At SDCC, MTV spoke with Marvel head honcho Joe Quesada and he said to expect some Marvel characters to be gracing our tv screens since the creation of their new television department. So MTV ran a poll and asked readers who they would want to see most. Unsurprisingly, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, The Heroes For Hire topped it. So when they caught up with Jeff Loeb at NYCC, this is what they found out..

"I know the poll very well, believe me, It was brought into my life."
"While I don't want to exactly comment on development per se, a lot of the things that were on that list ... people will not be disappointed by,"
"I thought what was really smart about the list was that, with some exceptions — like people asking whether there could be an "Avengers" television show, [because] we have a gigantic movie coming out in 2012 with the biggest cast ever in a movie — but for the most part, I think a lot of people who voted were savvy on two things: they were savvy on the idea of who the Marvel characters were, [and] they also understood it was television,
"We're never going to be able to do Iron Man the way they do with Robert Downey Jr. That movie is just so cool and so big. We have to look at stuff we can actually do."
'Heroes for Hire' is the kind of thing that certainly we could see being a television show, That's not to say it will be, but it's in the right spirit of the things."
"There are some pretty big surprises, however, [and] when we do finally announce what it is that we'll be doing, I think people will be going, 'Wow, you're really going to get out there and make something that will be huge and enormous and wonderful,'"
So nothing definite, but he certainly sounds enthusiastic about the possibility. But as much as I would enjoy seeing any number of characters, especially Cage and Iron Fist, in a tv show, if it ever got in the way of seeing them in a movie I think I would have to pass. And we also heard from Idris Elba teh other day, who suggested that Marvel have plans to bring Luke cage to the big screen. Surely they wouldn't do both. What do you folks think?