This may or may not be the case, but just in case...let's take a look at what may be the future of Cap in the MCU.

Editorial Opinion
By jpeace4 - Aug 25, 2013 04:08 PM EST
Source: Comic Book Brain Splatter

If you're not familiar with the Winter Soldier story line from the comics and you want to walk into this film next April 4 and be surprised by a few of the twists and turns you're going to see then you should STOP READING NOW!!!! If not, carry on below and I'll give you a little hint about where things MAY be heading.

Still with me? Ok then.

First and most obvious: The Winter Soldier, who will begin the film as a mysterious antagonist, is, at some point, going to be revealed as Steve Rogers best friend and believed-to-be-deceased James "Bucky" Barnes. We saw Cap rescue Bucky, who was being experimented on by Arnim Zola, in the first film only to see him fall from a train, apparently to his death...except Bucky did not die. As a result of some of the experiments that the good Dr. Zola had been doing on Bucky, he survived the fall. In the books Bucky was picked up by some Russkies, brainwashed into being an assassin and put into stasis between missions. The Winter Soldier is an excellent marksman (we saw a little foreshadowing of that in the original film as well when Bucky picked off a Hydra-Nazi with a sniper rifle. Recap: the Winter Soldier and Bucky are the same dude...so don't be all shocked when the big reveal happens. Read a book...geez. I know that the vast majority of you who have kept reading already know this, but if just one person gains from this...I've done my job (remember, I'm a teacher!).

Given the fact that Bucky is "the bad guy" and remembering that, as my friend Zangeif says, "you are bad guy, but this does not mean you are BAD guy," it is pretty evident that Cap will not kill Bucky. In fact, if things follow the comics, Cap will be able to bring Bucky back from his brainwashing at some point in the film. Yeah, they're going to do some hardcore fisticuffs, but at some point, Bucky will break free of his crazy training and, if not join, help Cap and his good guys. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is exactly what will happen in the film and add, that in my opinion, it is a GREAT thing.

Now, let's get somewhere. Two recent reports bring me to my point. First, the report that the final scene filmed in Captain America: The Winter Soldier focuses on Bucky, free of the Winter Soldier persona, visiting a Captain America and his amazing friends exhibit at a museum (probably looks a whole lot like the two pictured below from SDCC '13).

It is interesting that the photos show the old Cap and the Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D Cap that we will see in the next film.

Onto the next piece of info...the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly features an interview with Joss Whedon and in that piece Whedon was asked about killing a Marvel icon. Whedon replied, "I'm always joking about that. Um...maybe?" Whedon goes on to say it's not something you just do and realizes that in doing so he may cut off a franchise but still, the option remains open. And, as many of you know, Steve Rogers did, in fact, bit the big one in the books and, as many of you know, Bucky took his place and took up the mantle of Captain America. In some respects, Steve Rogers being dead serves a larger purpose going forward in the MCU then him being alive. Captain America is a symbol, meant to inspire and, alive or dead, Steve Rogers always seemed to do that.

So, I offer you this one thought that passed through my head. All of us that watched the original Captain America film remember the small, pre-Cap Steve Rogers standing in front of the Army display and not being able to fit his head into the mirror...I believe at some point we will watch Bucky repeat the process in one of the two museum pieces he visits above, foreshadowing him picking up where his friend Steve left off. Could I be wrong? You bet! But I could be right and, if I am, I won't be stunned. Killing off Cap would absolutely STUN the audience. You can't really kill Thor or Hulk with Earth-bound villlains. Hawkeye and Black Widow are just too obvious and Stark is already moving to the backdrop. Killing Steve Rogers will stun the non-fanboy fanbase and will give Joss Whedon the type of momentum he needs to propel the MCU forward.

No guarantees, readers...but don't be surprised if we see the Death of Captain America either in The Winter Soldier or Age of Ultron.
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Wallymelon - 8/25/2013, 4:24 PM
those are the same exact photos bro.
MrCBM56 - 8/25/2013, 4:51 PM
Nice article. If he does die, he would still have two movies left on his contract after Age of Ultron. Flashback from Winter Solider/Bucky perhaps? We'll have to wait and see.
gamecreatorjj - 8/25/2013, 5:23 PM
If he dies I have a feeling in will turn into wrath of khan, between him and tony, perhaps tony is driven mad to bring steve back he meets thanos on conquest of death
sikwon - 8/25/2013, 5:48 PM
I agree, I think Cap gets killed in Age of U. I don't think he will stay dead for to long, but yes, at some point Steve will be standing toe to toe with The Titan and Cap will die. It'll be awesome.
jpeace4 - 8/25/2013, 5:55 PM
Right on guys...Cap is the most likely to bite it. His death will make the biggest impact on the gen. aud. If Hawkeye dies, the gen. aud. would say..."so?" Cap dying blows the lay fan away
BANE5000 - 8/25/2013, 6:07 PM
The part of Bucky re playing the scene of Steve trying to fit his reflection to the soldiers picture by doing so with one of Caps uniforms would an awesome scene.

