THE AVENGERS: Best Comic Book Movie of All Time?

THE AVENGERS: Best Comic Book Movie of All Time?

I'm going to be hated, I get this, but someone has to do it. This film, in my opinion, is not as "epic" as it's been blown up to be and I will explain why.

Editorial Opinion
By Oxion - Jun 02, 2012 07:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Avengers

The Avengers. This film has been on everyone's mind since the first cameo by none other than Nick Fury in Iron Man. Since then, everyone waited after every newly released Marvel film for another piece of the Avengers puzzle. When we finally got the teaser after Captain America, the stage was set. It was actually happening. The Avengers on the big screen. Then I saw it and it...wasn't what I thought it would be. I had one rule, love the story more than the fx (thank you Michael Bay for teaching me that, ass). I left the theater feeling content. Not excited, not reflecting on how awesome it was, I just left. I took another look at the movie to see why I felt the way I did. This "epic" film wasn't epic because (among other things) there was nothing new, nothing to blow my mind, nothing that made me jump out of my seat and high five everyone within 3 feet of me, nothing different from what I had seen from the films leading up to it. Now to get this out the way, I am not a Nolanite. Sounds like a something a Smurf would [frick]. I have been a comic book fan since I saw the Batmobile at age 3 so my standards were set a bit higher than the average movie goer with average knowledge about these beloved characters.

(Note: there are "spoilers but with the success of this film, I doubt I'm ruining anything for anybody).

The first major let down was Loki taking control of Hawkeye. The fact that it happened so early on pretty much cemented the fact that he wasn't going to be in the film much. They needed a reason to cut down on the cast to focus on the more familiar and popular characters. Other than the "new" Hulk, he was the only unexpected thing in the film. I had high hopes he would show me things throughout the movie I never would have imagined. Sadly, it wasn't that way. What helps in making a movie great is not knowing what's going to happen and being shown things you've haven't seen before. From the trailers alone, many of us could predict the film from beginning to end, in form that isn't too specific. It was at this time when I think Antman and Wasp should have been in the film, to increase the "Wow" factor.

So skip ahead a few scenes and we join Steve Rodgers in the gym. We watch as he completely destroys the weight bag he is working on. He then goes to pick up one of many other weight bags laying on the ground to start again. This scene, I'm guessing, is supposed to show off Captain's strength. What bugged me was that it was a waste of a scene. His strength didn't mean much during the rest of the film. He held his own but didn't do too well against Loki, then he later jumped from a plane, then we got to watch him mostly get chased and run away when trying to repair the Helicarrier. He got his hits in but he wasn't fighting anyone special. Then came the war. He jumped off a bus, showed off in front of the cops and basically did nothing more than crowd control. In all honesty, if Captain America was to be a big figure, he should of been fighting more with Iron Man and Thor (the power players) than Black Widow and Hawkeye (not so powerful players). Now I know what your thinking "Your a dumbass, Cap can't fly, what did you expect him to do?". Well...way I see it, Batman can't fly yet he can whip ass and it's entertaining for a guy with no powers. Cap is the Super Soldier yet does hardly anything super. Is it just me or does anyone else feel it should have been Cap to hop on the alien vehicle and fight the aliens instead of Widow? He was grounded too much and really didn't show the hero we easily see every week in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes series kickin ass.

Now if your not bored or pissed off yet because you think I'm being picky, let me get one thing off my chest. I can be "picky" because this isn't some team no one has heard of or some group of superheroes no one cares about. I had high expectations for a high profile team in a highly anticipated movie and although it delivered in some ways, it wasn't the film it should and could have been. Things might be this way because the film was supposed to be kid friendly, who knows and no movie will be amazing to everybody but this is how I feel. You can continue to read or leave now, your choice but I will express my opinion. Now, back to my analysis.

