Allow me to begin this article by talking about Man of Steel. I loved it. I've seen it a bunch of times and I still love it. Superman punches. He heat visions villians. And yes, he let his emotions get the best of him and causes destruction. Well, some of it, but only in Smallville.

Unfortunately, as much as I LOVE this film, it isn't perfect. My three main gripes with this film sadly come towards the end:
1. Lois had no buisness being on the plane with Kal-El's baby ship at the end. She could have easily told Dr. Hamilton what to do. Which leads to...
2. The sequence of events of Lois being on the plane ultimately ended up with Superman having to save Lois. Did Superman and Lois have to kiss after that? I didn't feel like there was much built between them two to warrant it at that moment. Not only that, they were standing essentially in the middle of ground zero. Maybe it's just me, but it didn't feel right.
3. The destruction. DISCLAIMER: I liked the destruction. It showed what a real fight between superpowered beings looked like. Anybody who says Superman should have flown Zod away somewhere else, well that would just seem pointless for him to even try. What would stop Zod from flying back? Nothing. Anywho, back to my point, it seemed like Superman and everybody else was a little to content with the events that just unfolded. Yes, he saved the entire planet, but I feel like Superman would have not been as happy with the loss of life that occured because of Zod's attack. We have no timeline given for when the Daily Planet scene happened, but I don't think it is out of the question to assume it happens pretty soon thereafter if no timeline is given. Right?
Again, even though I had problems with these things, I still love this movie.
Growing up, Superman and Batman have always been my favorite characters. I have a big place in my heart for the Christopher Reeve movies along with Michael Keaton's Batman. Needless to say, I find the Dark Knight trilogy the most amazing ever.
SIDE NOTE: The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel were filming relatively close in time, and I was really hoping for Henry Cavill to pop into TDKR at least for a cameo. Even if Nolan was saying he wanted no part of that. I still wish it happened and TDKR's events occured slightly different and we'd already would have an established Batman. But that's not the point of this article.
Well, when I found out from last summer's San Diego Comic-Con that Batman AND Superman are going to be in the same movie, well....

That being said, the more information that comes out about Batman v Superman, the less I understand and the more I get worried. I'd like to take this time to highlight some things from a timeline perspective:
1. Ben Affleck was cast as Batman. Admittedly, my first reaction was, "What in the actual f@#k?!?!?!" I didn't like it. Then I saw Argo and The Town. I warmed up to Ben mainly because he can tell a story. Those problems I had with Man of Steel, I have full confidence Ben can clean up. Then this came along:

I definitely have no problems with Ben Affleck being Batman anymore.
2. Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman. I wanted Wonder Woman to have her own movie. She deserves it. I don't think that needs much more explaining, Wonder Woman deserves her own effing movie! I had no idea who Gal was. I never watched any of the Fast movies with her, so I have no idea what her acting skills are. I can't comment on that. I can comment on her body type though. This is what worries me about her. I'm not talking about her bewbs or butt, I'm talking about her overall frame. She is skinny. I'm sure she worked her ass off getting in shape for the role, and I commend her for it, but I'm afraid she still doesn't have the mass to pull off the look of Wonder Woman. She can lift all the weight in the world, but I'm afraid she just won't have that bulkier look that I believe Wonder Woman should have. Who knows, maybe her costume will hide some of that or she can sell a ferocious punch. I don't know, but I am worried about this.
3. Other characters. We have Cyborg and Aquaman confirmed. A rumored Flash cameo is also out there. Actually, I don't know that we will actually see Cyborg as Cyborg, or just Victor Stone before he becomes Cyborg. I'm not even sure if he is just a cameo either. I'm not saying that it is becoming overcrowded, but it feels like this film is definintely NOT going to be standing on its own. People are saying this is just going to be a 2 hour commercial for Justice League and I fear they are right. What I absolutely love about the Dark Knight Trilogy, is that each movie stands on its own, and then at the same time when viewed as a whole, its one large movie. The key though is that each film didn't need another to justify itself. Batman and Superman definitely do not need other Justice League characters to give, just them, a good movie. I want just Batman and Superman, and I want their dynamic fleshed out properly. More on this later...
4. Lex Luthor. I actually don't mind this. I'm curious to see what Jesse Eisenberg does.
5. The statue. I don't know that we really know what the statue is about. It seems all signs are pointing toward a Superman celebration of the events of Man of Steel. Yes, he save the planet. Like I said before, I don't think Superman would have felt all that great about the amount of life lost, nor should the humans. I would think more people would be apprehensive to accept Superman just yet. It just seems a little fast. But again, we have no idea what the statue is for.
6. The title. At first I liked it. Now, I don't know. If I liked it, I would be contradicting what I want from my third point about fleshing out the dynamic between Superman and Batman. Right now it seems more Dawn of Justice than it does Batman v Superman. Hopefully, HOPEFULLY, they are exploring more of that dynamic, and the Dawn of Justice part is more about Superman and Batman coming to some sort of semi aggreance yet still cautious with eachother. Surely there would be a scene at the end of the movie exploring this. Adding Wonder Woman was a step back, in my opinion. It seems like she's definitely getting more than a cameo and could possibly take away screen time needed to build that relationship between Clark and Bruce. I don't know. If she popped in at the end of the movie during a final scene with Superman and Batman shaking hands, then starts questioning about the events of Man of Steel with a heated argument ensuing, then starts kicking their asses, that would be cool I suppose. But this film has to be about Batman and Superman and not so much about an upcoming Justice League movie. Let it stand on its own.
This is all just rambling, but I want this film to be so effing good. I know we are still two years away and we don't know anything. I still feel that this film will not be able to stand on its own and I hope to God I am wrong. It should be able to because, hell, Batman AND Superman. Hopefully, I'm stupid and this is all for naught. I will still be there on midnight of opening day, and if they do some sort of marathon and show Man of Steel before it, I will be doing that too.