Offers the trade, "The show is neither a musical nor a Broadway-bound theatrical production but rather an elaborate arena production aimed at kids and families. Alan Burnett and Stan Berkowitz, longtime animation veterans whose credits include Batman and Superman television shows as well as such animated movies as "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm" and "Justice League: The New Frontier," are writing the story and script. The logline is being kept under wraps, but it's known that the show will feature numerous villains.
"No timeline for the "Batman" show is set, though one scenario involves aiming to come out after Christopher Nolan's third "Batman" movie in 2012. Another scenario has it opening in 2011.
"Mounting any type of stage production featuring a superhero can be tricky -- just look at the on-again, off-again Spider-Man Broadway musical -- but Batman could be the first DC Comics character with his own touring stage show. His erstwhile colleague Superman was the center of a Broadway show in 1966, but it closed after a few months despite fairly positive reviews."
When the Batman show is launched, it will tour around the country.