America, you're Captain has been served!

America, you're Captain has been served!

We've speculated long enough through needless controvercy. This is "the one" who should lace up the red boots and weild the sheild for the fans's sake!

Editorial Opinion
By Shaman - Dec 11, 2008 12:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America

This was a post i had made when we were bombarded with speculations as to who would play the most anticipated super hero to come to the big screen since Ironman. Thank you comicbookmovie for giving me the oportunity to share this with the world!

Everybody's making assumptions of who Captain America will be but to be loyal to the fans as well as the character's...characteristics, we should find an actor that fits the "mold" and still has talent for the part. And since we completely forgot the previous movie made(gag), there are no shoes to fill as the Superman or Batman franchises did(hense why fans whent apeshit about the casting of the so far cancelled JLA movie).

Captain America is a patriotic "monument" as much as a physical one. He's HUGE, he's a freakin "super soldier" for crying out loud which means that Matthew McConaughey and Leo don't fit the profile(sick and tired of cgi crap). I mean i know we want a big blockbuster star to weild the sheild but we can settle for an actor that simply doesn't suck. And it will be a plus when it comes to availability for sequels and team-ups since it is the idea at hand(and we're sick of switching actors for the same role so commitment is an asset). Also, the profile is simple even though it doesn't please everyone. He's a white, blonde, tall and muscular young adult(sorry Big Willy). He's not a teenager nor is he a washed up old man. So let's not pick someone like Shia Lebeouf nor Harrison Ford... get the drift. Talent alone doesn't or shouldn't buy you anything!

There's also the issue of the teen croud which are the main spenders at the theaters so we have to give them someone they'll want to see even if they're not familiar with the character. Since we can't give them someone that they'll identify themselves to, let's at least give them someone they'll aspire to be eventually. Oh and while we're at it, the more, the merrier, let's give someone to the girls that'll make them actually want to tag along with they're boyfriends to go watch the movie. So a pretty face with a boyish charm and a sense of humour but he still has to be MANLY!!!(X-Nay on Ryan Reynolds-ay). So that means a strong voice and manly features like and chin and jaw that'll make the bad guys go "Ouch, i can't break that with my nuckles!" But still be "Grrrr" material for the female croud.

And so in my opinion i can only think of one candidate at the moment which is Jensen Ackles. I think he would be perfect! He's got the look, the voice, the attributes the talent, the popularity and the build even though he would need to buff up for the role, it is possible for him to do so without CGI. And so this is "My Secret Identity Pick", If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this fine actor may not be legally cast, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.

My Sketch of Jensen Ackles as Captain America!!!

The "Shaman" has spoken!
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Aldona - 12/12/2008, 4:08 AM
Yes, Jensen is The Best!
realfirstavenger - 12/12/2008, 8:17 AM
I personally vote Cuba Gooding Jr.
Anyone agree?
Come on hes doing awesome movies these days...

ps: I dont see Jensen Ackles as the leader of the Avengers. I think his performance would be weak and it would look terrible having him lead the likes of Iron Man and Thor into battle.
Shaman - 12/12/2008, 9:38 AM
First of all, he does fine leading the Winchester team in Supernatural. Hes got the GAP! Meaning he's got the Guts, he's got the Authority and the Passion to make his point heard and excepted by everyone. You think he's gonna have trouble "leading" the Avenger? GOOD!!! He's suposed to have trouble with his team mates at first, being individual cowboys, he'll have to brake them like wild horses and he has the range as an actor to do it as he has proven in every episode of Supernatural! Captain America is a "Young Man" that has only served once in theory before his ice age and not only does Jensen portray the young lad image but he also has the talent to make every single team member respect his leadership. Honestly, not only can you not ask for more but you can't find better!
MarkCassidy - 12/12/2008, 10:41 AM
he would certainly look the part..but i havnt watched much supernatural, ive only seen his run in smallville in which he was pretty average.
bertilrud - 12/12/2008, 11:52 AM
I would love to see Jensen Ackles as Captain America, if he buffed up it would be pretty much spot on. but i wouldn't put money on him getting the part.
Shaman - 12/12/2008, 12:49 PM
Well that's the thing, i would love for this fansite to be on the first page of Google when you put actor/Captain America so that it could go to the Head execs at the casting companies as well as the production teams for the movies!!! Especially so that us fans, can make our voices heard once and for all!!!


As for Ackles buffing up, he (unlike many actors) has the "natural" physical build to be able to buff up for this role. NO CGI REQUIRED!!! And for the people who are not familiar with him, you guys have to check out SUPERNATURAL!!! Think of every little detail that could have made BUFFY good but on a monumental scale!!! In other words, buffy style but good! NOT FOR TEENS!!!
IonParallax - 12/12/2008, 2:06 PM
Those pictures are spitting images of each other. Quite amazing, and good choice as far as looks go. As for acting potential, I haven't watched Supernatural, so i'll have to look.
Shaman - 12/12/2008, 3:21 PM
I loved the picture it had however, i felt it was to big. I found this one of an action figure and felt it looked a bit like him ironically... LOL He already has his action figure!!! YEAY Jensen!!!
IonParallax - 12/12/2008, 5:34 PM
...and it STILL looks just like this guy. I think we've got a winner.
NoobMike - 12/12/2008, 6:03 PM
mmm, if there's a Bucky that would be hard to cast since he has to look younger than Jensen. Although he does look a whole lot more like Cap, than Tobey Maguire looks like Spiderman.

