FAN CAST: Batman Arkham Asylum The Movie By LEEE777

FAN CAST: Batman Arkham Asylum The Movie By LEEE777

Arkham Asylum is located on the outskirts of Gotham City and is where those of Batman's foes considered to be legally insane are incarcerated. I have not really done a Batman cast as much, just a Justice League of America, so come on in and join the crazy fun...

By LEEE777 - Dec 27, 2009 05:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Wikipedia

Arkham Asylum does not have a good record, at least with regard to the high profile cases (most notably the Joker who is frequently shown escaping at will); escapes are frequent and those who are 'cured' and released tend to re-offend. Furthermore, several staff members, including at least one director, have ended up as residents, notably Dr. Harleen Quinzel, Lyle Bolton and, in some incarnations, Dr's. Jonathan Crane and Hugo Strange.

In addition, prisoners with unusual medical conditions that prevent them from staying in a regular prison are housed there. For example, Mr. Freeze is not always depicted as insane, but he requires a strongly refrigerated environment to stay alive; Arkham, with special conditions required for certain patients or inmates being a regularity rather than exception, is potentially seen by authorities to be an ideal location under such circumstances.

Gotham criminals deemed "insane" or "mentally unfit" by a court of law generally are treated at Williams Medical Center before being deemed dangerous enough to be sent to Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum was named after Elizabeth Arkham, the mother of founder Amadeus Arkham. The original name of the asylum was Arkham Hospital. Its dark history began in the early 1900s when Arkham's mother, having suffered from mental illness most of her life, committed suicide. (It was later revealed that her son actually euthanized her, and repressed the memory.) Amadeus Arkham decided, then, as the sole heir to the Arkham estate, to remodel his family home in order to properly treat the mentally ill, so others might not suffer as his mother had. Prior to the period of the hospital's remodeling, Arkham treated patients at the State Psychiatric Hospital in Metropolis, where he and his wife, Constance, and daughter, Harriet, had been living for quite some time.

Upon telling his family of his plans, they moved back to his family home to oversee the remodeling. While there, Arkham received a call from the police notifying him that Martin "Mad Dog" Hawkins (a serial killer) referred to Arkham by Metropolis Penitentiary while at State Psychiatric Hospital — had escaped from prison, and sought his considered opinion on the murderer's state of mind. Shortly afterward, Arkham returned to his home to find his front door wide open. Inside, he discovered the raped and mutilated bodies of his wife and daughter in an upstairs room, with Hawkins' nickname carved on Harriet's body.

Despite this family tragedy, the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane officially opened that November. One of its first patients was Martin Hawkins, whom Arkham insisted on personally treating. After treating Hawkins for six months, Arkham strapped him to an electroshock couch then deliberately and purposefully electrocuted him. The death was treated as an accident but contributed to Arkham's gradual descent into madness, which he began to believe was his birthright. Eventually, Arkham was institutionalized in his own hospital, where he died.

Many thank to Wikipedia for the information.

Right first off i want to say i have been planning this for ages, though i'm so slow with these fan casts i have been beaten several times lol. Anyway one of the best Batman graphic novels ever released if you have not read it, go and buy a copy asap, it's a read and a half, the game ain't bad either, enjoy.

Christian Bale as Batman:

Henry Cavill:

Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist. Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge on crime, an oath tempered with the greater ideal of justice. Bruce trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime. Batman operates in Gotham City.

Christian Bale is Batman, and the fact is he is contracted for a crossover movie they can always turn it into this instead. Of course though, let's get the Nolan Trilogy out the way first, but if he didn't do this then Henry Cavill is top choice to replace the dude as Bats from "Tudors."

Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon:

Jim Gordon was transferred back to the city after spending more than fifteen years in Chicago. A man of integrity, Gordon found that his only ally against the mob-controlled administration was the Batman. One of the most significant differences in this version is that Batman is never deputized and Gordon's relationship with him is kept out of the public eye whenever possible. It was also added that he was a Special Forces veteran who is capable in hand-to-hand combat. He is depicted as having an extra-marital affair with a fellow detective, Sarah Essen, due to friction in his marriage. Essen and Gordon correctly deduce Batman's true identity, but are unable (and in Gordon's case, unwilling) to prove it.

Gary Oldman just makes the best Jim Gordon, of course he'd only have a small part in this because most of the movie will be in Arkham.

Crispin Glover as The Joker:

Through his comic book appearances, the Joker is portrayed as a master criminal whose characterization has varied from that of a violent psychopath to a goofy trickster-thief. He is the archenemy of Batman, having been directly responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman's life, including the paralysis of Barbara Gordon, and the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin.

Throughout the character's long history, there have been several different origin tales. They most commonly depict his falling into a vat of chemical waste, which bleaches his skin and turns his hair green and his lips bright red, giving him the appearance of a clown. Well what can I say, got to be Crispin Glover again. yeah i know, i have cast Crispin quite a few times now as Joker, but why not, he is the perfect Joker nobody else even comes close, he is The Joker!

