X2 Writer Responds To Nightcrawler Actor Alan Cumming Saying It's The "Gayest" X-MEN Movie: "I Was Thrilled"

X2 Writer Responds To Nightcrawler Actor Alan Cumming Saying It's The "Gayest" X-MEN Movie: "I Was Thrilled"

X2: X-Men United writer David Hayter has responded to Nightcrawler actor Alan Cumming's take on the 2003 movie being the "gayest" project he's starred in and explains the franchise's deeper themes...

By JoshWilding - Jun 24, 2024 05:06 AM EST
Filed Under: X-Men
Source: TMZ

X2: X-Men United was released in 2003 to glowing reviews and, in a recent interview, Nightcrawler actor Alan Cumming described it as "the gayest film that I've ever done."

The actor would go on to praise the fact it was directed by a queer director and starred other queer actors, saying the franchise "[helped] people understand queerness, because you can address it in an artistic way, and everyone is less scared of the concept." 

It's no secret that filmmaker Bryan Singer set out to use the X-Men as a means of highlighting bigotry (and the experience of coming out), and writer David Hayter has now shared his enthusiasm for Cumming's take on the iconic team.

"I was thrilled when I heard that Alan Cumming had called X2 the gayest film that he had ever worked on," he told TMZ. "Yeah, it made me really happy. I was so glad that we had done right by him. He is such an icon for gay rights."

"Ian McKellen also recognized the allegory of it from a gay perspective, but also, our overall goal with the X-Men in general was just exclusion for anyone. Anyone who faced hatred, or exclusion, or judgment, and still felt compelled to do the right things."

"We had a number of key creatives behind the camera and on camera who were gay," the writer added. "So, obviously, that element was on our minds, and the fact that that came through was [great], and felt fulfilling for Alan, really meant a lot to me personally."

While it was widely accepted at the time that Singer was exploring queerness through an X-Men lens with his Marvel movies, the same happening now would likely be singled out as an example of "woke-ism." Racism and bigotry remain a huge part of the mutant story, though, and Marvel Studios and Disney won't be able to shy away from that.

Elsewhere in the conversation, Hayter pointed to a scene with Iceman revealing his mutant powers to his mother as being a moment meant to speak to the LGBTQ+ community. However, as he alludes to above, the feeling of bigotry was also meant to reach a wider audience.

"That line when Bobby, Ice Man's mother says to him, 'You know, have you ever tried not being a mutant?' It's just so devastating, and it really illustrated what people go through when they're facing bigotry in their own houses."

"It's like, you cannot be what you are not, and the fact that people want you to be something you're not," Hayter notes. "The fact that people want you to be something that you're not is so painful and so difficult to face."

What do you think about Hayter and Cumming's interpretation of the X-Men franchise? 

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Origame - 6/24/2024, 6:06 AM
Remember when movies actually tried to be subtle with these things, so audiences actually came to the conclusions themselves instead of just throwing in lesbian witches who "society just can't accept"?
Slotherin - 6/24/2024, 7:06 AM
@Origame - what's weird is how they never did any lesbian stuff...
Origame - 6/24/2024, 7:22 AM
@Slotherin - I mean, they kinda implied lesbian stuff with rogue. Remember, she discovered her powers as a teen kissing a boy (which didn't work out well).

I know she wasn't an actual lesbian, but that's what I mean by subtle.
Pathogen - 6/24/2024, 7:34 AM
@Origame - I didn't get that subtext at all, I was too much into the weird relationship between her and Wolfie
Slotherin - 6/24/2024, 7:46 AM
@Origame - I was referring to the lesbian witches thing.
Ryguy88 - 6/24/2024, 7:54 AM
@Slotherin - they live on a planet with no men and creat their own children to raise.
Origame - 6/24/2024, 8:55 AM
@Slotherin - well they are lesbians.
Origame - 6/24/2024, 8:56 AM
@Pathogen - thats what I mean by subtle. You didn't pick up on that and instead focused on the rogue wolverine relationship.
bobevanz - 6/24/2024, 8:58 AM
Easy ranks for the X-Men foxverse
First Class
Days Of Future Past
Deadpool 2
The Last Stand
Dark Phoenix

X-Men Origins Wolverine
Origame - 6/24/2024, 8:58 AM
@Ryguy88 - you forgot all these witches CHOSE to live on this planet isolated from men. It's not like they were forced there. And if headland really didn't want the audience to get lesbian vibes, then why not have men there, and one of them be the father of the twins?
mountainman - 6/24/2024, 9:16 AM
@bobevanz -

Days Of Future Past
First Class
The Wolverine
Deadpool 2
The Last Stand
New Mutants
Dark Phoenix
Ryguy88 - 6/24/2024, 9:21 AM
@bobevanz - you forgot the best one, Logan!
Ryguy88 - 6/24/2024, 9:23 AM
@Origame - these guys are still in the denial phase. Not ready for the "and that's a good thing" phase.
Origame - 6/24/2024, 9:26 AM
@Ryguy88 - meanwhile if it were a group of men living alone on a planet finding ways to reproduce without women these same people would be calling it out as promoting incel culture or something 🤣
NathanielX - 6/24/2024, 10:03 AM
@Ryguy88 - Do You mean like Wonderwoman?
Ryguy88 - 6/24/2024, 10:40 AM
@NathanielX - werent the amazonian all created by Zeus? And maybe they are lesbians, I'm not super familiar with that mythology and how much of it is Greek and how much is DC.
Pathogen - 6/24/2024, 11:26 AM
@bobevanz - Just trash them all, man. Except Deadpool 1 & 2 and Logan.
Slotherin - 6/25/2024, 8:24 AM
@NathanielX - beat me to it
Slotherin - 6/25/2024, 8:25 AM
@Ryguy88 - going to an all girls school doesn't make the girls there gay... How does their planet without men make them explicitly lesbian?
Slotherin - 6/25/2024, 8:28 AM
@Origame - they're witches... It's pretty common in depictions across myth and media for witches to form covens which are all female and hidden away from men.
Origame - 6/25/2024, 8:35 AM
@Slotherin - do they also make babies with each other?