It's really funny since when I first read this and had no pics I thought that Shaman had just been standing in the sun for too long.
landslide - 12/12/2008, 6:51 PM
I totally agree, Ackles would be perfect in the role. Not only is he young looking (wasn't Cap in his 20's when he went off to war?) but he's also an awesome actor. I could definitely see him acting right up alongside RDJ.
cahiker - 12/14/2008, 2:15 PM
I've never seen Jensen Ackles on the CW shows but he certainly does fit the description of Steve Rogers well. He can also pass for mid-20's. I think he'll do very well for the role. Paramount doesn't need a superstar (DiCaprio, Pitt, etc) to draw an audience to Captain America. Just the right person for the role, a good story, and anticipation of the movie itself will be enough to draw people.
Jumping to other characters these are two other actors who should be cast. What Marvel/Paramount should also consider is to have FDR in the film and have him played by Ronny Cox. Ronny could pass for FDR. He also played President Kimbel in the direct to tape Captain America, and he did a good job playing the President in Murder at 1600. Also I hope for the Avengers movie, which will be set in the present, they write in Crossbones. That role should go to Kane Hodder (Jason from Friday the 13th parts 7-10). He's got the build, the height, and body language of a villain. Kane also made cameo appearances in Fair Game and Daredevil.
InstigatorGIRL - 12/14/2008, 9:02 PM
Hell Yes on Jensen. I love him on Supernatural. He was great in 10 Inch Hero. I think he is a good actor and he looks the part of Captain America. I'm sure he would not disappoint as the Capt. And um no on Cuba. Yes he is talented but he's black and Captain America is white, not a racist but its a big deal with Iconic characters to me just like no on Beyonce as Wonder Woman.
Shaman - 12/15/2008, 7:20 AM
I now Noob, i felt this article was a bit naked without pictures but thanks to my friend ION, i got some!!! Makes all the difference in the world!

Cahiker, you are the man!!! I love Ronny, every single time i see him, he delivers! Some of my comfort classics would simply "not be" if he wasn't in there. Like Robocop, and the 2 first Beverly hills cop! And i also love Kane Hodder, he is in my opinion the best ever JASON and would pull off an amazing Crossbones!

Cuba Gooding SHOULD have been WARMACHINE!!! I love Cheedle but Gooding would have fit the role better, IMHO.
KingWill - 12/15/2008, 3:06 PM
Until further notice I agree Shaman. But this won't last you rest assure lol. I think he does have the look but I'm searching for better I will let you know when I find him.
NoobMike - 12/15/2008, 4:51 PM
is this a cast off?? lol.
BubbaDude - 12/16/2008, 9:00 AM
Jensen Ackles would be a great choice. However, I have faith that Hollywood can screw anything up(especially the one movie that I've been really waiting for)...

Here's a crazy idea. Lee Marvin(google him if you don't know) once said that he learned to act in the Marine Corps. Cap is a veteran, so they should find a veteran who can act, and fits the physique. Shouldn't be too hard. A lot of guys are getting out of the military now.
Shaman - 12/16/2008, 1:12 PM
Funny Noob LOL.

Oh yeah King will??? Well bring it!!! LOL

Yeah bubba, that could be a good way to go especially to save a "bucky" LOL.
thefirstboyscout - 12/16/2008, 4:55 PM
Yes I believe that Jensen Ackles looks the part and could possibly pull it off, but... He definitely has to drop the bad boy roles that he's always playing if he's going to play Cap. Cap wasn't a bad boy type he was a clean cut all American soldier, period. So yes he looks the part and is the right age and physic, hell he even has that clever little cleft in his chin, lol. I just don't think he's got the right attitude. That's if he even gets to addition, lol. Who knows?
Shaman - 12/17/2008, 9:15 AM
That's a very good observation BoyScout, he does have the "bad boy" attitude in Supernatural but it's premierly in regards to women. That's just the attitude of his "character" on that show. However, when the brothers are met with a stressfull situation, he TOTTALLY pulls himself together and is always the one to "lead" the way and snap his brother out of it! He would be a great leader for the avengers and i can only hope that every member be slightly older than he is so that he would have to earn his "title" and break the team members like wild horses.

