Yesterday, we heard from director Jay Oliva on Justice League: War and future animated feature film projects and today we have a few words from the man that's currently filling the shoes of Bruce Timm, James Tucker. On future animated films, specifically Wonder Woman, Tucker shared, "[WB would]have to have a movie out and it’d have to do really, really, really, really REALLY well for them to go back [and ask us for another animated Wonder Woman film]. You just never know. It hasn’t happened yet. But I would be all for it. As far as what we’re doing, we’ll probably do a Wonder Woman-centered Justice League movie. We’ll use the Justice League as an umbrella to focus on characters who might not be able to support DVDs of their own. That’s not my judgment, that’s based on sales. But yeah, we’ll handle Wonder Woman in our own way, regardless of whether they’ll do a movie or not. I like her as a character and want to feature her as much as we can. But it will probably be in the context of a Justice League movie."
Tucker echoed Oliva's sentiments, that the current slate of DC animated films are going to have a loose continuity. Starting with
Justice Leauge: The Flashpoint Paradox and carrying over through
Justice League: War and
Son of Batman. " We’re going to focus on the newer material, and basically setting up our own version of the New 52. We’re films, so the New 52 doesn’t really make sense for us, because we’re not doing 52 movies a year, or a month (laughs). Basically, we connected with the New 52 to do more contemporary stories, because the earlier line of DVD movies were classics. Some things adapt well, some things don’t. We had to do something to give ourselves more creative freedom. We’re using the New 52 world as a launching point where we can kind of tell our own stories, kind of like we did on Justice League Unlimited. Not necessarily what the comics were doing at that specific time, but it allowed us to do our own version of specific characters. So that’s what we’re doing with the New 52 world. We’re using it as a jumping off point, and an excuse to do a new take on the characters, and then we’ll kind of diverge into their own world and create their own universe off of that. That’s the idea. There will be adaptations of stories, but they’ll be more recent stories."
Tucker reinforced the notion that the animation team is looking to tell more contemporary stories but admitted that doing an adaptation of
Red Son has been discussed. "There has been discussion of that. That’s not something ruled out, but again, that’s a one-off and it’s an Elseworlds story. It’s not necessarily fitting in with what we’re doing in continuity. I’m not saying we wouldn’t do it. I’d love to do Red Son, and I’d love to do Gotham by Gaslight. But as far as other adaptations, there are not that many that I’m dying to do that wouldn’t require a lot of rethinking. They would be strictly adaptations, not literal translations from comic to movie. I’d much rather come up with original stuff or base a movie on a comic and then open it up and do something a little different, so that you’re not just watching a movie version of a comic book. Movies can’t replicate what comics do well, just like comics don’t replicate what movies do well. That’s how I look at it."
WB Animation Supervising Producer James Tucker On FLASHPOINT And Beyond