Marvel has a Free To Play MMO coming out in June, titled Marvel Heroes, which will allow people to play as various heroes from the universe. As part of the build up to the release and to celebrate the launch of Iron Man 3 (this doesn’t release in the US until Friday), an Open Beta for the game has been announced.
The Beta will coincide with the Iron Man 3 US cinema release on May 3rd and will last until the 5th. As part of this push Marvel has also announced that extra characters, these being the majority of the Avengers(Spiderman not included).
To gain access to the Beta all you have to do is register on the official site (https://marvelheroes.com/), and just wait for when the Beta unlocks. Also Marvel have said that any NDAs that were agreed to by players have now expired so I’m sure the web will be full of opinion about Heroes.
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