We Get More Batman Arkham Asylum!!

We Get More Batman Arkham Asylum!!

What? What's that you say? BatMan?

By jman1977 - Sep 10, 2009 09:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Video Games
Source: http://splashpage.mtv.com/

Multiplayer.com (which is MTV's sister gaming site) is reporting that available on September 17th there will be free, yes I said free, content available for download.

Sweet, Batman Arkham Asylum is bad ass, easily the best Batman game I and anyone else has ever played.

Not sure what type of content will be available, one would think extra levels. But nothing has been confirmed. This game for sure is a shoe in for best game of the year.

Thanks to rocksteady for providing the image.

Bring on the Bat tastic Sequel!!!!
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LEEE777 - 9/10/2009, 9:06 AM
I say,,,,

make ARKHAM ASYLUM into a MOVIE!!! ; )

Cool game though!
ironknight27 - 9/10/2009, 9:12 AM
Having completed the story mode I am now having fun on the challenges.
Hawksblueyes - 9/10/2009, 9:16 AM
This looks very cool.Has anyone seen the marvel alliance commercial with Cap and Iron Man argueing over who get Jugernaut on thier team? It aired last night, now I can't seem to find it but,it's very funny.
supermarioworldE - 9/10/2009, 9:18 AM
I hope they'll let us use the joker in the story mode with upgrade-able gadgets
WeaponX - 9/10/2009, 9:22 AM
Free? Isn't that against Microsoft's religion? Wasn't there a big reveal in the gaming community a few years back on how Microsoft forces companies that make games for them to charge for extra content because Microsoft gets profits from the micro-transactions. In some cases forcing them to purposely withhold game content in order to put it up for download at a price. Thus forcing gamers to pay for content that is already coded on the disc to get them used to the idea of paying for extras when by rights it should be available for free if you've bought the game. I'm not sure how Sony operates but that's pretty much Microsoft's business agenda.

If it's free I'm going to assume it'll be something minuscule like a costume, or a gamer profile picture pack or desktop theme. An extra level would be great but I doubt it. A playable character would be awesome. Imagine that, a free playable character download...
LEEE777 - 9/10/2009, 9:23 AM
Just think, they'll havta try an top this with the sequel game, no way their not gonna make one after the response of this baby!

Friggin' sweet!!
Bamf7 - 9/10/2009, 9:26 AM
Hawksblueyes -


Yes...AWESOME commercial.
CorndogBurglar - 9/10/2009, 9:35 AM
it'll be gamer pics and background themes...lol

seriously though, new chapters would be cool, but its probably more challenge maps.
CorndogBurglar - 9/10/2009, 9:37 AM
@ weapon x

arkham asylum wasn't made by microsoft, if it was it would have been xbox exclusive. also, playstation network charges for all of their download content also. they have nothing to do with microsoft...so they may not be QUITE as evil as your making them out to be, lol.

but you are right, most download content is already coded onto the original game discs. on soulcalbur 4 they had yoda on the 360 version and vader on the PS3 version. but then 5 months later you could just download vader or yoda for whichever system you have...for 5 dollars. but someone online hacked a 360 and unlocked Vader LONG before he was available for download. so you are right as far that goes.

also, the prices they charge might have something to do with how well the game will sell, because all the themes and gamerpics for AA are free, also, which is unheard of.
superdog - 9/10/2009, 9:40 AM
i played this game for 3 days and only completed like 24%. it is an awesome game and much longer than i thought it would be. maybe i just suck at gaming.
Hawksblueyes - 9/10/2009, 9:43 AM
Thanks Bamf.
CorndogBurglar - 9/10/2009, 9:48 AM

your right. i just hope they don't make it open world, sandbox style. those types of games have such big environments and so much going on, that its impossible to make it look as graphically pleasing as this was. they should do knightfall for the sequel!!
jman1977 - 9/10/2009, 9:57 AM
cordog: Great Idea, or better yet the prequel, Bane in arkham says to batman "I will break you again" if im not mistaking. Love this game!
BLANK - 9/10/2009, 10:10 AM
The game was awesome! Freakin awesome! Woohoo! ...and now there's more!
delpoi - 9/10/2009, 10:23 AM
Love this game pity i finished it in no time :-(
But hey-ho that's life lol
Shaman - 9/10/2009, 10:23 AM
The game is awesome but InFamous beats it for "game of the year" IMO, unless MUA2 is better which i doubt it will. Can't wait for the sequel to B:AA!!! :))
WeaponX - 9/10/2009, 11:45 AM
@CorndogBurglar - I know they didn't make the game, what I'm saying is that companies are forced to do so as a result of doing business with Microsoft. I'm sure Sony have a similar game plan with profiting from the micro-transactions, hence the charging of their downloadable content, but Microsoft has taken the most criticism for doing what they're doing and it's from the mouth of clients that have made games for XBOX. That's why I focused on them. It's bullshit what they're doing. It's bullshit to charge for pre-coded content. I honestly don't mind paying a bit for a major installment into a game, like say for example, Shiver Isles for The Elder Scrolls IV game. Content that large I'd pay for, but for an extra level or costume? [frick] that.

