X-Men: The Animated Series is a beloved animated TV series that aired from 1992 to 1997. It follows Professor Charles Xavier and the X-Men as they protect a world that fears and hates mutants. The series was praised for its faithful adaptation of complex storylines, diverse character portrayals, and mature themes that often explored social issues.
It also had an awesome theme tune.
We're not exactly shocked Marvel Studios is revisiting this animated reality in the upcoming Disney+ series X-Men '97, and it's been confirmed that the majority of the original cast will return to pick up where the classic series left off.
Now, thanks to scooper @CanWeGetToast (via Toonado.com), we have some rumoured new details about how the first season will conclude.
X-Men '97 will reportedly deliver a three-part finale which plays out across episodes 8, 9, and 10. Nathan Summers/Cable is set to return, while the X-Men will square off with Mister Sinister, Bastion, and a deadly new wave of Sentinels.
We don't have any details beyond that, though intel about a video game-inspired episode has also found its way online. In that, we'll reportedly see Jubilee and her boyfriend, Sunspot, trapped in a 16-bit video game by Mojo on her birthday. As a result, some of the episode will be animated in the style of a 16-bit video game.
There's a huge amount of excitement surrounding the show and, while it will take its cues from X-Men: The Animated Series, it's clear Marvel Studios also intends to do its own thing with this revival to ensure it's embraced by a modern audience as well as longtime fans.
Back in August, we asked Rogue actress Lenore Zann about her previous comments that she'd begun working on X-Men '97 season 2 and learned how it's felt to play Rogue again.
"It's fantastic to get this opportunity to re-inhabit the character of Rogue who is my favorite character I’ve played to date," she says, careful not to give too much away. "I’m grateful to the fans for their loyalty and support for our original series - and for my performance - which has made this possible."
"And I’m also grateful to Beau DeMayo and Charley Feldman from X-Men '97 for insisting I come back as Rogue."
As for what we can expect from the powerful mutant in this revival, Zann teases: "As usual, Rogue will go through a lot in X-Men '97. Like me, she’s a passionate woman who can’t help wearing her heart on her sleeve. So, buckle up for a wild ride!"
X-Men '97 is currently scheduled to premiere on Disney+ sometime in 2024.