No time lines are confirmed but when asked about Indy 5 long time Indy veteran producer states:
"It's really about the script," says Frank. "Once we see that, we'll see. We're not going to wait another 20 years. We'd all love to make another one. I'm anxious to hear the idea!"
Lets just hope Lucas learns his place and only writes the screenplay, then he has to leave the set and let Steven Spielberg do the rest. But wait. What about Mrs Spielberg, and Mr. Ford. Harrison states: "Yeah. We had a great time making the last one and, as Harrison said, we need to make this one soon. We're not getting any younger."
That's for sure Harrison Ford turns 67 later this year. A bit to old to be swinging around on collapsed bridges or gliding down waterfalls on a Airline issue yellow raft.
Frank Marshall goes on to say: "Until there's a script, nothing's definite. I haven't heard the idea."
Lucas told us right after Indiana Jones and the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull premiered that he had another great idea for Indy 5. Then the rumors started popping up about Shia taking up the famed archeologist's fedora hat himself and becoming the star player. After Shia's drunken tirade and hand injury's Lucas said nope, no way no Shia as Indy, and fans rejoiced. What can we expect to be the famed McGuffin for Indy 5?