Good evening ComicBookMovie! I decided to tackle some of the complaints fanboys have against
Batman Begins and I will share with you guys my response to these complaints. I will once again warn you this editorial will have spoilers. So in the words of Ra's Al Ghul: "Are you ready to begin?".
1. They Screwed Up Henri Ducard:
Okay I’m sure at least half of Batman’s fans know who Henri Ducard is. He is one of the men who trained Bruce Wayne, before Bruce was Batman. Fanboys complain Nolan destroyed the character by making him a false identity that Ra’s Al Ghul uses to deceive Bruce Wayne. Why is that bad? Liam portrays a man in the first thirty minutes of the film who trains Bruce Wayne and is know as Henri Ducard. Not to mention there isn't much story to Henri Ducard other than he trained Batman. I don’t think he ruined or destroyed, he just found a way to use Henri Ducard’s name without saying Liam was Ra’s Al Ghul until the plot twist.
2. That thing isn't the Bat-mobile:
Technically, it was never called the “Batmobile”, but this is probably one of the biggest complaints fanboys had. Fanboys roared at the fact that Nolan’s Bat-mobile didn't look like anything from the previous films, cartoons, or video games. They complained away and away saying this isn't the Batmobile, the Batmobile doesn't look like a tank, blah blah blah. Well I got three words for you: Frank Millar's Batmobile. If anyone has read the book or the seen the animated films of The Dark Knight Returns they know that the Bat-mobile that Batman had was a tank. So why complain when Nolan makes his look like a tank too? Oh yeah, it’s a movie that has to follow the comic books canon according to these fanboys. Nolan took a concept that frankly would look silly in his pseudo-realistic world. Not to mention WB had to convince Nolan to add in the Batmobile, and they also had to convince him not to destroy it in the movie either.
3. They screwed up Ra’s Al Ghul too:
To me or anyone who knows anything about Ra’s Al Ghul knows this is just a right out lie. Ra’s is an “immortal” Arab terrorist who is the leader of The League of Assassin’s and, while being his foe, has great respect for Batman. He wants Batman to be his successor and lead the League. This is, more or less, the same Ra’s in Batman Begins. The only real difference is Ra’s in Batman Begins leads the League of Shadows, and instead of using the Lazarus Pit for immortality he uses theatrics and deception to seem immortal.
4. Batman doesn't build his own gadgets:
I still run into this complaint from time to time. I guess these fanboys keep missing the part where Batman makes his own bat-arang, constructs his own Bat-suit and creates the legendary Bat-belt. Sure you can say he didn't make his own Bat-mobile, but you don’t really care, you just want to see the thing on the road.
5. Batman isn't a detective:
Who would have thought there was only one form of being a detective? Batman interrogates Flass about where the other half of the drugs were going to. One he finds them, he goes to investigate the drugs. He investigates Jim Gordon is up to. There are many times Batman does detective work. He also investigates the crooked Judge. He also finds out what Crane's plan.
6. Batman killed Ra’s:
Okay this one I love to have fun with. Batman doesn't kill Ra’s; he just chooses not to save him. It isn't Batman’s fault Ra’s didn't have an exit strategy
These are my responses to some of the fanboy complaints. Hope you guys enjoyed the read. I will do more on other films too, but for now thank you for your time.