Carla Gugino as Catwoman:

Catwoman's origin — and to an extent, her character — was revised in 1986 when writer Frank Miller and artist David Mazzucchelli published "Batman: Year One," a revision of Batman's origin. In this version, Selina Kyle is reintroduced as a independent and more modern minded woman. She is a prostitute in order to survive and wants to break away from her abusive pimp (and former boyfriend). She witnesses his crimes and because of an event which occurs to her (nun) sister, fears for her sister's life and begins to study self defense and martial arts. Her teacher inspires Selina to become more than what she has been. She realizes that prostitution is no life for her or for "Holly." Holly Robinson is a young runaway who idolizes Selina, but is much too young to be on the streets as far as Selina is concerned. Selina shares her home with Holly,. As the story progresses Selina is led to burglary. She dons a catsuit costume that her now former pimp gave to her the day that she told him she was out of the business. After costuming, she gets a taste for burglary and begins to do it in more of a Robin Hood way than complete thievery.

Now i did like Lauren Cohan (Supernatural) for Catwoman, but she needs a few more years of acting under her belt before she could do a huge role like this. And i liked Kate Beckingsale too, though shes a much better Hellcat (Marvel's Catwoman). Then theres Angelina Jolie, she'd make a great Catwoman, but the gal does get cast a tad too much, i've got her as Boodikka anyway in the DC universe, so no go there. So who's left who screams Selina, its Carla Gugino, it took a while and a lot of thinking about it, but Tyler finally broke me lol, she is Catwoman.

Johnny Depp as The Riddler:

The Riddler is obsessed with riddles, puzzles, and word games. He delights in forewarning both Batman and the police of his capers by sending them complex clues. With this self-conscious use of a gimmick, the Riddler's crimes are flamboyant and ostentatious. The character is often depicted as wearing a domino mask either with a green suit and bowler hat, or a green jumpsuit. A black or purple question mark serves as his visual motif. Since the animated series and the film Batman Forever, Riddler often carries a trick "question mark" cane.

The Riddler is Edward Nigma who is Johnny Depp. He's acting talent enough would make the greatest of on screen Riddler appearances ever, there is no other.

Bob Hoskins as The Penguin:

Penguin is a short, rotund man known for his love of birds and his specialized high-tech umbrellas. A mobster-type criminal, he fancies himself a "gentleman of crime." His nightclub business provides a cover for more low-key criminal activity, which Batman tolerates as a source of underworld information. According to co-creator Bob Kane, the character was inspired from the then advertising mascot of Kool cigarettes which was a penguin with a top hat and cane.

Bob Hoskins would make the greatest Penguin. Heck he's even got the perfect voice too, good quality actor for the role.

Charlie Hunnam as Catman:

Catman was originally Thomas Blake, a world-famous trapper of jungle cats who turned to crime because he had grown bored with hunting and had squandered most of his fortune as a millionaire. He became a burglar who committed his crimes in a catsuit made out of an ancient African cloth he believed gave him a cat's nine lives. His costume was modeled after Catwoman's disguise. Catwoman was none too pleased to have her modus operandi copied, which included Selina Kyle (Catwoman) being wrongly implicated for Catman's crimes at least once and initially helped Batman. As with many Batman villains in their first appearances, Catman was originally a gimmicked villain who stole items along a "cat" theme, such as cat statues, "cat's eyes" emeralds, etc. His weapon of choice was a pair of steel clawtipped gloves and the catarane (which was razor sharp).

Well as far as i remember and this was a big while back, Hawk cast Charlie Hunnam as Catman and it stuck in my head, he's got the looks, a great actor and just says Catman all over, so Catman he is.

Mark Strong as Black Mask:

Sionis found he had an amazing aptitude for crime, and he soon had a large gang working for him. Calling them the False Face Society, the one requirement was that all members must select a mask from his collection and wear it at all times when on the job and in his presence. They were successfully gaining power in the Gotham underworld, until Black Mask decided it was time to take his revenge on Bruce Wayne. He began kidnapping Wayne Enterprises executives, putting masks on their faces that were coated in the deadly make-up once made by Janus Cosmetics. He also targeted Circe and forcibly disfigured her with the chemicals in order to force her to reunite with him. Circe would ultimately kill herself, leading Black Mask to replace her with a mannequin that he talked to as if it were a real person.

These kidnappings drew Batman's attention, and he began hunting down the False Facers. He slowly began to dismantle the organization until he finally found Black Mask in the ruins of the Sionis Family home. Black Mask lit the wreckage on fire trying to escape, but was caught in the burning house. Batman was able to save him, but the mask had been burned onto his face and left him disfigured.

Well the guy Mark Strong is hot property right now, amazing actor and in quite a couple of fantasy movies coming up, on the right road to star in a Batman movie, he'd own the Black Mask.

Tom Hardy as Deadshot:

Within the DC Universe, Deadshot is often a hired assassin, regularly boasting to "never miss." He is capable of using a large variety of weapons, but is most frequently portrayed as using a pair of silenced, wrist-mounted guns. He initially appears in Gotham City as a new crimefighter, but is revealed to be an enemy of Batman when he attempts to replace the Dark Knight. He is sent to jail when Batman and Commissioner Gordon publicly expose his plot to become the king of Gotham's underworld.

