Central Casting have left a message on their Facebook page, this time searching for muscular guys to play soldiers who appear to be on steroids for work on the upcoming
Wonder Woman TV series. Interestingly, they mention a late March/early April start date, making it likely that the series will debut this Fall.
Central Casting Los Angeles is looking for Super Buff, Worked out, Bodybuilder Type Guys to play soldiers that appear to be on steroids for Wonder Woman. This will work at the end of march or beginning of April.
Email bodyshots with all sizes and contact info to [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . if you know someone not registered with Central Casting please let them know they can submit too!
Follow the link below to head on over to their Facebook page, and be sure to let us know here at CBM if you're lucky enough to win a role in the show!