strength and fly. So pretty powerful, one of the best Shield agents to date, I feel they will need someone to fill the extra strength they are missing from the team. The only issue is if they actually have the rights to her, there have been rumors Sony owns her, even though she is much more associated with HYDRA/Shield than Spiderman. I still have hops Sky is her, but if they bring her in separately I would be fine with that as well. Only time will tell who owns her and who she is.
6. US Agent
Honestly one of the hardest characters to pull off in this universe, because how many people will go for a Captain America copy-cat? One great character though, there are many different ways to make him work, obviously changing his origins though. Instead of Captain America’s Shield, they can use one of the shields from Captain America: The First Avenger. After that a mild suit that follows his would work well, he wouldn’t even need to be a Shield Agent. I think he would be a great way to stop the tension between Shield and the US Military. Say they ask him to be the mediator between them, he will fight with Shield, and make them follow the law at the same time. Something along those lines, but he has been a great character in the past; I’d love to see him here.
7. Wonderman and the Grim Reaper
Wonderman is a great superhero, chances of him getting on the big screen are slim, so why not have him on the small screen? He has ionic energy abilities, he can project it and he is incredibly powerful. His business was forced under by Tony Starks, so this could be an easy little cameo sequence that Robert Downey Jr. was saying he is open to. Beyond Wonderman though, his brother I think is even better for the show. The Grim Reaper has a cyborg scythe attached to his arm. One of the most well-known HYDRA Agents, he could be a formidable threat for the Shield agents at any point. An excellent dynamic between brothers, and their origins also have small ties to AIM, who I think really needs to be on the show. Two great characters and I think Marvel has a big opportunity to use them.
The big pick to be the Clairvoyant last season, this guy would still be excellent for this show. He is a huge enemy of Shield, and has ties to most of the villains I have chosen in this editorial. Personally my favorite villain to be on this show, he is crazy smart, and really powerful. The main drawback is of course he is crazy weird, which if done right I think they can pull him off. Of course the other issue is can they make a floating head look any good? Although there would probably be alterations to his original comic look, I think he is doable to say the least. I feel AIM really has the opportunity to step in if HYDRA ever gets old, which after a few seasons it might. MODOK is an excellent leader if that is the case.
9. Silvermane
It seems as if HYDRA is going to have a higherarchy of leadership in their organization. Strucker being referenced a few episodes ago as being the head overseas, Whitehall apparently running things in the U.S. Silvermane I think can be a leader in some area as well. Possibly lead his own team the Maggia as he did in the comics. Silvermane is a genius who’s been around since the 30s, he has a Cyborg body to keep him alive. He has lead the Maggia which consist of the Grim Reaper as well. Obviously he could be the leader, with the Grim Reaper at his side for a season. He is a formidable threat as well being a cyborg with superhuman strength and an excellent strategist.
10. Scorpion, Hardball, Man-Killer.

Threerelatively unknown villains. Scorpion has ties to AIM as well as HYDRA, and has some interesting powers. She can kill you with the touch of her hand, and has been known to mind control at times. An pretty nice combination, she lost her mother at a young age leaving her pretty mentally unstable. She’s been on the hunt for her mother, and she believes her real mother is under arrest from Shield. Hardball is also has ties to Scorpion, and HYDRA. He has the ability to create balls of energy he can fling at enemies. Obviously mildly powerful, he has ties with Graviton as well as HYDRA. As for Man-killer, her origins are essentially an angry feminist who gets powered by HYDRA, that can be changed. However despite that, she has superhuman strength and works as a freelancer more often than not. She also is a member of the Masters of Evil who I feel might be on the way on the show in some form. I think all of them would make good Henchmen in some episodes.
11. The Strucker Children
Baron Von Strucker will be a villain in Age of Ultron, why not have his kids show up in Agents of Shield? First is Werner, he hasn’t done much in the comics yet. Simply a high ranking HYDRA Agent. Probably could still be used as just that in Agents of Shield. Second is Andrea, daughter of Baron Von Strucker. Because of her being genetically mutated, she has the ability to fire bio-energy. Again she normally is seen assisting her brother and could do so in the show as well. Andreas is the most noted child of Strucker, he also goes by the Swordsman. He must be in the presence of his sister for his abilities to work, but again he has the ability to fly and blast energy. He loves his blades, including one made of adamantium. He would probably be the leader of the three, being he is the most known, and most deadly. Seeing these three rule different parts of HYDRA, and then attacking Shield would be pretty great.
12. Taskmaster
Probably the most wanted on the show, Taskmaster was created for a Shield show almost. With the ability to copy any combat style, he would be able to fight hand to hand with anyone on the show. In his past he has been a trainer for multiple characters, I could see HYDRA paying him to do the same. He’s not really a villain, but a mercenary who goes to the highest bidder (Who is pretty much always the villains). He could be a fantastic addition to the show, weather as a main villain, or have a small story arc. Hopefully we see him.
So now that you know the characters, just a small little layout as to how I’d love to see the next few years going on Agents of Shield.
Season 3: The Strucker children leading HYDRA, introduce Quartermain.
Season 4: Scorpion, Hardball, Man-Killer. Forming the (TV Version) Masters of Evil with Blizzard, Absorbing man, and maybe Graviton. Shield gets a small team lead by G.W. Bridge that can show up for a time fighting the MOS. Consisting of Jimmy Woo and Quake, and Deathlok.
Season 5: Wonderman, Grim Reaper, Silvermain and Madam Masque (Agent 33) form the Maggia. Spiderwoman shows up to help battle them, ending in Wonderman becoming a hero.
Season 6: Taskmaster working for MODOK, US Agent shows up. Eventually Taskmaster will leave MODOK and do his own thing.
Thank you all, come back for my theory on why AOS is setting up the Eternals and NOT the Inhumans.