After serving his term, Deadshot begins hiring his services out as an assassin, changing his costume from the top coat and tails he previously wore to a red jumpsuit and distinctive metal face plate with a targeting device on the right side. He has been a major figure in the Suicide Squad in its latest two incarnations, where his skills as a marksman and his disregard for human life serve to greatly further the group's objectives.

I don't know about you, but i think i've got a winner here. Seen talk of him being Batman but wtf, i have no idea why? Hardy is so Deadshot it's unbelievable though it could be just me lol, but i still think he'd make an excellent Deadshot, he has the look, the attitude, and the acting skills to pull it off!

Zooey Deschanel as Harley Quinn

The character proved so popular in the "Batman: The Animated Series" that she was eventually added to the Batman comic book canon (although she had already appeared in the Elseworlds Batman: Thrillkiller 62 in 1997). The comic book version of Quinn, like the comic book version of The Joker, is more dangerously psychotic and less humorously quirky than the animated series version.

Well my first choice was Brittany Murphy, but after the tragic events just before Christmas, R.I.P Brittany. I have come up with Zooey Deschanel, great actress, screams Harley Quinn, got a bit of a nut side to her and better still she looks the part and she could play the psychotic comic book character easy, can't see anyone else really close to this actress.

Derek Mears:

Bane was born in the fictional Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca, in a prison called Peña Duro ("Hard Rock"). His father had been a revolutionary and had escaped Santa Prisca's court system. The corrupt government however decreed that his young son would serve out the man's life sentence, and thus Bane's childhood and early adult life are spent in the amoral penitentiary environment. Though imprisoned, his natural abilities allow him to develop extraordinary skills within the prison's walls. He reads as many books as he can get his hands on, builds up his body in the prison's gym, and learns to fight in the merciless school of prison life. Despite his circumstances, he finds teachers of various sorts during his incarceration, ranging from hardened convicts to an elderly Jesuit priest, under whose tutelage he apparently receives a classical education. Bane murders this priest upon his return to Santa Prisca years later. However, he commits his first murder at the age of eight, stabbing a criminal who wanted to use him to gain information about the prison. During his years in prison, Bane carries a teddy bear he calls Osito (Spanish for "little bear"), whom he considers his only friend. It is revealed that Osito has a hole in his back to hold a knife that Bane uses against anyone who bullies him.

Bane ultimately establishes himself as the "king" of Peña Duro prison. The prison's controllers take note and eventually force him to become a test subject for a mysterious drug known as Venom[4], which had killed all other subjects. It nearly kills him at first, but he survives and finds the drug vastly increases his physical strength, although he needs to take it every 12 hours (via a system of tubes pumped directly into his brain) or he would suffer debilitating side-effects. What can i say, we need more than grunting and a wrestler for this part, he's in the upcoming "Predators," "Friday the 13th 2," and "Hellbinders," and done loads of TV, he's our man.

Frank Whaley as Firefly:

How much of Firefly's pre-Crisis history that is still intact is unclear, but post-Crisis, he works primarily with fire instead of lighting effects, and he also displays a pyromaniac streak.

Garfield Lynns is originally a pyrotechnic expert for motion pictures, but falls victim to Gotham City's severe poverty and turns to crime, displaying signs of pyromania. Lynns is captured by Batman and Robin after his first robbery. He takes up arson as a hobby, but it soon turns to an obsession; he believes he can see visions in the flames. Inspired by actual fireflies, he builds a suit and becomes a professional arsonist. Early in his criminal career Firefly becomes the protégé of Killer Moth, looking to duplicate the success of crime-fighting duo Batman and Robin. The alliance falls apart when Killer Moth realizes the full extent of Firefly's madness and fears for his own well-being.

Franks been in a lot of TV (Dead Zone etc) and movies, and just done the "Cell 2," he's a talented actor that pretty much deserves more of the lime light and such a project as "Batman" would be awesome for the guy as Firefly, cannot see anyone else but him as the part.

Ben Kingsley as Mister Freeze:

Post-Crisis, Freeze was revamped utilizing Paul Dini's backstory. Dr. Victor Fries is an expert molecular biologist. As a child, he is fascinated by freezing animals. His parents, horrified by his "hobby", send him to a strict boarding school, where he is miserable, feeling detached from humanity. In college, he meets a woman named Nora, whom he falls in love with and ultimately marries.

Nora later falls terminally ill. Fries takes on a job working for a large company run by the ruthless Ferris Boyle. Fries discovers a way to put Nora into cryo-stasis (using company equipment without permission), and places her in that state hoping to sustain her until a cure could be found. Boyle finds out about the experiment and attempts to have her brought out of cryo-stasis, overruling Fries' frantic objections. A struggle ensues, in which Boyle kicks Freeze into a table full of chemicals and leaves him for dead. Fries survives, but his body temperature is lowered dramatically due to mutations triggered by the chemicals; he can now only live at subzero temperatures and is thus forced to wear a special refrigerating suit to stay alive. As Mr. Freeze, he uses cryonic technology to create a gun, which fires a beam that freezes any target within its range.

His first act as a costumed criminal is to take revenge upon Boyle, a plan with which Batman interferes. Mr. Freeze fires his freeze-gun at Batman, but he dodges, causing the beam to shatter Nora's capsule. Freeze blames Batman, and swears to destroy whatever the Dark Knight holds dear (mainly Gotham City, and eventually Robin).

