Well after a good long week of the poll being up it seems we have ourselves a winner. So first lets get to our winner:
The Lizad with
32 votes and 50% of the votes
Next was Killer Croc with
28 votes and 43.75% of the votes
And then
4 votes and 6.25% of the votes for a tie
Now for the second part of this article: Why I think the Lizard won. I, and others brought up in comments which I thank all those that commented, think one of the main reasons that the Lizard won was because he had something Croc did not, the tail. The Lizard's greatest weapon is his tail. Whipping around an about 4 foot tail, that is an estimate, at 70 MPH with enough force to shatter concrete seems enough to take Croc out. Another thing brought up in the comments section was the Lizard's speed and strength combo as well as his intelligence. It seems some think that Connors would win because he has the combo of strength and speed as well as the intelligence to work out any plan that would come into his head.
And my thoughts with why this match up was so close. It is because these two scaley beasts are so similar. While transformed, the Lizard can be just as savage as Killer Croc is. This fight would defiantly be one to watch. Limbs being bitten off and then re-growing in time, it would be like the one scene in X-Men 3 with Wolvie fighting the one guy who re-grow his limbs before Wolvie finally just keeps him in the.. well you know. I think if the Lizard did not have the tail, it would have been a tie. But with that tail, I just do not see Croc winning. If the tail was not a factor, Croc might have won even because of his fighting experience and such.
Well once again I would love to hear your comments below. Thank you all for voting and commenting and making my first article something awesome, just like the fight was. I would like to hear your thoughts and how you think the fight would be without the Lizard's tail or whatever else you have to say. Thanks again.