Over the last few months, there has been a lot of opinions regarding a future Wonder Woman film. Some just post their feelings or thoughts on the subject, and others have been very passionate about what they feel this movie- if it's ever made- should be about. I haven't seen such a varied reaction from members on this site about any other CB character before.
Most everyone is very opinionated , and seemingly protective of Wonder Woman getting the right and due treatment in her first feature film. One wonders what direction the studio will take her in.
I'm sure whoever would direct the film would have their own vision for her. How much control he/she would have in the final edit would depend on DC/Warners agenda regarding the film.
From who should direct it, to who should play the lead role and how that actress should look, have all been heatedly discussed.
Should Diana be buxom and full figured? Should she be lithe, having a statuesque figure? Should she be buffed-out like a female body builder? Or should she just be incredibly sexy ? Everybody has their beliefs and preferences regarding how she should appear.
As for directors, Nicolas Winding Refn is almost orgasmic about getting the nod of approval from studio exec's, and maybe he'd do a great job, but there have been many other suggestions submitted by members here whom they think would do the character justice as well, if not better than Refn.
It's true a director is the 'captain of the ship' when film-making , but ultimately the studio exec.'s will have the final say(Mickey Rourke interview rants anyone), which is a shame because most of the greatest films made were created by directors with unencumbered control over their projects. Would it be true for Wonder Woman as well?
The screenplay's a big question mark too.
You can take this character in many different directions, and whatever that direction is, it most likely will define her for future projects. Some directions could be:
1) '300'
2) A love story
3) Full blown action/fantasy like the 'Pirates' movies.
4) Greek mythology
5) Cookie-cutter 'hero' movie.
6) Cliched feminist empowerment yarn.
7) Prelude to a tie-in for a 'Justice League' movie.
8) A family based drama/ origin story
9) A survival film where Paradise Island is threatened by the 'outside world' and now have to defend it.
10) A combination of 1-9.
Any number of these themes for a screenplay above could work, but we here are contentious as to which one- or a combination thereof- would be most successful.
We just seem to be unable to find consensus.
Then there is the matter of source material. Most would agree that it should be the guiding authority in crafting a screenplay, others believe liberties should be allotted the director to flesh out his own vision of the story which he thinks might work best for the first film. After all, it DOES have to make money- a lot of money-! to get a sequel.
There also has been much discussion in regards to what costume she should wear.
There are the traditionalists who insist that Diana wear the 'Old Red, White ,Blue and Gold'. Some like the long pants Jim Lee created, and other's believe she should wear a traditional Greek warriors uniform modified for the 'Amazonian Princess'.
I'm not going to feign a depth of knowledge about Wonder Woman because I really don't know her back story very well from the comics.
But despite that, I do love the character non-the-less.
With so many varying opinions and preferences, will anybody be completely satisfied if and when this film is ever made?
Well, I say just make it, and if it sucks there's always the re-boot option, right Christopher Nolan!