What if the after scene plays out like Cap in the final battle wearing one of his uniforms, WW2 or SHIELD, and when the chips are down all of a sudden Bucky enters the fight to aid Cap in whichever uniform Steve's not wearing.

If Bucky does not become Captain America himself, I can see him now sporting the Shield Stealth uniform and becomin member himself.
Tainted87 - 8/25/2013, 6:17 PM
I think Ultron is going to break Cap's shield.
Cap dying would be about the same as if Nolan killed Batman off at the end of the Dark Knight. I think you forgot what's supposed to happen in the Winter Soldier, based on all we've been spoon-fed on this site.

Steve and Natasha are going to be on the run, meaning more than likely, by the end of the movie, he'll either STILL be running or he'll have become all the more disenchanted with SHIELD after he's cleared his name or whatever.

So considering Age of Ultron will take place afterwards, you'll have a weary Cap and Widow, a free-roaming Bruce Banner, an Iron Man free Tony Stark, a ready-for-action Hawkeye, and a probably disheartened Thor. ADD to the equation Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (who will probably be criminals or persons of extreme interest), and Cap is going to be needing to step up.

Honestly, I really don't think anyone is going to die.
superotherside - 8/25/2013, 7:57 PM
Nice article. IDK he may kill him off. Personally though I'd say it was way too early.
CorndogBurglar - 8/25/2013, 9:52 PM
Its way too early to kill Cap. He still hasn't become the legendary superhero that everyone respects. He's only been in one film that takes place in the present for fugg's sake. Why do people think he should be killed off already?

HulkbusterNYC - 8/25/2013, 10:24 PM
@fangz I'm a huge comic fan as well and wish the movies could be exactly the same but you have to think of the MCU like the Ultimate universe. It's just a different take on the characters. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. At the end of the day I accept it for what it is and try to enjoy it as much as I can while it lasts. We've gotten spoiled and believe these movies are gonna go on forever, we may never get another Cap solo movie after this so let's hope it's good and enjoy it for what it is.
Lhornbk - 8/25/2013, 10:54 PM
Evans is signed for a total of 6 movies. Winter Soldier will be the 3rd, and Age of Ultron the 4th. So unless they're gonna almost immediately bring him back to life, or waste the character in flashback scenes for 2 films, they're not killing him off. Definitely no way they kill him in Winter Soldier, because no one would really even believe it, knowing that he pretty much has to be back for Age of Ultron (kinda like only the absolute biggest idiots believed for even 2 seconds that Capt. Kirk would stay dead in the last Star Trek movie.)

And remember, Whedon sorta killed Buffy, but everyone knew it wasn't gonna stick because the series was moving to another network the next season. He kill's off secondary characters that the audience has become connected to, not main characters. Examples in Buffy include killing off Anya in the last episode, killing Tara to make Willow turn evil, having Buffy's mom die (one of the best TV episodes ever, probably the best episode to deal with death like that, and 1 of the very few TV episodes that actually choked me up and brought tears to my eyes), and killing off Jenny Calendar in the 2nd season. The only time he killed major characters, he brought them back (Buffy at the end of season 5, Angel at the end of season 2, and Spike in the last episode, who came back in the Angel series.) He did kill off 2 bigger characters in Angel, Fred & Wesley, but Fred's body was taken over by a demon, and Wesley died in the very last episode. What does that mean? That maybe a more minor character dies in Age of Ultron (Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow), or if a major character dies, they come back later. And then maybe a major character dies for real in the 3rd Avengers.
Leebo4 - 8/25/2013, 11:03 PM
Eh fangs no disrespect but I don't get why you say Bucky wasnt used well
Also I think 1 film in the war was good enough
I they spend a trilogy of it in the war we would have to wait longer for the avengers and I think it wouldn't need 3 films
I think steve is going to survive and at the end of winter soldier bucks on the running hiding from Steve jai he can find redemption in his own way
Minato - 8/25/2013, 11:36 PM
Loki Dies in T:TDW and Thor Dies in A2:AoU when Thor 3 starts they bargain with Hela to save the 9 realms from Surtur.
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