Iron Man was one of the few characters who worked from the second he entered till the end of the film. He didn't feel forced, he wasn't boring and he had a very active role. Active meaning he kept the story going and pushed the line. He said the things no one would say, he showed his charisma and humour while also showing his genius and doing it all while still being able to be a hero. He created tension and drama, something that movie really needed. It was more uncertainty that messed with the group than ego and ego may have been the better road. Cap about being a soldier, Thor about being a god and Iron Man about being...well Iron Man. We got a taste of this but that's it.

Iron Man's role was perfected. The same compliment's are given to the Hulk. He was the shaken bottle we were all waiting to pop, and did he. Again, his character in his entirety was shown. The nervousness, the strain of trying not to let the Hulk out, the intellect and genius when working with Iron Man and of course what rounded it all off was his "secret" to keeping the Hulk under control, the one answer that no one expected. Staying Angry. The Hulk bashed, the Hulk smashed but to top it all, he was in control.

Lastly come the gods of Asgard, Thor and Loki. Thor, who is portrayed amazingly by Chris Helmsworth, has yet to impress me. This god, since his introduction in Thor, has had his ass beat more times than a god should. Powerful and still never one to turn down a fight, I found it almost hilarious the battle between him and Iron Man. Tony may be a genius but someone like Thor should have been able to make quick work of him. Now this one on some level, I can let go. Thor has a growing love for humans so he may have been holding back. Still, with kind of damage the Iron Man armor has taken in the previous films with minimal effort, the power of Thor and his hammer should have been more than enough to handle the Iron Avenger. Another issue was his role during the war. He didn't seem to be the almighty god that loved to fight and could take anything and anyone. When fighting the Frost Giants, I saw Thor: God of Thunder. Since then, I don't know who I have been watching.

Then there is Loki. For him to be a villain for the second time, I feel his game should have been stepped up alot more. Now granted, it already had but hear me out. He is the Master of Mischief and very very good user of magic. The mischief should have been bigger. We don't know how the people of Earth felt after his attack at the party or if the event was even a world wide concern, because Loki was kept locked up in the Helicarrier for the majority of the film. Plus, Loki should have used his magic to play with the minds of the heroes, the classic manipulation to turn them against each other. There should have been more of the evil magic we know him to use. Instead, all he did was change his clothes and duplicated himself. The rest of his strength lied in his staff. There is also the fact that he was made a fool of multiple times in the film, which only further downgraded his strength as a villain. So how was the all powerful Asgardian defeated? He was treated like a Looney Tunes character by the Hulk. That was a serious let down and it basically made all his work and efforts look like a joke when that's all it took to defeat him.

The thing that really ruined the entire film for me was the scene in the middle of the city where the heroes took a stand. You know it, where the camera circles them as they look at the city. I thought that was going to be it, the scene that sent chills up and down my spine but after seeing it so much in the countless trailers and tv spots, it just wasn't important anymore. Maybe that would have changed if someone had of said those words...the words we all wanted to hear uttered in the midst of battle "Avengers Assemble!". Yet, for whatever reason, we were deprived of that.

The Avengers is now #3 on the list of highest grossing films of all time, however I don't believe the movie is good enough to be in those ranks. Many of you, I have seen, tend to agree with me on this. Films like The Dark Knight, Spider-Man 2 and X-men: First Class are much better films and movies that never get old, no matter how many times they are watched. Overall, there was nothing new, nothing that surprised me and no drama to build or complicate the story. It was very straight forward. Catch the bad guy, bad guy gets loose, beat the bad guy, go home. With the Avengers 2 already confirmed, I am afraid of how it will turn out with what I've seen with this film. Then again, it may have the "2nd movie is better than 1st" result when released. This film is by far NOT the best cbm of all time, in my opinion of course. I will look forward to The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight Rises and of course next year's Man of Steel. So let the bashing begin, I know how things work on this site. Trolls, come and play and thank you for reading my article.