Now down to Sir Ben Kingsley, well its a total no brainer, the part is perfect for him, i always thought even back since cough cough "Batman & Robin" what the frick did they use Arnold for? Totally wrong for the part with his crappy one-liners, even back then, (Kingsley wasn't long off "Species") i thought, why did he not get the part back in .97? It makes no sense, Kingsley looks like he jumped right out of a Batman comic book. Well if they ever do bring in Mister Freeze, Kingsley is our man.

Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow:

The Scarecrow is Dr. Jonathan Crane, a professor of psychology and expert in the psychology of fear, who turns to crime after being fired due to his eccentric behavior and appearance. His modus operandi is the adoption of a Scarecrow persona, used to threaten his victims into doing whatever he wants.

The Scarecrow uses a variety of toxins that cause his victims to hallucinate that their phobias have come to life. He wears his Scarecrow mask to enhance the effect of the hallucinogen (instilling fear in all who see him) as well as to avoid being poisoned by his own toxin. Although physically unintimidating, Scarecrow can resort to physical combat, uses a style called "violent dancing", based partly on the crane style of kung fu and on drunken boxing.

The Scarecrow is an expert on psychology, with a focus on fear, and is a certified professor on the subject. His mastery of fear is such that the yellow power ring of Amon Sur tried to seek him out at Arkham after its masters death, though it was stopped before reaching him.

Yep another no brainer, Cillian Murphy is the perfect Scarecrow, no need for another.

Adrien Brody as Man-Bat:

Dr. Kirk Langstrom, a scientist specializing in the study of bats, develops an extract intended to give humans a bat's sonar sense and tests the formula on himself because he is becoming deaf. While it works, it has a horrible side effect: it transforms him into a hideous man-sized bat.

The serum also takes away his intelligence, so he goes on a mad rampage until Batman reverses the effects.

By taking his bat-gland formula, Kirk Langstrom can transform himself into a bat-like creature. By taking an antidote he can return to human form.

As Man-Bat, his strength, agility and endurance are all enhanced to super human levels; Kirk possesses a set of leathery bat wings that allow him to fly, and has super-sensitive hearing, and natural sonar. He emits high-pitched sound waves and can hear the echoes they make when they bounce off nearby objects, enabling Man-Bat to navigate perfectly in pitch black darkness.

If in Man-Bat form for a prolonged time, he will lose control over his animalistic side and works purely on instinct, making him prone to harm friend and foe alike.

Adrien Brody screams the character, he's been in many films, "The Pianist" playing Wladyslaw Szpilman as his big one, and he's in the upcoming "Predators" too. This guy would bring that depth for the Dr. Kirk Langstrom character and beyond, of course a lot of the Man-Bat action will be CGI, though not totally, he's a too greater actor for that to happen, he is the Man-Bat.

Larry David as The Ventriloquist:

A meek, quiet man, Arnold Wesker (the first Ventriloquist) plans and executes his crimes through a dummy named Scarface, with the dress and persona of a 1920s gangster, complete with pinstripe suit, cigar, and Tommy gun. His name comes from the nickname of Al Capone after whom Scarface is modeled.

Born into a powerful Mafia Family, Wesker developed Dissociative Identity Disorder (incorrectly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder) after seeing his mother murdered by an assassin from a rival Family. Growing up, his only outlet is ventriloquism.

The Ventriloquist has no superhuman powers and is not a good hand-to-hand combatant. He is a skilled ventriloquist and his Scarface persona is a skilled criminal strategist. The Ventriloquist usually has a handgun of some kind, whilst Scarface carries his trademark tommy gun.

Writer and been on about 35 or so episodes of "Seinfeld" amongst a lot of other TV acting, the guy can totally act and damn, you couldn't get a better Ventriloquist if Arnold Wesker was real himself!

Hugh Laurie as The Clock King:

Born William Tockman, Clock King spends his early years taking care of his invalid sister. One day he finds out from a doctor's visit that he himself only has six months to live. Despairing for his sister's future, he watches the timing of a local bank's vault in order to rob it, hoping the money would provide for his sister after he was gone. His caper would have gone successfully, had he not tripped a silent alarm and been caught by the Green Arrow.

While he is incarcerated, his sister dies alone. In further hideous irony, Tockman discovers that he really isn't terminally ill; his doctor had accidentally switched his papers with those of another patient. Infuriated, he escapes, later futilely attempting revenge on the Green Arrow.

The original Clock King has no metahuman powers or abilities, although he is athletic and extraordinarily smart. He extensively uses clock and time related gimmicks to devastating effect. I was thinking David Hyde Pierce from "Frasier" as Clock King (Niles), but i think if he was all you'd see is Niles and not the Clock King so Laurie from "House" would make a fine King.

Sean Penn as Clayface (Matt Hagen):

Matt Hagen is the second Clayface, Matt Hagen. A treasure hunter, Hagen finds a mysterious radioactive pool of protoplasm in a cave. Immersing himself in it, he is transformed into a malleable clay-like form which could be shaped into almost anything he desires. This is only a temporary effect, however, requiring him to return to the pool periodically in order to maintain use of his powers.
He eventually copies the pool's protoplasmic jelly by chemistry studies, although the artificial proptoplasm only allows him five hours of Clayface powers compared to the full two days of the pool's.

