At the conclusion of Iron Man 3, Tony Stark destroyed his armoury of suits and finally had the ARC reactor he had been dependent on for a number of years removed. That obviously leaves him with a new status quo in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and talking to recently, the actor had this to say about how Iron Man has since changed as a result. "I thought that the third Iron Man was about [Tony] transcending his dependence on the merits of continuing to wear your wound. That was what [director] Shane [Black] and I thought was the real win, that he throws that thing that had become a dependency away. Because that was the question I was always asking, why doesn’t he get those shards out [of his chest]? It’s dangerous." As for how that relates to where Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Stark's decision to build an army of robots to help police the world and allow the Avengers to take a step back, he added: "It reminds me of all that stuff, particularly as you get a little older or if you have any existential queries whatsoever. Why aren’t I dealing with that which is going to destroy me any second anyway? The armor was kind of an extension of that. There were so many suits, but I think he realizes that making all the suits in the world, which is what he had been doing, still didn’t [help him]. His focus [now] is more on how can we make it so that there’s no problem to begin with. That there’s a bouncer at our planet’s rope."

"That’s the big idea. Now I feel rather than him putting it all down, he was saying, ‘all right, job one roughly taken care of,’" Downey Jr. elaborates. "And I think job two [is to] go back east and get people organized and do what I can. I love that Tony’s not one of those super heroes who’s ever lost his money. [laughs] Which is great. He’s never lost his dough. But anyway, I think what he’s trying to do is set up shop where eventually this can be like with our visual effects guy, Chris Townsend. Eventually you just have to hand this over to the vendors so they can finish the job. That’s kind of what Tony’s thinking." We obviously already know that this all goes wrong when Ultron is somehow born and takes control of this police force for his own means, but hearing the actor's thoughts on how it all goes down is extremely interesting.
Talk then turned to writer and director Joss Whedon, and Downey Jr. had nothing but good things to say about the Avengers: Age of Ultron helmer. "First of all, he’s a good writer. I always tend to think, generally speaking, is this a movie I want to see? Because all the fine points are going to get worked out. This time, I think that from jump I thought wow, this is what I hadn’t figured out beforehand. This is what ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ should be. I was done with the first draft and I said, ‘Cool. I like it.’ [Producer] Kevin [Feige] was like, ‘Wait, what did you just say?’ [laughs] And [Joss] is continuing to write, even as we’re setting up shots. He’s bringing back in a line that was in the first draft or whatever." He adds, "This time around, I just want to say in summary it’s been fun. We all have become close. It just seems like we’re all genuinely developing relationships with each other. And I think the start and end of it is in trusting Joss. That he really, really knows what he’s doing." Here's hoping Whedon will be back for the two-part Avengers: Infinity War.