Now I'm not that much of an expert when it comes to Batman but I know just enough stuff to make this article. So please be nice. :DD
1. A new Batmobile- As all of you guys and gals know, our beloved Tumbler exploded in the last Batman movie,may it rest in peace. So I want to see a new design(well duh!) but I want just as awesome and big just like the last one. I want to see also the automatic changing of the tire just like in Batman: The new Animated series one had. I want to see a combination of the following images.
2. A new Wayne Manor- And another obvious reason and expected thing in this article. As you may have seen in Batman Begins the house was burned into ashes and in The Dark Knight it was mentioned by Alfred that the Wayne Manor that it was being rebuilt, that's why Bruce is staying in his penthouse. Now I don't want something like Tony Stark's house cause that's a little bit exaggerated, but I want something like a modern mansion look just like this one.
As you can see it looks great. Now what I want see INSIDE is a study for Bruce just like in the T.V. show, but instead of a flipping head with a secret button I want a grandfather's clock or a hand print scanner thingy like this:
3.New Vehicles- Ok so maybe this one you didn't see coming. So I want to see new vehicles in this movie not too much but just enough to make us fans happy. For example a bat-plane, bat-boat, bat-jet ski, and other crap with "bat" before an object.
4.More usage of gadgets- On Mr.Nolan's movies, Batman uses gadgets but I want to see gadgets that we are familiar too. Like smoke bombs/pellets,exploding batarangs, electric batarangs,and other gadgets that he used in the animated series.
5.Bat-wave- I wanted to see this in the movie cause since Gordon destroyed the bat-signal he still has to have a way to contact Batman without anyone knowing and so that Batman can keep in touch with Gordon and so that would be alert with any crimes happening with Gotham.
6.Easter Eggs- Since Marvel is ahead of DC. I would like them to start giving us some easter eggs, just like in Superman: Returns, Gotham City was mentioned. I would like to see or hear even a little bit of things about DC like at least mention Metropolis, or Daily Planet, or something
So that's the end of it, I hope you guys/gals will like it!