Sean Penn would of course do huge justice to the Matt Hagen character, he plays such diverse roles, this is so made for him and of course the actual Clayface footage would be all CGI.

Olivia Wilde as Talia al Ghul:

Talia's father met her mother, who was of mixed Chinese, European and Arab descent. Talia's mother later dies of a drug overdose. This is a retcon of Batman: Son of the Demon (1987), which states that Talia's mother was named Melisande and was murdered by a former servant of Ra's named Qayin.

In her youth, Talia travels with Ra's around the world. He teaches her hand-to-hand combat as well as the use of most conventional weapons, from swords to guns. She helps him in the management of various organizations that he controls.

Talia = Olivia Wilde, just check her out in in the upcoming new "Tron" movie, or some of the other stuff shes done, she'd own the part and you could see why Bruce Wayne falls for her so much.

Kevin Grevious as Killer Croc:

Waylon Jones was born with a condition resembling epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, a disfiguring skin disorder. However, it is actually a form of regressive atavism, meaning that he has inherited traits of ancestral species of the human race, such as reptiles. This condition has been augmented by the presence of a metagene. Consequently, he has several extraordinary physical abilities relating to his endurance, strength, and speed.

His skin is hardened to the degree that it is nearly impenetrable to ordinary forms of abrasion including high caliber weapons fired from a distance. He possesses a degree of super strength; for example, he was able to tear a bank vault door off of its hinges with minimal effort. He has demonstrated regenerative powers allowing him to heal and restore lost limbs and teeth. He possesses superhuman reflexes and speed, especially while he is moving underwater. Killer Croc also has an enhanced sense of smell.

Well Kevin Grevious seems to be a hot favorite for Killer Croc here at CBM, so why not, he sure was good in "Underworld." He'd make a great Killer Croc.

Ben Foster as Mr (Victor) Zsasz:

Victor Zsasz was the head of his own intergovernmental company and had amassed a large personal fortune in addition to his family's wealth. At the age of 25 his parents died in a boating accident, sending him into a deep depression. He turned to gambling, losing money in competitions around the world. One night, he ended up in a Gotham City casino, where he gambled everything he owned and ended up losing it all to the Penguin; afterwards he saw that his life was empty, driven by desire, and there was no point to his existence. While he was attempting to commit suicide by jumping from Gotham Bridge, a homeless man tried to assault him with a knife after he refused to give him money. Instinctively grabbing the knife, Zsasz saw in the man's eyes that all life is meaningless and that nothing nor anyone matters. He then proceeded to stab the man to death as a "gift" for saving his life. From then on, he dedicated himself to "liberating" others from their pointless existence (Zsasz often refers to victims as "zombies"). He usually preys on young women, but has no qualms over whom he murders. He slits his victims' throats and leaves them in lifelike poses, adding a tally mark to himself each time. He has been diagnosed as insane and is regularly incarcerated in Arkham Asylum courtesy of Batman, breaking out on occasion to carry on killing.

Well i was actually going to go with the original guy who played him for two seconds in "Batman Begins" but since i saw Josh cast him not long ago, he sold me to him as the character. Gotta say Ben Foster is damn near perfect for the role, he'd play it really well and has that look about him.

Martin Short as Mad Hatter:

Jervis Tetch is fascinated with hats of all shapes and sizes, as well as the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, particularly favoring the chapter 'A Mad Tea Party'. According to Dr. Blakloch of Arkham Asylum: Jervis is a paranoid schizophrenic...And he's obsessive-compulsive, and highly delusional. He's got an immature self-image, so he identifies more with children than adults. Oh and he's a genius, too.

While the Mad Hatter has no inherent superpowers, he is a brilliant neurotechnician with considerable knowledge on how to dominate and control the human mind, either through hypnosis or direct technological means. Usually, the Hatter places his mind control devices in the brims of hats, but has been known to utilize other devices as well. More recently, he has been able to directly influence the minds of others at a distance without any apparent equipment. However, this is most likely not a newly-emerging metahuman ability; more likely, his skill at miniaturizing and concealing technology, and advances upon his original technology, have probably allowed him to develop technology that permits him to use a device hidden upon his person (such as in his hat) to project mindcontrolling powers in the manner of a meta-human ability such as telepathic powers.

Well Martin Short as far as i can see, is the Mad Hatter, not the most original pick to play him as he's in the new "Alice in Wonderland" movie, but i can't think of anyone better, i'm sure he'd do a killer job as Tetch.

John Malkovich as Hugo Strange:

In the Post-Crisis continuity, Strange is reintroduced in the "Prey" arc as a psychologist hired to use his skills to help bring in Batman. He eventually figures out Batman's secret identity, but instead of revealing it to the public, he keeps it secret.

His first meeting with Batman is later retouched in Matt Wagner's Batman and the Monster Men. The character is introduced in the middle of a grueling workout, considering his lot in life: "I am a product of this city. My early childhood scarred by trauma and grief. The experience has honed and directed me. I now seek to make the most of my ordeals for the benefit of others. I work tirelessly for what I see as the betterment of all mankind. To that end, I have rigorously trained my body. Attained its absolute peak of physical perfection. Unfortunately... there are certain genetic limitations to what I might achieve."

