STAR WARS: Lucasfilm Rumored To Be Developing A WHAT IF...?-Inspired TV Series Set In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

STAR WARS: Lucasfilm Rumored To Be Developing A WHAT IF...?-Inspired TV Series Set In A Galaxy Far, Far Away STAR WARS: Lucasfilm Rumored To Be Developing A WHAT IF...?-Inspired TV Series Set In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

It appears big changes are taking place behind the scenes at Lucasfilm because a new rumour suggests the studio is now working on a What If...?-inspired Star Wars TV series. You can find more details here!

By JoshWilding - Jan 14, 2024 10:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

Over the past few years, we've seen Marvel Studios shift its focus from Thanos and the Infinity Stones to the Multiverse. While fans have been slow to warm to the concept (largely due to what's been perceived as a dip in quality), the likes of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and What If...? have proved it has potential.

Now, it appears Star Wars might be about to take a page from the latter's book. 

According to scooper Daniel Richtman (via, Lucasfilm is developing its own What If...?-style Star Wars TV show. We have no idea whether it will be animated or live-action though the former would make it easier both in terms of casting and exploring some wildly different timelines

We can't imagine it will be titled anything as on the nose as "What If... Star Wars?" as the Marvel and Star Wars franchises are very much their own thing despite both being owned by Disney. Still, this isn't the first time Lucasfilm has weighed up the possibility of exploring alternate timelines. 

It very nearly happened in a scrapped Star Wars Battlefront video game and, heading into Ahsoka, rumours swirled that the World Between Worlds would explore a timeline where Ahsoka Tano confronted Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar in place of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Perhaps that could be used here? 

Last year, What If…? director and executive producer Bryan Andrews revealed that Marvel Studios turned down his request for a Star Wars crossover in the hit animated series.

"I think Kevin [Feige] really doesn’t want to cross certain streams. But we did pitch...we actually had a Star Wars/Marvel crossover. So I think it’s absolutely doable. I just don’t know if [Feige] wants to cross those streams, but it’s really funny. Once you get to the realization of why, you go: 'Oh, that...oh, right!' It totally makes sense."

"It won’t rain on anyone’s parade. But it was just a love letter to old-school Star Wars. And it was great. And I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to do it. But we have thought about that stuff."

While that's likely still off the table, Lucasfilm finally heading down this route with Star Wars will put them back in the good graces of fans and the mind boggles at the many possibilities a show like this can explore. 

This obviously isn't an official look at the rumoured series, but it might get you excited about what the show could have in store for us...

THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Night Recap - The Master's Face Revealed As We Bid Farewell To [SPOILER] And [SPOILER]

THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 "Night" Recap - The Master's Face Revealed As We Bid Farewell To [SPOILER] And [SPOILER]

THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Teaser Sees The Master In Action; Hints At More Flashbacks
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THE ACOLYTE Episode 5 Teaser Sees The Master In Action; Hints At More Flashbacks

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Oberlin4Prez - 1/14/2024, 10:11 AM
What If... Disney had never bought lucasfilm and ruined star wars?
Make that the topic of episode 1 and you've got a guaranteed hit.
DeadpooI - 1/14/2024, 10:20 AM
@Oberlin4Prez -

KennKathleen - 1/14/2024, 10:39 AM
@Oberlin4Prez - 1,000 👍🏼 later...

Me:🙄 🤔 💭 still underrated comment.
Origame - 1/14/2024, 10:46 AM
@Oberlin4Prez - I still find it funny that spiderman freshman year show is looking like "what if Disney actually tried to make mcu Spiderman like the comics"
Gizmoduck - 1/14/2024, 11:09 AM
@DeadpooI - Probably the only two characters disney made people liked. But they ruined both by the end.

What If...? Disney followed the original canon and made movies based on canon material...

It would have been loved.
Oberlin4Prez - 1/15/2024, 1:50 AM
@Origame - is that show still coming out?
Origame - 1/15/2024, 8:15 AM
@Oberlin4Prez - yeah. They just changed the name.
regularmovieguy - 1/14/2024, 10:15 AM
Pulled the plug on my Disney+ last week.
marvel72 - 1/14/2024, 10:31 AM
@regularmovieguy - I'm thinking about it,they ain't making quality content, if I really need to watch something there is always...

bobevanz - 1/14/2024, 11:25 AM
Same, I'd rather use it on a parlay lol
Batmangina - 1/14/2024, 10:18 AM
Oh wow. The creative juggernaut hivemind at D+ might copy and paste the only thing they've released in recent memory that wasn't shit on across the board?

Do tell.
DarthLaney - 1/14/2024, 10:22 AM
Been done in the comics, I’d bet if they go this way we get Star Wars Infinites
MG0019 - 1/14/2024, 11:00 AM
@DarthLaney - Right. Surprised it’s taken them this long. You have season one ready to adapt from those comics, could even flesh them out to 2-3 episodes each.

Luke dies on Hoth, Leia goes to Dagobah. Luke makes the Death Star shot, but it doesn’t blow up the whole station, Yavin is destroyed. My favorite: Vader is redeemed at the end of Jedi, but not killed. Luke sacrifices himself, Vader switches sides and pursues the hunt to take down the emperor. Vader in brown cloth, black metal is a dope look.

