The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!, an all-new animated series featuring the best of the best in the Marvel Universe, premieres
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 (8:30 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney XD. Produced by Marvel Animation, the series stars the world’s greatest heroes — Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Hulk, Ant-Man/Giant Man and Wasp — who form the Avengers, a team assembled when the powers of a single hero are not enough to save the world.
The series will be proceeded by 20 micro-episodes. Running five and a half minutes each, each episode focuses on the back story, allies and nemeses of the members of the Avengers, prior to their formation as a team. The micro-episodes will begin rolling out on Wednesday, September 22nd on Disney XD,,, and Disney XD Mobile.
Two episodes will air on October 20th. Disney XD's description follows:
In the two-part series premiere, "The Breakout," Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and Wasp have defeated some of the most dangerous Super Villains on the planet. But when the Super Villain prison system mysteriously shuts down, chaos is unleashed on the world. Earth's Mightiest Heroes must now band together as the Avengers to protect the planet from the threats that no single Super Hero could face alone. Their first task is to try and stop Graviton, a being whose power dwarfs anything ever seen. He's after Nick Fury, but will destroy the world to get to him. Individually the heroes have no chance, but together they can make a difference.