Now ever since i saw "Con Air" back in '97, i saw Hugo Strange in Malkovich, he played Cyrus the Virus back then and he would totally be the best Hugo Strange ever. Now i think i've seen him only cast once in that role on here but forgot who cast him, all i can say is good eye, amazing actor!

Rachel Nichols as Poison Ivy:

Poison Ivy (Pamela Lillian Isley) is depicted as one of the world's most prominent eco-terrorists. She is obsessed with plants, botany, and environmentalism. She uses toxins from plants and her own bloodstream for her criminal activities, which are usually aimed at protecting the natural environment. Fellow villain Harley Quinn is her recurring partner-in-crime and possibly her only human friend.

The dangerous experiments placed a deliberate overdose of plant and animal based toxins into her blood stream that make her touch deadly and allowed her to boost her immunity to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This immunity also includes Joker venom.[36] Some comics have even gone so far as to depict her as more plant than human, breathing CO2 and requiring sunlight to survive.

Ivy's body produces pheromones that make people susceptible to mind control around her, although strong-minded people like Batman are usually capable of resisting. She was even once able to control Superman with the use of kryptonite.

Well i'm a bit pissed off i got beat to the punch with this pick, already cast her and Movie Lad casts her first lol. Kudos dude, you've got taste. Yeah i really shouldn't take so long doing these castings i know, actually this was set to be put up on Christmas Eve but was way too busy, but been on and off like The Green Lantern Corps casting, been doing this bit by bit for a couple of months and yeah i know, i have cast her as Kid-Flash in Kingdom Come casting but as far as i'm concerned that is another DC Universe character, so Rachel Nichols is Poison Ivy.

Now the next couple of gals would only have cameos in this as most of it is in Arkham Asylum and don't worry, no Robin here!

Mila Kunis as The Huntress:

The Modern Age Huntress is Helena Rosa Bertinelli (also Hellena Janice Bertinelli in the miniseries Robin 3, Cry of the Huntress), the daughter of one of Gotham's mafia bosses who, after seeing her entire family murdered by a mob hit, vows revenge. During the No Man's Land she works as Batgirl, but not alongside Batman (whom the citizens believe abandoned them).

Batman considers her to be too unpredictable and violent. Others in the Batman family feel differently; Nightwing had a brief romantic fling with her, while she and Tim Drake share a good professional relationship. Early in his career he worked with the female vigilante, and later cleared her name in a murder case. Batman sponsors Huntress's membership in the Justice League, and for some time, Huntress was a respected member of the League. Under the guidance of heroes such as Superman, she grew in confidence, but was forced to resign after Batman stopped her from killing the villain Prometheus.

Well i know i have cast Mila as Jade in Green Lantern Corps but, i have always thought of her since the "70's show" for the role of Huntress and anyways, Mila will be all done up with green make up, green contacts and green hair that you would never really know its her as such as the Green Lantern; Jade. So perfect Huntress and yes i know theres been quite a few picks for her for that role and why not, like i said she's perfect for it.

Kate Mara as Batgirl (Barbara Gordon):

A new Batgirl—Barbara "Babs" Gordon, the daughter of Batman supporting character Police commissioner James Gordon -- debuted in Detective Comics #359 (cover-dated January 1967, but released in November 1966). In her debut, Gordon is on her way to a masquerade ball dressed as a female version of Batman when she disrupts a kidnapping attempt on Bruce Wayne by the villainous Killer Moth. This attracts the attention of Batman and leads to her establishing a crime-fighting career. This new character, jointly created by Editor Julius Schwartz, artist Carmine Infantino and author Gardner Fox, was a collaboration between DC Comics and the Batman television series of the late 1960s which aired on ABC. When television producer William Dozier sought to renew the Batman program for a third season, he asked Schwartz for a new female character to be introduced in the comic book medium, which could be adapted into the television series in order to attract a female audience. The new version of Batgirl was written as an adult, having earned a doctorate in library science and maintaining a career as head of Gotham City Public Library.

What can i say about Kate Mara, shes a great actress and been in many TV stuff including "Nip Nuck," "24," "CSI," amongst others and many movies plus shes in the upcoming "Iron Man 2" as Bethany Cabe. Lets just say i've seen her stuff and she'd own the role of Barbara Gordon and bring the role role the depth it needs to succeed.

LEEE777 - Okay that took way too long, i think this will be my last ever huge casting (well on my own lol). That took forever, well hope you like it and have a happy New Years.

