While doing an interview with the Times, famed 80's sex symbol Jessica Rabbit, having been mysteriously transformed from her nigh-indestructible 'toon form into a flesh and blood human being...
...Sorry, I'm being told that the interviewee is NOT Jessica Rabbit mysteriously transformed into a human being. Just the equally implausibly hot Christina Hendricks.
When asked about her interest in playing the Amazon Princess in a WONDER WOMAN film (which the Times states IS being directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, who could apparently teach Sean Young a thing or two about how to publicly campaign for a superhero film), Hendricks asked "Can I play her assistant?"
Mostly just a bit of fluff? Indeed, but it does seem to confirm that there IS a WONDER WOMAN film being worked on and, if the Times is to be believed, that Nicolas Winding Refn will be directing it.