Rope Of Silicon have posted a list of some upcoming movie ratings, and Bryan Singer's
X-Men: Days Of Future Past has -- as expected -- landed the usual PG-13. But here's why:
X-Men: Days Of Future Past Rated PG-13 For sequences of intense sci-fi violence and action, some suggestive material, nudity and language. Release Date: May 23, 2014
Now we already know there's gonna be some pretty hardcore action and violence in this flick -- and that's just the opening set piece! It's safe to assume thing swill get pretty dark in
DOFP, and push the rating to its limits. We also know that someone will be saying "f*ck", so there's that..but what about this nudity? Well technically Jennifer Lawrence will be walking around naked for a good chuck of the movie, but she will be covered in blue paint and prosthetics so might this refer to someone else? Guess we'll find out May 23.