Vaughn Back Into X-Men: First Class

Vaughn Back Into X-Men: First Class

Despite rumors that the Kick-Ass director passed on the offer, it seems that he may be back on board the latest installment in Fox's X-Men franchise...

By Breasticles7 - May 03, 2010 04:05 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Men: First Class

According to, Vaughan is once again looking to sit in teh directors chair of X-Men: First Class...

Things are back on with Matthew Vaughn and 20th Century Fox on X-Men: First Class. A deal is being negotiated right now. Fox, having gone far down the road with the Kick-Ass director on X-Men: Last Stand, had put together a killer list of alternative directors for the job. Several were interviewed, but then others were cancelled after Vaughn came back into the picture this morning. Now, the studio is working with his WME reps to close the deal.

Fox are expected to put the film into production by late summer or early fall, with Bryan Singer, Lauren Shuler Donner and Simon Kinberg producing.

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LEEE777 - 5/3/2010, 4:11 PM
On off, on off, i give up lol!

Very cool news @ B!!!

ORIGINAL 5 X-MEN; Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl & Iceman a must!
sweetre15 - 5/3/2010, 4:19 PM
@LEE Yes,it is indeed. Bryan Singer and Matthew Vaughn would be a great combination,don't you agree?
P862010 - 5/3/2010, 4:24 PM
leee singer is still producer you think he is'nt gonna follow his films continuity lol
airbeyonder18 - 5/3/2010, 4:25 PM
Prepare to meet foul-mouthed Xaivier and raunchy Jean.
Paulley - 5/3/2010, 4:31 PM
wait how can they have Angel.. i didnt think they had met before...and Iceman would be too young... dont suppose they can have Kelsy Grammer again either which is a shame.. but they should still have a non blue beast.. atleast we might get a decent Cyclopes this time
supermarioworldE - 5/3/2010, 4:41 PM
You gotta be sh*tting me. I thought Vaughn had higher standards.
Winterborn - 5/3/2010, 5:12 PM
@airbeyonder Dude what is your problem with Vaughn, he would never change the characters like that. Kick-ass has swearing because that was used to make it over the top. There's no reason to have prof. x swear at all.

Matthew Vaughn directing this would be too bad because I want him working on a sequel to kick-ass since this would force any production of kick-ass into next summer. Besides he left once, what make him think that Fox has changed remotely at all. I hope this is just a rumor and that he does something more deserving of his talents.
ngu13 - 5/3/2010, 5:15 PM
Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl & Iceman cant wait for this reboot ..
InTylerWeTrust - 5/3/2010, 5:16 PM
I honestly don't care about this movie any more. Not as long as it's still in Fox's hands.
Breasticles7 - 5/3/2010, 5:26 PM
o0o0o like what you did with my article cbm! :D
mindform - 5/3/2010, 5:32 PM
If Vaughn accepts, I might start caring about this movie again.
DogsOfWar - 5/3/2010, 5:56 PM
I think Vaughn will really struggle being a part of a big studio with a mucked up continuity. Fox will not let him make his own mark with this if they continue operating as in the past.
flames809 - 5/3/2010, 6:15 PM
cool he will do a good job if he says yes to it
juggy4711 - 5/3/2010, 6:55 PM
If this was a reboot I would be all for it. The pre Giant Sized X-Men #1 era could be portrayed through one movie introducing all five original members and Magneto and the BoEM. The prolem is that Fox is to chicken shizzle to make an X-men movie without Wolverine. That's likely an exellent marketing choice and I don't blame them but it does kinna suck. Deadpool may be the exception but between Ryan Reynolds' popularity and Wade's introduction via XMO:W...Who knows maybe I am wrong.

Anyway my point is if its not a reoot I would much rather Fox find writers and directors that were able to reasonably adapt post GSXM #1 plots into live action films.