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LoudNoises - 6/2/2012, 8:03 PM
I'm not gonna hate. I enjoyed the Avengers. I feel like most of your gripes tho come from certain characters not living up to your expectations. And the story, so many people knock the story as being too simple. I for one do not think the complexity of a story matters in a movie like this. The characters are complex (in terms of comicbook superheros) the story shouldn't be. I think people underestimate how difficult it is to write a story around so many important fan favorite characters and not only do the characters justice, but balance their screen time and unite them in a common goal storywise and have it all make sense. I feel like Whedon accomplished that. And there are at least 2 more sequels not to mention several solo films to expand on the characters and the central story which they share. But I understand this is your opinion, and that's cool with me.

But do you really think first class was better than the Avengers??? I think first class was awful in just about every way possible, lol. The only thing that was good about it to me was Fassbender. The scene in the bar where he kills everyone was pretty cool, but I spent a majority of that movie with a permanent cringe expression on my face, lol.
Oxion - 6/2/2012, 8:18 PM
Well you make awesome points, never looked at it that way but with films like X-Men and so many cartoons with teams, it's not like their aren't examples out there that show how the team formula can work. Tons of stories out there and this is the best they can do or is it purposely made this way for the future films coming out? and yes, X:Men rocked, but only in my opinion. It had that drama and emotional factor, alot of it wasn't good, Beast for example but it was a damn good film despite bein totally raped from it's origins.
Alejandro260 - 6/2/2012, 8:21 PM
T H A N K Y O U!!!!
Never Understood all the hype. Yeah its a good movie, very polished, some quirky lines and funny scenes, but no where near the best comic book movies. Its sad to ser people put it in such a high pedestal. It only shows kids today have short attention spans and are obsessed with "the new". Thor and Cap did suck major ballz. They did NOTHING! O well, just a few weeks away till The Dark Knight Rises rectifies these inequities.
Alejandro260 - 6/2/2012, 8:30 PM

Difficult? This movie had a very comic book derived story. But its 2012, we've had our Spidermans, TDK and even Watchmen (in terms of complexities)... They could have delivered a much more complex story. And it really bothered me the fact that it basically was a well written Transformers 3. THAT sucked! Proves a little lazy effort on their part to have such a similar story to such a bad movie less than a year apart. I mean I can dummarize the story fairly easily: Bad guy arrives, they get attacked, they reunite, they get attacked, they avenge, fight, win. Really? Loki gets beaten with a few punches? LAZY! And Lame! And YES First Class is one of the top cbms because of the relationship between Prof. X and Magneto. It was such a strong poignant and tragic relationship CARRIED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MOVIE! It drove the plot! The relationships between these avengers where mere subplots. They got over those quickly... Cause they had to fight! ALIENS! please man.
P.s. I enjoyed the movie. But its NOT CBM TOP 10
Alejandro260 - 6/2/2012, 8:38 PM
Furthermore, Im NOT going to dictate how anyone should list their fav CBMs, but in a list its crucial for anyone to include TDK, Spiderman 2, First class, X2, BB and Superman in their Top 5 ANY ORDER you want. And leave room for The Dark Knight Rises!!!
ManWhoLaughs - 6/2/2012, 8:55 PM
I really don't understand the point of this rant or "article". Who cares? People are going to like the films they are going to like. The made a great film especially for the amount of characters they had to focus and give screen time to. If you can do better by all means. The greatest part about these comic book films is that they are introducing a who new generation to these characters and getting them curious about the actual comic books themselves.

There is a fanboy snobbery out there and purists who are going to hate, but luckily for those who've seen the sun and want others to share the great world of comic books they've finally found a way to make them reach a whole new audience. If you don't like the film thats fine you can always go to your collection of books and graphic novels and relive the moments they frankly can't fit into 2 hours.