To quote the great Jack Nicholson in "a few good men":

"Have you ever spent time in an infantry unit, son? Ever served in a forward area? Ever put your life in another man's hands, ask him to put his life in yours? We follow orders, son. We follow orders or people die. It's that simple. Are we clear? ARE WE CLEAR!?"
FrizzBee - 12/17/2008, 1:54 PM
Guys, check out David Paetkau from the CBS show Flashpoint. He's young enough, and I think he has a squeaky clean image that would serve Cap well. Plus, he's a virtual unknown. The guy looks like he could pull off both versions of Steve Rogers, sickly and Soldiery.
Jetsaholic - 12/17/2008, 3:15 PM
I think Eric Dane looks the part, and he's been on X-men, so he's comicbook hero material.
piratamu - 12/17/2008, 8:05 PM
They should definitely get an A class actor, otherwise Robert Downy will overshadow a B class actor like Ackles in the Avenger movie. I think DANIEL CRAIG is the perfect Captain America.
Joker1zero - 12/17/2008, 11:08 PM
Shaman, You've made an excellent point. I never thought of Jensen Ackles but now that you mention him, he would be a pretty decent pick for the role. I agree about the bulking up though, he may have the personality to fit Captain America but he needs the body. Go hit the gym Jensen!
Shaman - 12/18/2008, 9:01 AM
Yes FrizzBee, good pick with Dave there, don't know about his talent but as for looks goes, he's got them!

Piratamu, Robert Downey BECAME A class with Ironman and then with Tropic Thunder. He was nothing more than B himself before Ironman, Favreau had to give him the chance to show his potential. Same thing goes for Jensen, i think he's proven to have the talent to not get overshadowed as easily as one might think. Craig is too old for the part, he's supposed to be in his twenties. But still a damn fine actor though.

Thanks Joker :))

Breuskier - 12/18/2008, 11:10 AM
ok... so you all have some good points, but Daniel Craig is too old, same with Dane, David is too boyish and wont have the strong chin in a mask AND... none of these guys has the body to be a SUPER SOLDIER... my pick... i know on the acting side it may be a long shot... but John Cena, from the WWF and such great films as The Marine! He has the size, the moxy, and look at that chin... that says superhero chin, and it would look great int he CAP mask, and i'll bet that M-F'er can throw a shield, or another person!
Shaman - 12/18/2008, 2:26 PM
He looks like Mark Wahlberg mixed with Matt Damon and has the same acting talent as Triple H... For some reason, when i look at Cena, i get the mental picture of the "matt damon" puppet in "Team Amercia: World Police" always repeating in a retarded way "...Matt Damon!" LOL McMahon obviously tried to make another "the rock" with Cena but only spawned another "Christian". In fact, i'd prefer Wahlberg any day of the year over Cena. The "super soldier" body can be worked on easily. Look at what they can do nowadays with the "biggest looser" show. There has to be a trainer somewhere that is able to turn someone "fit" that actually has talent into someone "muscular"
Breuskier - 12/18/2008, 4:43 PM
lol... now i cant get that damn "matt Damon..." out of my head... If Ackles can get as yoked up as Wahlberg was for shooter then he could definitly lead the team. but i just get "pretty boy who's shitt dont stink" when I look at him... but I was sekptical about RDJ as Ironman... lol... and that worked out didn't it?
malantimage - 12/18/2008, 10:51 PM
Shaman wrote: To quote the great Jack Nicholson in "a few good men": "Have you ever spent time in an infantry unit, son? Ever served in a forward area? Ever put your life in another man's hands, ask him to put his life in yours? We follow orders, son. We follow orders or people die. It's that simple. Are we clear? ARE WE CLEAR!?"


Jensen Ackles played the Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) role in a stage version of A Few Good Men at the Casa Manana Theater back in the summer of 2007. Did you know that?
Shaman - 12/19/2008, 8:49 AM
LOL, Breuskier, i can't get it out of my head too LOL :P But yeah, sometimes Jensen does give off that vibe of stinkless shit LOLOL :P

Wisemantn - 12/19/2008, 1:46 PM
He defintely has the look. I havent seen him act though. Cuba would be a terrible choice. And again not to be racist but Captain America cant be black. Marvel wouldnt do that either. They would completely have to change his story. There were no black Captains in the 40s. So for a film set in the 40s would not work with a black Cap.
Shaman - 12/19/2008, 3:10 PM
Very true Wise, i agree 100%. I love Cuba but i wouldn't see him i a woman's role so why put him in a "caucasion" role? And if you want to see Jensen's talent, just pop an episode of Supernatural on the tube!
TheSoulEater - 12/19/2008, 7:20 PM

And I mean that in the nicest way
DeadWebHead - 12/19/2008, 9:46 PM
He's too young. And he doesn't wouldn't look right in a WWII atmosphere. Also... Cap Am is huge when compared to real world standards... sure... but then again.. even Spiderman is huge sometimes if compared that way. Captain America's body type in real life translates to "Athletic". Think runner... or like a Running Back in a football team. Huge are people like Thor... and most times (even though this isn't the case in the movies) Superman. I mean... you can't compare Christian Bale's body to that of Comic Book Bruce Wayne but it's works in the real world.

Now... this may be considered blashepmous but I wish there were a machine that we could simply plop an actor into and have him coming out the other end about a foot taller. If this technology existed, I would love to see a tall Matt Damon play the Star Spangled Hero
DeadWebHead - 12/20/2008, 1:29 AM
Chris... you're a douche
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