Also, there are male witches. They're just called warlocks.
Slotherin - 6/25/2024, 8:59 AM
@Origame - i didn't say warlocks aren't a thing. I just said it's common to depict witches covens as all female.

As far as baby making, I'm not familiar with that... But witches are commonly depicted to be women who manipulate nature in an unnatural way... Almost like how these witches manipulated the Force in what's supposed to be an abnormal way.
Origame - 6/25/2024, 9:20 AM
@Slotherin - 1) well if you admit it reads as gay (something headland admitted), then you'd think she would take the chance to get men there.

2) yeah, because they worship Satan and love sinning. And homosexuality is a big sin in the Bible
Ryguy88 - 6/25/2024, 12:31 PM
@Slotherin - that alone does not make them lesbians, but when you add that to all of the other lesbian undertones you can see the pattern.
Matchesz - 6/24/2024, 6:07 AM
I understand queerness and am not scared of the concept... okay now what
BritishMonkey - 6/24/2024, 7:25 AM
@Matchesz - That's it.
You're now as mundane and trivial as the concept and the rest of us mature adults lol
Rosraf - 6/24/2024, 7:30 AM
@Matchesz - Acknowledging that queer people have equal and unalienable rights, including to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's a great next step.
Matchesz - 6/24/2024, 8:16 AM
@Rosraf - my sisters friend is a gay pilot in the airforce named Drew, I walked his dog before and they brought me to a drag show when I visited san diego after a night of bar hopping. I dont need to be lectured as i’ve already experienced and showed my support of the gay community. Hammering this shit into my head doesnt make me resent those experiences, but it makes me resent woke culture more and more and the condescending ppl behind it
Rosraf - 6/24/2024, 10:10 AM
@Matchesz - Then if you have already taken that next step, great. "So now what" suggested you hadn't.
Slotherin - 6/25/2024, 8:30 AM
@Matchesz - I know woke gets a lot of bad usage... But in the base intent of meaning enlightened it sounds like you're already there and those who are condescending aren't actually woke.
Matchesz - 6/25/2024, 11:15 AM
@Slotherin - “woke culture” is just the term I use now for these new age hipsters. As a millennial i’m still learning and accepting that the fact the generation after me who grew up on ipads have jobs now
Slotherin - 6/26/2024, 8:00 PM
@Matchesz - yeah... It's weird.
I'm bad with the generation markers, all I know is I was a 90s-early 00s kid.
Doomsday8888 - 6/24/2024, 6:12 AM
It's a f*cking GREAT movie, people nowdays has totally lost the art of subtlety and they f*cking hammer shit down your throat in order to make some shit super clear but scenes like this:

Phew, lads...
mountainman - 6/24/2024, 7:40 AM
@Doomsday8888 - I don’t remember one peson taking issue with this scene that was obviously channeling a gay person coming out to their parents. Because it was written well and the movie never preached to you. It integrated its message into its writing well.
Slotherin - 6/24/2024, 7:47 AM
@mountainman - also worth noting it awas prior to what the internet is now and the social climate that has developed
ObserverIO - 6/24/2024, 7:57 AM
@Slotherin - fr. If this scene had neve happened and then suddenly appeared in an MCU X-Men film people would be hating it and screaming blue, bloody woke!
mountainman - 6/24/2024, 7:57 AM
@Slotherin - Yes on both sides.
DarthOmega - 6/24/2024, 8:01 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Everyone instantly got the scene. No one was opposed to it. Everyone knows Ian McKellen is gay. No one cares. We're talking about Hollywood actors here. None of this surprises us. All we ask is you don't "put queerness everywhere you can" and "Not so secret gay agenda" Which are literal quotes from a Disney Exec.

If only these story groups would focus on story instead of using popular franchises as a platform for their messaging. We get it, gay people exist. So much for blending in with everyone else with your insistence that we hear about it every damn 5 seconds.
Origame - 6/24/2024, 9:14 AM
@DarthOmega - well said. No one's saying you can't have gay themes, but Bryan singer was an actual talented film maker who can put those themes in the background while the film focused on being a superhero action movie.
DarthOmega - 6/24/2024, 9:41 AM
@Origame - Dude one of my favorite movies in the 90s was Too Wong Foo. I had no idea what the plot was at first. I vaguely remember a trailer showing the stars Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and Jon leguizamo in other films where they are tough guys. I watched the film thinking they were undercover cops wearing drag.

Then I realized watching it that whoa! They aren't cops, they are just drag queens. Felt a bit odd initially but I kept watching. Turns out the movie was pretty damn good and really made me question my assumptions. This was in the 90s too where literally seeing a man dressed as a woman was all you had to do to get a laugh. This movie directly challenged this and really humanized these characters.

Long story short. I have no issue with adults living their lives the way they want. I have LGBTQ people in my family. I work with them. I ride with them in my EV group. My dentist is gay. My barber is gay and I don't trust anyone else on my tape up but him. Lol.

The point is, most people who aren't hardcore into religious groups like Muslims or Christians have no issue with LGBTQ community, but to act as if there isn't a pronounced, specifically stated (especially in the case of Disney and Black Rock with their whole "Forced behaviors/Not so secret gay agenda/Putting queerness everywhere we can comments) effort to feature it in almost everything is silly. And to act as if people who get tired of hearing about it all the time are simply bigots is silly and helps nothing.
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