I say like them for what they are and if not let those who may not have the comic verse encyclopedia in their heads have fun. Quit being a Debbie downer.
MrsTonyStark0507 - 6/2/2012, 8:55 PM
Blah blah blah. This opinionated article is stoopid. That is my opinion.
LoudNoises - 6/2/2012, 9:05 PM
Don't get me wrong. I liked the Avengers, definitely top 2 in terms of CBM's for me. But my favorite CBM is still TDK. I'm one of those guys who gets called a Nolanite by some of the more extreme Marvel fans on here, lol. But I do think that a lot if the criticism thrown at the Avengers is unfounded. While it might not have a very complex story I think that the comparison to transformers 3 is only valid with respect the the earth invasion scenario. And lets face it, we are in no shortage of earth invasion movies, lol. What sets the two apart for me are the characters. You get a real sense of individual story arches and character development with the Avengers. Michael Bay's characters are either clitche or obnoxious. A story doesn't have to be complex, especially an earth invasion movie as long as the characters are compelling and have a sense of purpose. While certain character might get a little more screen time than others during the battle scenes, it's a huge task to follow that many character in a battle scene and keep them balanced. They each got their moments to shine and I don't think we could ask for too much more.
MrsTonyStark0507 - 6/2/2012, 9:22 PM
The way I choose to look at it is that they took all these individual movies that were made over the last several years and through very careful planning and little puzzle pieces, brought together these characters in a way that just flows and is so entertaining to watch. I mean, you have characters from all over the map and different generations. The movies seperately all have completely different tones and styles. Yet they brought them all together and it worked! Maybe it wasn't a terribly complex story, but it was damn sure entertaining and I LOVED it! Why does everyone care so much about complicated plots? If they are intending to go the Infinity Gauntlet route, you will get your complex story. As it was in this film, it was still just an intro to the Avengers. I don't think it was meant to be complex. I could not disagree with you more when you said it isn't a movie you could watch over and over. I have seen it 5 times now and I can't wait for it to come out on Bluray! But, again, these are all just my opinions.
tantyangulo - 6/2/2012, 9:41 PM
Can somebody tell me how is transformers 3 like the avengers? I really don't get it...
LoudNoises - 6/2/2012, 9:44 PM

It's not. It's just a cheap shot haters use because they are both big blockbusters and both have an alien race invading earth. I wouldn't worry about it.
Comix - 6/2/2012, 9:59 PM
95 - 6/2/2012, 10:11 PM
It's a good movie -- the concept is excitement-worthy -- the comedy was on another level (maybe too funny?) -- the pure VFX sequences were fantastic -- but I found myself unimpressed with 40% of the (awkward) camera angle choices.

Kevin Feige, the VFX and production crew, and the charming cast get a solid A+ in my book. As for Joss Whedon's contributions -- I'll have to wait for that director's cut (30 minutes of deleted scenes)....
SageMode - 6/2/2012, 10:13 PM
Well, given the avatar of the person who wrote this article, I'm not surprised at the notion of it. Lol
MrsTonyStark0507 - 6/2/2012, 10:18 PM
PS: Saying that it doesn't belong in the ranks of being the 3rd highest grossing movie ever may be the dumbest comment in the whole article. Box office ranking is not a measure of how good a film is. That is completely subjective. I have seen plenty of AMAZING movies that didn't make a killing and I have seen AWFUL films that have made a fortune. Not sure if you are aware, but the top two are Avatar and Titanic, easily two of the all time worst films ever made!! Titanic makes me want to hurl myself into the frigid north atlantic just thinking about it. It is a completely unoriginal, totally melodramatic and totally unrealistic piece of crap that is supposed to be **loosely** based on a historical event!! Avatar is political propaganda BS at it's finest. The only reason anyone watched it was because it had pretty colors in 3D. The Avengers is MILES and MILES better than either of those two movies. Either way, there was NO POINT in putting that comment in this article.
Alejandro260 - 6/2/2012, 10:18 PM
There are a buch of threads and articles on how The Avengers is 'like' Transformers 3... Just GOOGLEthem!

And go to Rotten Tomatoes and count how many of the reviewers mention transformers.