JoshWilding - 5/3/2010, 7:04 PM
While it's still in Fox's hands I find it hard to give a damn either way about this or any other CBM they make but Vaughn's involvement does have me feeling a little more optimistic..! :)
JonStarkgaryen - 5/3/2010, 7:34 PM
gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a $hit….
Ryguy88 - 5/3/2010, 7:55 PM
Good news! Hopefully this movie works out.
ukboy28 - 5/3/2010, 7:57 PM
unless vaughn gets creative control then this is a sinking ship!!!

oh and fcuk fox :0
sweetre15 - 5/3/2010, 9:10 PM
Well at least Vaughn will have a Bryan Singer script to follow and since Wolverine's stuck in his spinoofs right now,this could turn out well possibly
ReillyParker - 5/3/2010, 9:27 PM
Maybe, and I'm being ridiculously optimistic here (possibly a little delusional), but just maybe with Vaughn hot off of Kick-Ass, Fox might realize the guy knows what he's doing and just leave him to his own devices. It's a formula that's worked with Favarau, Nolan, and even Vaughn himself. But Fox doesn't have the best track record for making smart decisions...

If it does happen, it would be nice to see an X-Men movie without Wolvie in the mix. I much as I love the guy the movies need to be more than about him.
MONTEZ - 5/3/2010, 9:40 PM
yeah fox still in charge so it doesn't matter. a reboot would be nice, original 5 for the first two films with magneto as villian in first flick, sentinals in second. and somehow we have got to get them uniforms in, somehow someway.
StephenStrange - 5/3/2010, 10:31 PM
What Sirprise said.

I don't really expect Vaughn to come in and make lemonade with these lemons. Maybe a miracle will happen but I doubt it will.
Growler - 5/4/2010, 1:33 AM
I don't think Vaughn would go anywhere near this unless there's some sort of 'non-interference' clause in his contract. He walked from X-3 because he knew he was expected to toe the company line, not make the film he was originally expected to and I don't think either party would enter into this without having that being one of the first things to discuss.

There's also the fact that Vauhgn really doesn't need to. He's independently wealthy, made Kick-Ass off his own back and can negotiate his own terms. He's used to his independence and his last 2 films have both done rather well, so his proverbial stock is up.

And if Fox really do want him to direct, as I suspect Singer does, they'll give him the instruction to make a PG-13 film and give him a relatively free rein to create something special.
Orphix - 5/4/2010, 5:49 AM
Hmmm - well I still haven't forgiven Vaughan for casting Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut...

Why can't I let that go??
satanors - 5/4/2010, 10:39 AM
you know wo i would want to do in the back seat of my car?
yeah, tahnya tozzi, the little white bitch. imma park my car in her garage all day.
YeaOkYea - 5/4/2010, 10:42 AM
I'm excited but not holding my breath. It would be sweet if Vaughn directed this but it DEF. needs to be a reboot w/ the 5 ORIGINAL X-Men & FOX needs to back off & let him direct 'cause have you seen Kick-Ass??? That was awesome! & Bryan Singer shouldn't try to "co-direct". Shut up & produce Singer. You had your chance to close the X trilogy but jumped ship for that crappy Superman movie. Let a real director take over what you couldn't do. Let's hope the X-Men will finally be given the movie they've longed deserved. P.S. Wolverine should NOT be anywhere near this. Hugh let it go. We're tired of you.
marvel72 - 5/4/2010, 10:43 AM
he is the best director for it.lets get the original x-men in it.
my idea for trilogy
1.x-men vs magneto
2.x-men vs magneto & the brotherhood of evil.
3.x-men & the brotherhood of evil vs the sentinels.
marvel72 - 5/4/2010, 11:41 AM
@ movietheaterlad use the original x-men like shown in the above picture,they would of been the students in professor x's first class.
but knowing fox the team will probably be wolverine,deadpool,sabertooth,x-23,cable & gambit for example.
original team + proper costumes + magneto = best x-men film ever.
marvel72 - 5/4/2010, 1:33 PM
@ movietheaterlad the original x-men team in the very 1st issue of the x-men was cyclops,jean grey,beast,iceman & angel they fought magneto.
when fox get hold of a franchise they f*** it up for example.
1.x-men origins wolverine(silver fox is not the sister of emma frost,when wolverine 1st bumped into deadpool he was in costume not in x-men origins wolverine,wolverine never knew cyclops or gambit until he joined the x-men.)
2.fantastic four rise of the silver surfer(galactus is not a f***ing cloud.)
3.x-men 3( dark phoenix saga is the 3rd best comic book story ever did fox treat it well the x-men didn't battle the shi'ar imperial guard on the surface of the moon for jean grey's life.)
as for proper costume i personally want my comicbook movies to look like the source material they are based on.
fox just put charactors in to their films like deadpool & gambit into the wolverine film & think well that would make people want to go & see it,even though it has nothing to do with his true origin.
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