I stumbled across this cool fan made Captain America video
The Fighting Avenger at Comic Alliance. As a bonus to the video, Comics Alliance recently talked with director and co-writer Julian Higgins. The film was made by Wayside Creations for Indy Mogul's War Movie Month Contest.
Why Captain America? I know that this was done as a test film for the War Movie Month contest at Indy Mogul. And it's also a character a lot of fans are getting excited about seeing in a big summer action film later in the year. But was there any other special reason for picking Cap as a figure to build a larger story and cast of characters around?
I've always been a bit of a WWII history buff, myself. The history, the literature, the movies. I even did some WWII reenacting as a hobby back in high school. So when we decided to do an entire month of war-themed props and effects for War Movie Month, I pushed the idea that Zack make them all WWII-era props/weapons. Mostly because I just wanted to have a crack at directing a WWII project again. On top of that, with the Captain America feature coming out later this year, it seemed like a natural choice to tie-in one of the most kick-ass Avengers with our period piece so that all of the fellow geeks out there have a little something extra to sink their teeth into. We know how wary fans can be of comic book movies, so we wanted to try out own hand at it before the big studios came out with their version. So far, people seem to dig it!
Hawksblueyes: Follow the link below to read the interview in it's entirety.
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