Again, this was my opinion as I watched the last hour or so... Before reading any comparisons or any one else's opinion.
Supes17 - 6/2/2012, 10:19 PM
we got some pretty nice Black Widow ass shots.... in 3D
alucard365 - 6/2/2012, 10:25 PM
Ironman was the only interesting character in that film, everyone else was just in a supporting role. They should just call The Avengers Ironman 3.
95 - 6/2/2012, 10:29 PM
My lingering disappointing stems from what I thought was the worst aspect of the film: the Joss Whedon moments. The moments that you could just tell were scripted by the Buffy-guy. Everytime I was at the edge of my seat watching the heroes kick-alien-rear or watching the characters interact - someone throws out a corny one-liner. All I start to think about is Whedon sitting in his director's chair laughing at his "genius" line. I'm so glad Robert Downey Jr. decided to improvise his lines. We wouldn't of had Shawarma without him! He's a naturally funny guy. But, I mean, what a great cast. One of the best ever assembled on film. Still gets me that they were able to put this film together.
LoudNoises - 6/2/2012, 10:45 PM

Fine. You want to stick with the Avengers/Transformers 3 comparison even tho citing other threads as an argument is an argumentum ad populum aka appeal to a number of people who happen to agree with you, then sure. Avengers is kinda similar to Transformers 3... A very non-shitty version of Transformers 3, lol.

Look at me arguing in support of The Avengers. Too bad Goomba isn't here to see this, lol.
Alejandro260 - 6/2/2012, 10:49 PM
I have nothing against The Avengers... It just, in my opinion, is not merited of all this extreme hype! 93% on RT? 8.7 on Imdb? 1.3 billion worldwide?! Its a bit excessive for what the movie presents us.

Nevertheless I am sure TDKR will be even better than TDK which is saying a lot.

And id it doesn't 1up Avengers on all aspects, then yeah the world is kinda backwards.

To each his own. BATMAN RULES!
95 - 6/2/2012, 10:55 PM

I too, am surprised that critics have expressed tremendous approval. But I can't complain. For the benefit of CBMs as a genre.
LoudNoises - 6/2/2012, 10:56 PM

Well we are certainly in agreement about Batman. TDK is my favorite CBM and soon to likely be replaced with TDKR!
ralfinader - 6/3/2012, 1:13 AM
I guess the point of this article is: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone percieves stuff their own way to form opinions. My opinion weighs the good and the bad in any movie when deciding if it was great or not. Avengers weighed far heavier on the side of awesome than it did dud, the way I saw it. I have not seen a movie that looked like and felt like a comic book come to life on the big screen superior to the Avengers. It delivered to me everything I wanted and more. Thats my mini-editorial on how one man's trash is another man's treasure.

@extHero08 - I Share LoudNoises general opinion of First Class. That you put it up there with Batman Begins and Spidey 2, yet alone above Avengers tells me you have a very different way of percieving good and bad than I do.
Oxion - 6/3/2012, 3:57 AM
@ralfinader- I suppose my perception is different but that's one of the things I love about bein a cbm fan. What I can't stand are the jerks that pop out the wood work just because I'm not on my knees drooling like they are over a film I don't believe is THAT good. It's good but not best of all time good and because of that, I'm a bad guy. I'd much rather hold true to my opinion than hop on the train with everyone else.
@0SageMode0- My avatar is unimportant but thank you for pointing that out.
@Comix- I don't know, why is it in the comics and animated series and animated movies they have to yell "Avengers Assemble!" when they have already assembled? Take that issue up with the people who created the Avengers.
@MrsTonyStark0507-If your going to come in here and bash my article (which is expected from people like you) at least have the courtesy to spell stupid right. Thank you.
DukeAcureds - 6/3/2012, 4:17 AM
Joss Whedon's The Avengers is the best Avengers movie of 2012!!!
DukeAcureds - 6/3/2012, 4:18 AM
2nd Best! Maybe. (I've not seen Axel Braun's, yet, but his Star Wars is better than Gone With The Wind).
ManWhoLaughs - 6/3/2012, 5:02 AM
@0SageMode0 thanks for pointing the avatar thing out. Tim Burton's Batman to quote Veronica Corningstone " smells like, like a used diaper... filled with... Indian food". It's Batman for people who don't know better.
Name - 6/3/2012, 5:42 AM
Whenever someone opens by sayng im going to get hated, you know they're attention seeking. Didnt even read it but to answer the question, YES.
marknjoanna - 6/3/2012, 5:43 AM
i think this thread is just the thing all the but hurt dc fanboys needed to try ease their hope it works out 4 you guys.

but the the facts are ta beat tdk and marvel is putting a savage beat down on dc.these are the facts and they cant be just deal with it already.

the longer you deny it the more your but will hurt so its time to move on i think.
Thanos005 - 6/3/2012, 5:43 AM
"This wasn't my favorite movie, therefore it shouldnt be yours. And it shouldnt be successful. Because my personal taste is all that matters. If i like something it is good, if i dont, it is bad. That is how the real world works."

