The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes animated series airs on Disney XD on October 20, will be introducing these mighty heroes in a series of micro episodes. And today, they've debuted the first micro-episode "Iron Man is Born", that you can check out below.
"When the villainous organization known as HYDRA attacks the United Nations, the fate of the world's leaders rests in the hands of Tony Stark, the Invincible Iron Man!"
Awesome right?! The voices behind Tony & Pepper in the series are oddly similar to Robert Downey Jr & Gwyneth Paltrow's from the
Iron Man movie franchise, don't you think?
Anyhow, will be releasing more mini episodes introducing Earth's Mightiest Heroes, daily up to the October 20/ And according
Toonzone, will be released in this order:
Iron Man is Born!
The Coming of the Hulk
The Man in the Ant Hill
Hydra Lives!
Thor the Mighty
Behold, the Mandroids!
Hulk Versus the World
The Siege of Asgard
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
This Monster, This Hero
My Brother, My Enemy
The Isle of Silence
Enter the Whirlwind
Meet Captain America
The Red Skull Strikes!
If This Be Doomsday!
Welcome to Wakanda
Lo, There Shall Come a Conqueror
Beware the Widow's Bite
The Big House"
So be sure to check back tomorrow for more.