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LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 5:35 AM
Heres some PICS i didn't get to use, but i've put 'em up anyway! ; D

; )
Monstawain - 12/27/2009, 7:39 AM
YES! Someone else who thought of Zooey as Harley! Good stuff Leee.
1chris2 - 12/27/2009, 7:52 AM
pretty good casting. i really like the catwoman,riddler,penguine,harley,bane,dr freeze,manbat,the ventriliquist,clock king,clayface,mad hatter,ivy,and bat girl. but i think joker should be played by ben foster,and hugh laury might make a seriouse riddler.
1chris2 - 12/27/2009, 7:53 AM
ohh i liked your pick for killer croc as well.great casting man.
1chris2 - 12/27/2009, 7:54 AM
talia al ghul would make a pretty good villain to and good pick.
lc - 12/27/2009, 8:15 AM
i tell you how i feel when i get into the bedroom LEEE!lol
LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 8:23 AM
BMAC @ Kudos dude!!! ; )

1chris2 @ Cheers man! Hey check out a movie called "WILLARD" and tell be CRISPIN GLOVER is not JOKER! Hey though, BEN FOSTER would be good! Ta dude!

lc @ Gulp! ; D
jazzman - 12/27/2009, 9:25 AM
nice casted but im not sure for the The Ventriloquist, Black Mask and The Riddler. i like Johnny Depp as The Rddler but aint he a fanboy casting.

Toby Jones as The Ventriloquist

Clive Owen as Black Mask

Guy Pearce as The Riddler

Hawksblueyes - 12/27/2009, 9:33 AM
I think Guy Pierce would make a good Joker replacement. He is an excellent actor and his facial features do resemble Ledgers
LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 9:50 AM
GUY PIERCE could play any BATMAN/FLASH villain lol, though i don't see him as RIDDLER at all! JAZZ @ I like ya BLACK MASK an VEN picks, though im not really sure who Toby Jones is?!? ; D

I'll check him up dude!

HAWKS @ We don't need a actor that resembles Ledger lol, its his own. We need an actor who can make the comic book version of JOKER come to life, CRISPIN GLOVER is da man!!

: P
MarkCassidy - 12/27/2009, 10:03 AM
Cool Lee, nice pics..but half of them don't appear in Arkam Asylum!
Hawksblueyes - 12/27/2009, 10:11 AM
LEEE: If Bale is Batman, then whoever plays The Joker needs to resemble Ledger at least a little bit. But thats just my opinion and I could be wrong. LOL
AshleyWilliams - 12/27/2009, 10:43 AM
I can't Find anything wrong with this cast!
Though,Kingsley is a little old for Freeze.So Alan Rickman for Mr Freeze!Yep,Snape!!!!!
LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 10:43 AM
ROR @ Cheers an lol, most have been there though at one time or another, yeah only half would be used anyway. Just putting it out dere, hey you still gonna dso your OLD MAN LOGAN casting man??

HAWKS @ Its a good point, i suppose whoever actor gets it would wanna make it their own an not copy though, somehow i doubt we'll see JOKER anytime soon in any BATMAN movie.

Really hope they have DEADSHOT in BATS 3 an maybe DEATHTROKE too, hunting the on the run BATS!!

God, i hope it aint just RIDDLER lol or CATWOMAN or something! : D

LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 10:44 AM
NightAvenger @ Cheers man!!! Hey i like RICKMAN, great idea!
Hawksblueyes - 12/27/2009, 10:55 AM
LEEE: Your right,Deathstroke should be in something, even if it's a Marvel movie. LOL!! All kidding aside, he is a badass character.

Did you ever read the X-Men, Teen Titans team up where Wolverine and Deathstroke go head to head? Excellent book!!!

JoshWilding - 12/27/2009, 11:02 AM
Great cast LEE!!!

I like all of your choices (even though I have my own favourites for one or two of them..!) but I havent really seen Glover in anything so I dont know whether he'd make a good Joker!

I like your Harley Quinn choice - I know her sister from Bones (where she plays the main character!) but Zooey recently guest starred in an episode and she's a great actress!!

I'm glad you liked my Ben Foster choice, lol! :) Carla Gugino, Rachel Nichols and Kate Mara are 3 brilliant casting choices though and Olivia Wilde as Talia al Ghul is perfect!

All round excellent cast bud!! :)
MistressKizuna - 12/27/2009, 11:36 AM
Great choices, Leee! I really like Tom Hardy for Deadshot, and Carla Gugino for Catwoman!
GreenLantern2010 - 12/27/2009, 11:38 AM
greatt fancast :D ;)

only ONE problem; Bane's south american and Mears isn't, my choice was Javier Bardej

otherwise great cast :)
jazzman - 12/27/2009, 11:39 AM

i think Guy Pierce will be great as The Riddler the guy can really actor on the next level. Johnny Depp is a great actor but his too predictable for the role of The Riddler in my opinion. he still be great for The Riddler but im just thinking outside of the box LOL.

yeah you need to check out Toby Jones
LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 11:42 AM
Hawksblueyes @ Ive got that actual comic book dude, awesome read!!! Got it in a reprinted Trade too!

JOSH @ Cheers dude, means a lot, hey you have a great XMAS??? What ya get?? (Not including what you bought yourself lol :P ).

DUDE, you've GOT see WILLARD!!!! He stars in that, creepy movie!

Cool,her (ZOOEY) sis is in BONES, didn't know that!

Yeah BEN FOSTERS perfect for that part man, kudos!

Cheers again man, and hey catch WILLARD you'll luv it!

; D
LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 11:43 AM
Kizuna @ Cheers, yeah i thought HARDY fits pretty good for that role too! Luv your CAP BRITAIN casting by the way!! Thanx again!