This is basically what is being said back and forth.
CorndogBurglar - 6/3/2012, 6:09 AM
TDK: bad guy causes chaos in city. Bad guy kills good guy's best friend. Good guy beats bad guy.

Saving Private Ryan: Private Ryan is at was during WWII. Small group of soldiers have to find him and bring him home.

Alien: Alien gets loose on ship. Crew members have to fight to survive.

TDKR: Bad guy wants to destroy city. Good guy has to try and stop him.

Spider-Man: good guy gains powers of a spider. Good has to stop bad guy from wreaking havoc.

300: Enemy army wants to invade city. Small group of good guys have to hold them back.

Pretty interesting how you can dumb down and oversimplify the plot of every movie ever made, isn't it?
EdgyOutsider - 6/3/2012, 7:00 AM
I respectfully disagree. Spider-Man 2 deserved around 800-900 million. X-Men: First Class deserves around 800 million and The Dark Knight (I'm gonna get hated for this) did NOT deserve the money it got. Don't get me wrong, it was a excellent movie. But wasn't deserving of the earn it had gotten.
I personally feel that The Avenger's is the best CBM of all time, your reasons (again I say this with respect) is just nitpicking. There really isn't a solid reason in that article of why The Avengers isn't the greatest CBM of all time. Now, I too was disappointed that Cap didn't say "Avengers Assemble!!!" But I got over it. It wasn't bored during any part of the movie. X-Men: First Class didn't bore me and neither did Spidey 2. But The Dark Knight, now I know why it's so freaking long but for me it dragged throughout the entire movie. But that's just my opinion.
I can say that The Avengers does deserve to cross a billion dollars worldwide. But I can't say whether it deserves top 5 of all time. Though if anything it deserves top 10. The whole thing caught me off guard but idc. It's deserving of it's money but I care about more of the movie itself and It truly does deserve all the hype it has gotten.

I respect alot of people on here, including you. But I felt I had to say what's on my mind. Solid article dude :)
justified1 - 6/3/2012, 8:48 AM
For Avengers 2 i think they need to gear the movie towards adults. Screw trying to make a movie of this size acceptable to kids. If they want to watch this go see an animated Avengers movie.

Throw in more blood and more brutal fights. Screw the little kids, they probably didn't comprehend most of the movie anyway.
SHHH - 6/3/2012, 9:06 AM
He's Right.. It Was Good Alot OF Hype...
ralfinader - 6/3/2012, 9:14 AM
@NextHero08 - agreed, and I am sure you're opinion ain't unique. Or mine. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one (unless you are like Craig from Southpark, poor badly drawn kid). And BB and SM2 kicked all kinds of ass (the scene where Bruce gets the pure fear toxin while training with Ra's, or the El Train sequence where Spidey and Doc Ock fight being scenes I will never forget... I hope, please no Alzhiemers!).
lnTylerWeTrust - 6/3/2012, 9:37 AM
you are the douche that would be [frick] avengers on articles, your opinion is invalid
marvel72 - 6/3/2012, 9:50 AM
you can think what you like about the movie,it doesn't make it fact.

personally i see it as the best the comic book movie ever & can't wait to see what marvel does next.
MrsTonyStark0507 - 6/3/2012, 12:38 PM
NextHero08 - I spelled stoopid wrong on purpose, but I wouldn't expect PEOPLE LIKE YOU to understand that. Sorry that my spelling of the word STOOPID didn't live up to the hype or your expectations. SMH.
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