THE BATMAN: Two New Posters Highlight The Dark Knight And A VERY Different Take On The Riddler

THE BATMAN: Two New Posters Highlight The Dark Knight And A VERY Different Take On The Riddler THE BATMAN: Two New Posters Highlight The Dark Knight And A VERY Different Take On The Riddler

Ahead of tomorrow's DC FanDome trailer, Warner Bros. has shared two new posters for The Batman that put the spotlight on Robert Pattinson's Caped Crusader and Paul Dano's twisted take on The Riddler...

By JoshWilding - Oct 15, 2021 09:10 AM EST
Filed Under: The Batman

We have a lot to look forward to during tomorrow's DC FanDome event, but the main event for the vast majority of DC Comics fans is The Batman trailer. It's been well over a year since our first look at the movie, and now that shooting has finished, we should get a much better idea of what to expect. 

The second that sneak peek drops, you'll find it here on, but in the meantime, Warner Bros. has shared two new posters highlighting the titular hero and the movie's big bad. 

With that red colour scheme once again helping to put a fresh spin on the Dark Knight's cinematic adventures, we get a great shot of Robert Pattinson suited up as Batman. However, the biggest talking point here is bound to be Paul Dano's Riddler. It's obviously not the clearest shot of the villain, but it's instantly made apparent here that he'll be very different to the comic book version of the villain!

We're used to seeing The Riddler in a bright green suit covered in question marks, but The Batman's interpretation looks a lot more like the Zodiac Killer, for example. That's not a bad thing, of course, and it certainly seems to fit the aesthetic of this grounded take on the Caped Crusader's franchise. 

The Batman is directed by Matt Reeves with Robert Pattinson starring as Gotham City’s vigilante detective, Batman, and billionaire Bruce Wayne.

Also in the star-studded ensemble are Zoë Kravitz as Selina Kyle; Paul Dano as Edward Nashton; Jeffrey Wright as the GCPD’s James Gordon; John Turturro as Carmine Falcone; Peter Sarsgaard as Gotham D.A. Gil Colson; Barry Keoghan as Officer Stanley Merkel; Jayme Lawson as mayoral candidate Bella Reál; with Andy Serkis as Alfred; and Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepot.

The Batman is set to be released in theaters on March 4, 2022.


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GhostDog - 10/15/2021, 9:08 AM
That Riddler poster
Origame - 10/15/2021, 9:11 AM
@BlackBeltJones - are they multiplying?
MUTO123 - 10/15/2021, 9:09 AM
This might be the first time that I’ve felt genuinely creeped out looking at the Riddler.
NinnesMBC - 10/15/2021, 9:11 AM
Really seems they are teasing that the Batman-Riddler dynamic will be done through those letters he sends Bruce throughout the film, with riddles in them or just testing him.

Great posters.
Repian - 10/15/2021, 9:30 AM
@NinnesMBC - I think Riddler will think Batman is his kindred spirit. They have the same point of view on corruption, but Riddler has crossed the line. He is a radical and he is a murderer.
DarkDetective - 10/15/2021, 10:31 AM
@Repian - it looks more like he thinks Batman's usseless because he is not attacking the source of Gotham's problems:corruption. I bet u its all gonna lead to Bruce discovering his parents were part of this circle of corrupt politicians and millionaires (Court of Owls?)
JonC - 10/15/2021, 12:55 PM
@NinnesMBC - is that a letter? because it looks kind of thick with embossed writing... not unlike a cookie.
Did Riddler bake Batman a cookie?
Cheldo - 10/15/2021, 6:47 PM
@DarkDetective - or that they were part of the underworld like in the Telltale Batman games.
Spidey91 - 10/15/2021, 9:12 AM
this movie may have a thing for the color red. dunno, just a hunch.
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