Glen Powell Says He Has A Wild Take On BATMAN After Revealing Superhero Role He Missed Out On

Glen Powell Says He Has A "Wild Take" On BATMAN After Revealing Superhero Role He Missed Out On

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superbatspiderman - 1/7/2012, 5:04 PM
I don't know if Hardy will get a nomination for his role but I have high hopes that the movie will get the nomination.
shadyginzo - 1/7/2012, 5:04 PM
^exactly what I was thinking^
shadyginzo - 1/7/2012, 5:12 PM
lol maybe a "foreign language" award
MrReese - 1/7/2012, 5:12 PM
Tom will OWN as Bane!!!
antonio - 1/7/2012, 5:13 PM
He should have gotten an Oscar nom for Bronson, Imo.
shadyginzo - 1/7/2012, 5:15 PM
agreed Antonio.
ManofSteel23 - 1/7/2012, 5:17 PM
Way to go with the confidence of your character in the film,is it that bad
MarkCassidy - 1/7/2012, 5:18 PM
Ruka, good thing the article is about how he ISN'T expecting a nomination then isn't it?
Lawliet - 1/7/2012, 5:20 PM
This Movie deserves a better class actors, and i give it a Dawn..
WinterSoldier - 1/7/2012, 5:30 PM
Im a little worried about how this movie will be reviewed by critics if people all around are going to have a hard time understanding him. Hopefully im wrong though
spiderneil - 1/7/2012, 5:31 PM
hard to pick up an oscar when no one can understand what the **** you are saying.
spiderneil - 1/7/2012, 5:33 PM
nolan not redubbing the voice is a HUGE mistake.
Ranger14 - 1/7/2012, 5:35 PM
Understandable or not, I think it will be hard for him to win a nomination when his face is pretty much covered and his voice is altered to a degree by production effects.
redleaf - 1/7/2012, 5:48 PM
lots of good acting don't get oscar nominations so who cares.

"to be nominated, people have to understand what you say"

javier bardem thinks you're stupid.
spiderneil - 1/7/2012, 5:50 PM
batman - grhh grhh!
bane - mmph mmph!
DudeGuy - 1/7/2012, 5:53 PM
Umm, I can understand Bane fine. I guess that throws peoples theory that 'No one can understand Banes voice' out the window.
redleaf - 1/7/2012, 5:57 PM
Try harder trolls. TDKR is going to own the BO like a BOSS.
Ranger14 - 1/7/2012, 6:01 PM
redleaf@ I don't think anyone has said it isn't going to own the box office. It should inherently own the box office based on being the conclusion of a successful trilogy. Owning the box office is simply that. It doesn't mean the film isn't going to have its flaws. I am a big Batman fan, but I also keep grounded in reality as well.
MovieMann - 1/7/2012, 6:05 PM
In the words of that MTV movie blog guy regarding Nolan
"He made a movie that was in reverse chronological order that was f[ri]cking awesome; he made a movie that was set in like 7 layers of the mind that was f[ricking awesome; he made two batman movies that were f[ri]cking awesome; everybody chill out, Nolan's got this."
AUSSYACE - 1/7/2012, 6:08 PM
Can anyone work out why and what the reason is for Bane to be wearing a mask that covers his nose and mouth in the first place ???
Gambitz - 1/7/2012, 6:08 PM
Anyone who says they can't understand him needs their hearing checked.
BLACKTHORN - 1/7/2012, 6:15 PM
the academy is going to ignore this film, although it will probably get a 90% in RT
antonio - 1/7/2012, 6:20 PM
@Blackthorn TDK got a 94% and got 8 nominations with 2 wins.
DudeGuy - 1/7/2012, 6:21 PM
in denial? how so? not my fault I can understand him and you cant. I think your just looking for a reason to bash the film, but oh well. If you really cant understand him you can always wait for the DVD and watch it with subtitles.
Gambitz - 1/7/2012, 6:21 PM
Denial? Yeah ok.
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