Good Evening Everyone!!
I would appreciate it if we all act civil and not cause any intentional flame wars ( Kids that is an argument that is between internet users or caused by someone with this intention.)
I am very excited to see this film since I have been waiting for over 2 years now!!! With the unprecendented Deadpool kicking off the comicbook film year to a great start we may be in for something really special folks.
With the highly anticipated film coming out in little over a month D.C. has finally taken their big step with DCEU!
Trailer 2 revealed that Doomsday will be appealing in the film.. Sadly, that was ruined in trailer 1 when Zod's corpse was shown and it was going to none other than Lex. I do remember a few speculations in the comments that Doomsday would be the main antagonist or Bizzaro or even Mentallo himself (Who is believed to be played by Callan Mulvey). I cannot state anything about Doomsday except as a character he was dull and was just there for destryoing Superman. I am very intrigued by the interpretation Snyder & co. will have for us. Will this form below be his final form or will he evolve to the Doomsday we all and love form the comics. I do hope he that he will be used in future installments and is this possibly a hint for a death of Superman storyline down the line? We will not know until the 25th.

Our first introduction to Superman is in Man of Steel who will be reprised by Henry Cavill. In his previous outing Kalel (Not Clark) was an outsider who is trying to find his purpose in the world while searching for his biological parents. With finding the answers he was looking for he was then given his suit a different version from the comics but one that was a darker suit (which was fixed for this film to be more brighter). Superman was not only a week into the superhero gig when Earth was invaded, with fighting Zod and dealing with the terra former we saw him do less super things. Therefore, with all of the destruction going around Superman and Zod were causing he was unable to save peoples lives (which was one of the biggest complaints the film had, but he did however save the people from the shipwreck and as teen the students). I would like to see Superman save people while doing Superman things that we all know from the comics (except be 100% boyscout) or even saving a cat from a tree like Bruce mentions in the second trailer. As for Clark I want to see the reporter and Smallville side. With Henry already embracing Superman I want him to become Clark Kent the reporter, Smallville (which I would like to see Louis call him at least once.) Henry will have to fully embrace both sides if is to become Clark Kent/Superman.

We are also getting our first cinematic appearance Wonder Woman. Personally speaking I have never seen the original series with Linda Carter but only heard good things about it. Although, I did grow up with the Justice League therefore I want to see that Wonder Woman who is strong and does not give a damn about men. What I would like to see is a strong woman who can hold her own with the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight who will be intimidating while having the human side that is nurturing while yet compassionate than them. What I want to see is Wonder Woman kickass one thing Snyder has done right is show that women can fight like with Feora in Man of Steel or the girls in Sucker Punch (yes, it is my guilty pleasure film that I own). With Wonder Woman being portrayed by Israel actress Gal Gadot in first ever major role outside her supporting roles in the Fast franchise she is a relatively unknown actrees to the world wide audience outside of Israel. She has had cameo in the Tom Cruise film Knight and Day she did hold her own with the actor himself. I believe Gal will hold her own with the both Henry and Ben respectively, for me she does look like Wonder Woman and I am excited to see what she brings to the table.

The Batman will be rebooted after the greatest comic book trilogy of all time The Dark Knight Trilogy (NOTE: my opnion) by none other than Ben Affleck. With controversial backlash to the actor being cast do to Daredevil until the first image being shown he was not the Batman the fans deserved but the one needed. I and others were backing the casting because with reinventing his career by directing some great films The Town, Argo, Gone Girl to name three of my favorites films he has either (2 of 3) directed and (2 OF 3) acted in. He has trully grown and matured as an actor. He has stated that director Zack Snyder that the director was looking for someone who is matured and weary to play the Dark Knight. With the recent final trailer released just a shy week ago ahead of the release of Deadpool the first 40 secs of Batman may have quite any negativity anyone was having of the actor playing the Bat because damn that is some Arkham series fighting style.

Regarding Lex I believe Jessie Eisenberg is the most controversial castings fans may have seen since Heath Ledger was casted in The Dark Knight. However, I do understand that his voice may come off as bit of annoying. I do recommend seeing the following films Now We See It, The Social Network and The Double these films show that he is a ranged actor who is a Oscar nominated as were his predecessors. Eisenberg does have big shoes to film even outside the live screen predecessors there is also Clancy Brown who voiced the character the Superman AS. I am excited for this casting the most because he really does look like Lex who is a douchebag rich that fans know and love from the comics. What has impressed me the most is that differentiation of him to Henry Cavill's Superman he is short but looks like he has the brains as is his comic book counter part. Personally, I was never a fan of Lex being the same height and buffed to Superman which is why I am really excited to this casting.

I know I know we have all heard this before! What I am curious is why everyone is tackling this film and giving it more heat than Marvel (orignally I had mentioned Fox but "
Jeez, that company gets more shit thrown on it than Warner Bros. has ever." Thank you @
for pointing this out to me) It is because DC is the most traditional of comic book and with the most iconic heroes, I believe no one wants to see this fail becase we all have been waiting so long two see not only these two titans but Universe as well.
As fans of DC, Marvel or comicbook films we should be excited because we are finally getting the big 3! We are living in a society now that any rating is possible for a comicbook film (Thanks to the Merc With The Mouth) and we are going to get something special from BvS, CW, X-Men, DS this year.
Folks I believe that everyone will be in the theaters come March 25th to see what Zack Snyder and the team has in store for us. Because whatever happens from there on out we will find out if this film will set bar for future films to come.
Lastly, this whole Marvel vs. DC war is really getting sad! I come in this site to see the news but lately all I have read is bashing on DC and Marvel are the heroes. I hope this changes and have all of the other users start thinking for themselves and led on by false reporting. Why can't we all just be excited for these films to succeed! Instead of acting like children and make a he said she said scenario, Really???
Hope You All Enjoy!!!
Note I would like thank the following individuals @