The new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer gave us a feast of new content for us to all drool over. It was great getting to see moments like Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver using their powers, the whole team fighting together several times, and of course the amazing James Spader making us shake in our boots with his speeches. We also got a great look at the tone and clearly darker moments this team will be going through. Of this entire trailer that the entire world including myself were freaking out over getting to see the Vision opening his eyes, I spotted something else that made me even more excited about this movie.

About 1:46 into the trailer where Thor calls out Ultron asking "Is that all you got," Iron Man is standing on Thor's left and wearing a suit of armor that clearly looks different then the armor we have seen in all of the other previous trailers. Many of us were kind of happy and disappointed when we saw only a slight color variation of the armor that we saw in Iron Man 3. We see most of that in the promotional materials along with the famous Hulk Buster, but now we see a third armor standing next to Thor which I believe is either the Bleeding Edge armor or some form of it. You can clearly see different definition and style in the chest and abs along with almost no gold and more red in the legs and the arms in the movie still compared to the Mark 43 (slight variation of Iron Man 3's 42) on the left. In the comics this was the next step from the Extremis armor which is sort of what we got in Iron Man 3 which are both based off of nanotech. I don't know what Marvel will really be giving us but I am very much excited for it and hope this suit kicks some major Ultron you know what. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for this suit.