Davis @ Thanks man, yeah i thought of that, but as BANE wears a mask it don't really matter?! I like Javier Bardej, he'd do tooman, good stuff, hey is he big enough though?? Hell he can pump iron for months if he ain't! ; D


JAZZ @ Yeah inormally think outside the box too lol, an your right GUY would be a great RIDDLER!! An i will deff check this Toby Jones guy out, thanks!
KingoDaUndead - 12/27/2009, 11:43 AM
Where's the screenplay already? Would love to see this made.
Great job LEEE!
LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 11:50 AM
KingoDaUndead @ Thanks buddy, glad you liked!! Yeah where is that screenplay already? : D
Hawksblueyes - 12/27/2009, 11:54 AM
LEEE: I've got 2 copies of that book. 1 I bought new, when it first came out,( lord I feel old) LOL, that I read all the color off of. And 1 I bought more recently to put away.
ecksmanfan - 12/27/2009, 12:01 PM
Like them all LEEE, but I can't get behind Martin Short as Mad Hatter. Why? because I can't stand that man. He stopped being funny about 20 years ago. All the others are great. I love the Harley choice!
InTylerWeTrust - 12/27/2009, 12:18 PM
I don't like Bale, Riddler, Bane (Bardem would be better, he fits the character's nationality and is a much better actor, Bane needs a good actor to play him, Mears isn't), and Ventriloquist.

The rest are great. Catwoman, Harley (RIP Brittany Murphy), Freeze, Croc, and Huntress are your best ones.
TheLivingWeapon - 12/27/2009, 1:29 PM
Clive owen as joker!! hell yea!!
LEEE777 - 12/27/2009, 1:49 PM
TheLivingWeapon @ Um you know thats CRISPIN GLOVER don't ya!!! ; D

HAWKS @ Cool dude lol!

ECKS @ I know what you , mean with SHORT. : D

TYLER @ It was you that changed my mind on CATWOMAN lol, i put it up top dude if ya look, cheers! : P
InTylerWeTrust - 12/27/2009, 2:10 PM
Lee: Yeah, I saw my name up there :)
1chris2 - 12/27/2009, 3:03 PM
hey leee. crispin glover is a scary dude,and i have seen willard,charlies angels 2,and beowolf. the guy is kinda strange but who know he might be able to play him i liked ben foster in alpha dog and hostage with bruce willis he was out there. anyways nice talking to you guys later.
TheLivingWeapon - 12/27/2009, 3:07 PM
@lee- loool thats what i meant

im tipsy leave me alone haha

i just made the pic and this article was the perfect exuse to use it lool
lc - 12/27/2009, 3:13 PM
your tipsy oh i say you mean over tipsy dont ya livin lol
TheLivingWeapon - 12/27/2009, 3:37 PM
@lc - haha shut up bitch loool

yea thats a side effect of beer on me i mix up names
yanky820 - 12/27/2009, 4:08 PM
Nice casting lee they all look great for the part. Love the joker I always thought he would be good as the joker
Ryden - 12/27/2009, 4:33 PM
I would like to see Bale finish off the trilogy but after that I want him as far away from Batman as possible. Henry Cavill is a good choice, Hardy’s better tho ;)

Although Oldman is absolutely amazing as Commissioner Gordon I don’t really think Arkham Asylum would be in the same continuity as the Nolan series.

Perfect Joker ;)

Like the Catwoman choice

I do like Depp for the Riddler but only in the Nolan series.

Great Penguin pick.

Awesome Catman casting :D

Mark Strong would make a good Black Mask but I prefer him for Freeze

Hmm Hardy would be a good Deadshot but he fits Batman more. Dark hair, big build, an AMAZING actor….he’s Batman.

Yeah Brittany would have been perfect, she will be missed

No, don’t really like your Bane pic. He doesn’t look South American at all and I’ve never seen him act so I don’t know if he’s good or not. Javier Bardem ftw.

Nice Firefly choice.

Love the Freeze choice, he would be perfect

I love Murphey as Scarecrow but once again would it not be a different continuity?

Like the Man-Bat pic.

He’d make an awesome Arnold Wesker, I prefer John Lithgow though

Not bad clock King, I do prefer David Hyde Pierce though.

Interesting Clayface choice, he’d do a good job.

The rest are great to, good cast LEEE but Tom Hardy IS Batman…Henry Cavill is a very close second though.
THEHAWK - 12/27/2009, 4:34 PM
Hey guys, whats up! I'm back!
THEHAWK - 12/27/2009, 4:46 PM
Not a bad cast man, I am good with most of them.

Thanks for the shoutout btw! Hunam is PERFECT for Catman!

My main problems are with Bane and Deadshot.

Bane is Batman's most intelligent foe, as well as one of his most dangerous. He deserves a good actor, and htere is one actor with the skills adn talent to play Bane.

Javier Baradem is an amazingly taleneted and slightly tall Oscar winnign actor who has the build to play Bane, and he even has the same face!

And Jeffery Dean Morgan is PERFECT for Deadshot.

Hawk out
My other problem is with Deadshot. The best choice for him has to be Jeffery Dean Morgan. Morgan has that seasoned Badass fell Deadshpot needs, and he kinda looks like him too.

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