Avengers: Age of Ultron, the sequel written and directed by Joss Whedon, is another solid entry in the vast mythos of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This new offering from Marvel Studios exhibits spectacular visuals and extravagant action pieces that will leave you wanting more. And unlike its predecessor, the sequel prides itself with character-driven storytelling that gives us all a glimpse of what exactly make Earth's Mightiest Heroes tick.
However, it is without question that Age of Ultron is not without faults. Given the large number of characters present in the movie and the plot threads it has to weave, director Joss Whedon barely succeeds in juggling all of these. He succeeds barely, but it is a success nonetheless. The ones that suffer the most are the throwaway characters that could have been handled better. And as is the problem with most Marvel Studios movies, Ultron, the big baddie himself could have gained from more focus and development. It can also be pretty annoying how the movie feels like just another set-up for something bigger down the road. Ultimately, the movie's greatest enemy is the bar that was set too high.
But don't get me wrong. Avengers: Age of Ultron may not be the best that Marvel Studios has to offer, but it is still one of the studio's best efforts to date. Whatever faults the movie may have had, it makes up for in other aspects. If its predecessor had Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner/Hulk steal the scene, this movie has Paul Bettany's Vision. Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye also both manage to stand out among the rest of their peers this time around. And as always, Whedon's trademark wit and humor is prevalent and manages to hit all the right nerves. Along with the humor, comes a more personal look at the inner selves of our heroes. Despite all the grandeur, despite all the power, and despite being Earth's mightiest, the movie manages to show us that at their core, these people are still only humans. They are flawed humans striving to be something better. This sequel, unlike the first one, gives us a reason to care about these characters. It gives us a better understanding of them, an understanding that The Avengers could never give. The writing coupled with the ensemble's performance lets the movie succeed in this aspect with flying colors.
VERDICT: While it may not be able to recapture the magic of its predecessor, Avengers: Age of Ultron still manages to hit all the right notes. Featuring amazing visuals, awe-inducing action pieces, jaw-dropping sequences, and character driven storytelling, it is a truly worthy sequel. Worthy in every sense of the word, and being that good alone is a great feat in and of itself. Overall, I give the movie a score of 8 out of 10.