The next game in the Batman: Arkham franchise has been announced by Warner Bros as Batman: Arkham Origins, and is currently in development for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Wii U, and also PC.
The Release date has also been announced as October 25, and there is no mention of it being available for next-gen consoles. Unfortunately, this title will NOT be developed by acclaimed developers
Rocksteady , but instead will be worked on an in-house at Warner Bros. Games Montreal. The new development team have said that they will stay as close as possible to the Rocksteady interpretation of The Dark Knight, to avoid any discrepancies in the aesthetic of the franchise. . Eric Holmes, who has been the worked on other games including The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Prototype, will be the lead designer on the project. We also have word from
Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City writer Paul Dini that he will not be involed in the game. The game will obviously be a prequel to the preexisting Arkham title, and will feature a new and inexperienced Batman who will encounter many of his villains for the first time. Deathstroke (Who appeared in
Batman: Arkham City Lockdown ) has been announced as the main villain. Info is still very limited on this game, so for the latest on Batman: Arkham Origins, make sure to check back here at CBM.