JoshWilding - 9/10/2009, 12:29 PM
Though it wasnt all that long it was an amazing game! I do kind of wish it had been a little longer especially nearer the end but im actually looking forward to going back a second time and playing it on hard! the riddlers challenges as well as the challenge rooms are great fun as well! the story and graphics were brill and it should definitely be considered for the game of the year (though it does have some stiff competition from the likes of Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2!!)

Anything free is great IMO, lol! im guessing it wil probably be some of the stuff that was given out with pre-orders but hopefully there might be a few new suprises as well! :)

Shaman: man, its hard to pick between Infamous and Arkham Asylum, lol! Im gonna have to think about that for a long time!! they're both so excellent in so many ways im not sure which i enjoyed more to be honest!

BmanHall: yeah, the ability to replay the game with all your abilities would hve made a second playthrough far more fun especially as i didnt get round to using them all first time around!
JoshWilding - 9/10/2009, 12:36 PM
As for DLC I think its great that both the 360 and the PS3 have exclusive games for download but when it comes to DLC for games, neither system should have the exclusive! Its unfair that the 360 gets the GTA IV DLC but PS3 doesnt just as its unfair we get The joker DLC for Arkham Asylum!!! Whatever system we own we all pay the same price for the games and as long as they're not exclusive why should the makers of these games only allow users of one system to have access to the DLC!?!
CorndogBurglar - 9/10/2009, 12:40 PM
@ bmanhall

the joker is an exclusive download for the ps3 version of AA. he was supposed to be free. and i have both a 360 and ps3 and i can say that you pay for just as much DLC on Playstation network as you do on xbox live. its just a fact.

@ weapon x

i hear ya, a lot of DLC is useless nonsense. i want game add-ons, like you said. most of the stuff thats for download on there is gamerpics and wallpapers for your console, and in my opinion, THATS the stuff that should be free.
CorndogBurglar - 9/10/2009, 12:41 PM
@ josh

for the most part, all that "exclusive" DLC eventually ends up for download on both systems
InSpace - 9/10/2009, 1:00 PM
Damm I must suck Ive been playin AA for 4 days straight but I only beat 20%.
Shaman - 9/10/2009, 1:09 PM
Well i for one [frick]ing hate add-ons OR DLC. I like "UNLOCKABLE" stuff that's already in the game!!! If the game is so great, MAKE A SEQUEL!!! Don't bother with [frick]ing add-ons!!!

Josh- The way i see it is both games had shitty "stealth" controls/abilities. Both had a great story. Both had a decent amount of trophies and stuff to find. Both had realistic yet fast gameplay. Both had great voice overs. Both had amazing graphics. Both rank high in fun factor yet... only one was "Free-Roaming" and ALSO gave you the opportunity to be good or evil. The other... let you be Batman. I mean, i like playing as Batman but the only way B:AA would have ever beaten InFamous IMO, is if they had made it free roaming with Tenchu Stealth options and also gave you the opportunity to use the batmobile. I mean both are rightful contenders for the game of the year but one clearly has more to offer than the other. I wouldn't be surprised if Cole gets to highjack any car in the sequel. Now let's see what they'll cook up for the Arkham Asylum sequel :))

Kev- You do have a point but even if my anus has paper cuts all over it, i still missed Wolverine and Watchemen at the theaters. So monopoly money doesn't count LOL :P I got lucky to have a PS3 but there's no reason you couldn't have saved 10$ per pay check since it was announced to eventually buy a PS3. It all depends on priorities and budget. I'ma father of two as well. I just have a kick ass girlfriend who bought me my PS3, i bought InFamous the next day LOL
CRITIC17 - 9/10/2009, 1:29 PM
Awesome!!! I'm probably the only one on here who has yet to play this game!!!!

@LEEE: You know that there is a movie called: Arkham coming out right?? Its CGI but has the Joker and Harely Quinn in it...
Shaman - 9/10/2009, 1:38 PM
That movie isn't "really" coming out. The guy just decided to make a fan fic trailer for a possible film IF WB financed him. So far Wb's pulling the plug left and right. Which means that movie is nowhere to be seen.
ThoroughbredSteele0 - 9/10/2009, 3:32 PM
@ shaman: about the DLC, well said. its also like your being punished for not having an internet hook-up for your system. you cant get full use out of any game anymore unless you can download the extras. not to mention if what weapon x was saying is true then you've already paid for this shit cause its encoded in the game. its all rip-off. more games need to be like Time Splitters series. I've never played a game that gives you more bang for the buck.
AshleyWilliams - 9/10/2009, 4:31 PM
I want to have battles with Mr.Freeze,Clayface,Black Mask,etc,etc in the sequels!
Keven-where is you avvy from?
antz1104 - 9/10/2009, 5:25 PM
Probably going to be the joker challenges that came out on ps3 and the skeleton combat that was on the 360. Hope I'm wrong and its something MORE awesome!
shibazz - 9/10/2009, 5:32 PM
I already got the Xtra Armor! i cant wait!!!! :) I am trying to buy it for my playstartion3 but maybe now i wont and just keep getting ad ons for my XBox. I got the PS3 after i got Batman ;(
sugarman123 - 9/10/2009, 7:47 PM
In the challenges as the joker I'm in position number 3 worldwide in the ps3 hehehe yeah ( LUIS333 )
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