First off I have to give an LOL at Professor Xavier popping up out of nowhere to pick up Scott and the mutants. As for the Deadpool creature, I think it could easily be repaired in a sequel(or rebooted in a spin off apparently). Im still a little pissed about Josh Hollaway not playing Gambit, but was still able to enjoy Kitcshes performance. You can only guess my surprise when I saw Kevin "Lobo" Durand playing blob. And Shrieber nailed Sabretooth of course. I thought all the performances were pretty good,(I didnt know Will.I.Am acted lol). My only concern is that instead of wiping out his memory, Strkyer just shoots him with a few adamintium(cant spell it) bullets, and then bam, instant permanent amnesia. It was a bit difficult for me to buy that. Overall I give it 4 out of 5 stars.