You could go on and on past that.

Also surprised they haven’t done Shadows Of The Empire as an animated series or something. You have the Original Heroes, Boba Fett, Vader, a new story. I guess Disney just doesn’t like money.
Gizmoduck - 1/14/2024, 11:11 AM
@MG0019 - they love money, but dont like good ideas and stories. They had a MASSIVE amount of lucas approved canon books and comics and said, these are garbage we want palpatine lineage to move forward with, the skywalker lineage is over...
S8R8M - 1/14/2024, 10:26 AM
I thought we already got that with SW Visions?
Origame - 1/14/2024, 10:47 AM
@S8R8M - shhhhh. Don't remind them of that. It'll make them insecure about their lack of creativity 🤣
S8R8M - 1/14/2024, 10:49 AM
@Origame - That cracked me up haha.
marvel72 - 1/14/2024, 10:29 AM
So it'll be What If? Rey....

Origame - 1/14/2024, 10:47 AM
@marvel72 - what if rey wasn't a Mary Sue 🤣
marvel72 - 1/14/2024, 10:52 AM
@Origame - What If? Rey was popular
Origame - 1/14/2024, 11:00 AM
@marvel72 - oh that didn't happen in the entire multiverse
marvel72 - 1/14/2024, 11:57 AM
@Origame -

KennKathleen - 1/14/2024, 10:41 AM
tb86 - 1/14/2024, 10:42 AM
I don’t know about this. Wouldn’t this just be a rip off of Marvel’s version? Next thing you know other franchises will be doing the exact same thing.
lazlodaytona - 1/14/2024, 10:49 AM
@tb86 - You are correct but Disney does own both so.....
Steel86 - 1/14/2024, 10:43 AM
Yes sir. Give me What if Qui-gon didn't die and What if Anakin defeated Obi-Wan
Origame - 1/14/2024, 10:48 AM
@Steel86 - they already did the second in the games.

marvel72 - 1/14/2024, 10:54 AM
@Steel86 - What If? Qui Gon and Han Solo didn't die

Because everyone else survives light sabres going through them.
Steel86 - 1/14/2024, 12:26 PM
@Origame - Ha, yeah I've watched that so many times, Lol
Steel86 - 1/14/2024, 12:32 PM
@marvel72 - Right! In particular when Sabine got stabbed for me because the classic limb taking off was right there for them to injure but not kill the character. Not going to touch Reva since it made no since to service from Darth Vader as an adult let alone as a child
lazlodaytona - 1/14/2024, 10:47 AM

I literally posted on this very site yesterday or the day before that Lucasfilm should do a What If...
Freaking studio thieves.
Superspecialawesomeguy - 1/14/2024, 10:49 AM
An idea I have had for a while now for a what-if scenario, was what if Darth Maul killed Obi-Wan as well as Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace? It's a story that would enable you to see what Darth Maul would have become had he had fufilled his potential as a Sith Lord while also seeing what Anakin could have become as a true Jedi Master and The Chosen One (in my version of the story he'd be trained by Mace Windu).

Another good one was the alternate ending to Revenge of the Sith that happened in the game, where Anakin not only killed Obi-Wan on Mustafar but also Sidious as well (wouldn't mind also seeing one where he just kills Obi-Wan but still follows Sidious).

SheepishOne - 1/14/2024, 10:50 AM
What if George Lucas made episode 7
What if George Lucas made episode 8
What if George Lucas made episode 9
What if Colin Trevorrow made episode 9
What if Finn had something to do in episodes 8 and 9
What if Luke was actually Luke in episode 8

No, but in all seriousness, I think doing a streamlined Duel of the Fates for ones of these would be interesting.
Gizmoduck - 1/14/2024, 11:15 AM
@SheepishOne - What If Kathleen Kennedy was just an intern
Gabimaru - 1/14/2024, 10:50 AM
What a bunch of moron committee. They just don't get it, do they?

This is not star wars.
KennKathleen - 1/14/2024, 10:53 AM
What If..? The Russo bros. Replaced Feige?
marvel72 - 1/14/2024, 10:57 AM
@KennKathleen - Now that would be amazing but they don't kiss Mickey's ass enough, so that won't happen.
KennKathleen - 1/14/2024, 11:02 AM
@marvel72 -
bobevanz - 1/14/2024, 11:26 AM
OR... you can just make Lucas' final trilogy, he gave you the scripts Iger! Morons
bkmeijer1 - 1/14/2024, 11:30 AM
There's a lot of potential with a show like this. Can already think of a ton of what ifs, as a lot of movies feature big moments that hinge on character choices:

- Ep I: What if Obi-Wan fought Maul one-on-one instead of Qui-Gon?
- Ep II: What if Obi-Wan joined Dooku at Geonosis?
- Ep III: What if Anakin joined Mace instead of Palpatine?
- Clone Wars: What if Ahsoka joined Maul on Mandalore?
- Ep IV: What if Luke didn't join Obi-Wan and died alongside Owen & Beru
- Ep V: What if Luke joined Vader?
- Ep VI: What if Vader joined Luke when Luke let Vader capture him?
- Ep VII: What if Ben didn't kill Han?
- Ep VIII: What if Rey joined Ben?
- Ep IX: What if Palpatine didn't somehow return?
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