Graeme McMillan at The Hollywood Reporter reports,
"It's not the best time to be a Wonder Woman fan. Not only has the character been continually passed over when it comes to a big-screen debut -- with the news that 2015 will bring a Superman/Batman clash instead of the anticipated Justice League movie that would, presumably, have featured her prominently -- but now it turns out that Amazon, The CW series that would retell her origins, Smallville-style, has been put on pause indefinitely. Is Wonder Woman just cursed when it comes to breaking out from the comic medium?"
He continues:
"Grant Morrison, whose résumé at DC Comics has included runs on Batman, All-Star Superman and JLA, believes that the problem is less a curse and more a matter of misguided conventional wisdom. Talking to USA Today, the Scottish writer said that people "have just convinced themselves" that Wonder Woman is particularly difficult to bring to live-action life.
"There are certain attitudes that have been around for a while, and I think people just don't question them anymore, and things like Wonder Woman always fall prey to it," he said. "I think you could have easily made an amazing Wonder Woman film if you had Angelina Jolie in her prime doing it. I think it would have done well, but I don't know if there's a big-name actress who can do it now."
Morrison, who's writing Wonder Woman Earth One -- a revision of the character's origin story, with art by Yanick Paquette -- continued:
"The executives just run these things over in their heads and say, 'I don't know if it's worth putting money into this. It's not a surefire hit. The boys want to see Batman brooding.'"
The same is true, to a lesser extent, for the character in comics, he said. "I always felt one of the fundamentals of Wonder Woman in at least the last two decades is that she always seems to be on trial, and I don't mean that in a story sense. Everyone's always saying, 'Why does nobody buy Wonder Woman? Why isn't she any good?'" Earth One takes that theme and places it at the center of the story, he explained. "It's kind of asking Wonder Woman to justify herself, which I feel has almost been what the character's had to do for a long time."