Russo Brothers Talk CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER's Oscar Chances

Russo Brothers Talk CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER's Oscar Chances

Anthony and Joe Russ talk here about why they believe Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the comic book movie genre as a whole deserves to be recognised by the Academy and weigh in on how they think their sequel might fare come awards season...

By JoshWilding - Oct 26, 2014 12:10 PM EST
Source: Deadline

Despite the critical acclaim some comic book movies receive and their financial success, it's a genre which is still snubbed come awards season. The Dark Knight Trilogy was proof of that (despite his incredible performance, would the Academy have recognised Heath Ledger had he not tragically died?) and this is a subject which Captain America: The Winter Soldier directors Joe and Anthony Russo feel very passionate about. "It’s strange  that the comic book film genre is so often thought of only in terms of its economic merits. Yes, it’s shockingly popular and continues to grow, and , yes , the box office success of these films can often embarrassingly outweigh their merits, but as Christopher Nolan perhaps first proved, real and valuable filmmaking can be achieved with the genre. It’s sad that some poeple , seemingly soured by having to endure the massive cultural presence and expectations that even mediocre or poor examples of the genre can generate, react by trying to reject the genre as a whole," Joe Russo told Deadline in a recent interview.  

"Snubbing comic book movies because of their ubiquity is akin to dismissing the western as matinee fodder," he adds pointing out a major flaw in how the Academy decide on movies which are worthy of being nominated. Even expanding the Best Picture category to include a larger number of releases has just resulted in more of the same being recognised. Of course, when you look at the likes of 12 Years a Slave or upcoming Awards Season favourites like The Imitation Game and Foxcatcher, it's understandable why they're highlighted, but do comic book movies not deserve the same level of recognition? Does Joe think Captain America: The Winter Soldier stands a chance?

"That’s a very interesting question. I think you look at all those awards ceremonies, there’s a whole process  of advocacy for those awards, right? What is the value of the award (to Marvel)? And why should they spend the money required to go down that road? To create the boxoffice? They already have the boxoffice." Anthony meanwhile points out that despite being based on a comic book, their Captain America is different from a lot of comic book movies due to the fact it was influenced by the likes of The Manchurian Candidate and The French Connection. "It’s a real movie, real filmmaking  , and it has really high aspirations , in terms of what cinema can be and what it can do , and what our experience of it is. It has every intention  on the part of the filmmakers  to reach audiences on the deepest level." What do you guys think?
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GuardianAngel - 10/26/2014, 12:29 PM
I loved the film, but I honestly can't see it getting anything outside of the usual technical categories.
Reasonnnn - 10/26/2014, 12:29 PM
These Russo brothers defending the CBM genre. Great guys in my book.
GuardianAngel - 10/26/2014, 12:33 PM
And the chances of CBMs being taken seriously will only get worse with the over saturation of superhero movies to come. There are currently 9 CBMs set to be released in 2018. I can't imagine that half of them will be good. This is, of course, speaking from the general audience's point of view. Even as a huge fan of comics, I'll personally be sick of CBM's if I'm getting more than 5 a year.
ekrolo2 - 10/26/2014, 12:33 PM
We're not gonna get a best picture worthy CBM for a long time me thinks, Dark Knight is the closest one we got so far but I don't see one like it coming again for a long ass time.
Desrow - 10/26/2014, 12:34 PM
I totally love CA: TWS but still...

Nick56 - 10/26/2014, 12:35 PM
Listen if the Dark Knight didn't get a best pic. oscar nom, this film doesn't have a chance in hell getting one. It was a fun action movie and thats it.
EhMaybeSays - 10/26/2014, 12:36 PM
As much as I love CBMs, the TDK trilogy was the only one I feel was deserving of an Oscar.
Interestein - 10/26/2014, 12:38 PM
These guys are awesome. Can't wait to see what they do next with their story.
ekrolo2 - 10/26/2014, 12:38 PM
I would be nice for performances in CBMs to get some recognition though. They're doing some really great stuff on that end.
Dingbat - 10/26/2014, 12:41 PM
I'm a huge fan but let me reiterate what others have said; The Dark Knight is the ONLY film of the genre that was deserving of a main category nomination. Period. Cap 2 was a step in the right direction, but come on. Seriously?
TheRationalNerd - 10/26/2014, 12:41 PM
Oscars? Ehhhhh, I think perhaps the sound department or visuals could ease in there but performance wise not just yet. Spader's Ultron or Cap vs. Stark in Cap 3 could pave the way for possibilities.
FordEl - 10/26/2014, 12:42 PM

Agreed. The TDK trilogy were the only movies i felt deserved nominations outside of the visual effects categories
Dingbat - 10/26/2014, 12:42 PM
Also, James McAvoy gave the best performance in a cbm this year. Just throwing that out there.
AsgardianHobo - 10/26/2014, 12:42 PM
These guys are defending CMB's as a whole. They never said Cap 2 deserved an award. Half of you people didn't even read the article, just took the Josh Wilding flamebait like you are trained to do
monkey - 10/26/2014, 12:43 PM
If it's a great comic book film then it'll win awards. The Dark Knight won oscars even though it was 20 minutes too long.

Horror films don't get oscars except for Silence of the Lambs or go back to 1930's Dracula and Wizard of Oz.

That being said, some great films get passed over like Gary Oldman's Immortal Beloved

Wait, Dick Tracy won awards. As did LOTR
TheRationalNerd - 10/26/2014, 12:44 PM
If the comic book movie genre continues to do astonishing is it possible for us to get CBM awards? (aside from the one on this website) ?
Desrow - 10/26/2014, 12:44 PM

DeusExSponge - 10/26/2014, 12:44 PM
CBM's definitely have the chance of getting an Oscar, Nolan's TDK proves that. But as of now, I don't see any CBMs coming that close to getting an oscar. Because as far as we know, nearly every CBM that's coming out from now (and in the near future) is connected to a cinematic universe and that can limit what the directors can do with their movies.

As for The Winter Soldier getting an Oscar, only thing I can see it getting is a Technical Award. It's an awesome movie, but it's no where near the calibre of the movies that are actually fighting for an Oscar (not a bad thing BTW).

But honestly I think the Russo Bros are just talking about CBM's having a chance at the Oscars. I don't really see them saying anything about Captain America The Winter Soldier having a shot at the Oscars.
EhMaybeSays - 10/26/2014, 12:44 PM
If Wonder Woman is directed and written by Kathryn Bigelow whilst having a heavy motif of feminism then it won't even get a nomination. Why? Because it has a woman in costume.
McGee - 10/26/2014, 12:47 PM
Dingbat - 10/26/2014, 12:47 PM

I think we're all just giving our answers to the question the article poses.
WimpyKid4Life - 10/26/2014, 12:48 PM
SirDuckAlot - 10/26/2014, 12:49 PM
Nowhere it says anything about Winter Soldier winning best picture.
McGee - 10/26/2014, 12:49 PM
I liked Captain America Two too....but come on now...
TheRationalNerd - 10/26/2014, 12:50 PM

Shoooooooot Josh ain't got me trained to do nothing. lol You don't see me crying over AoS, TASM2 and other heroes he goes in on. I was just saying sound department or visuals wise it has a chance (IF) it were up for any oscar at that. Who's to say it won't? It also had pretty good fight cordination as well so there's another thing. If Marvel really wanted to elevate the acting more within their films they could honestly do so, just depends on the story arc and characters present.
MrBlackJack - 10/26/2014, 12:50 PM
It's a great film, but as others have said I don't see it getting anything outside of technical achievements, nor does it deserve any awards outside of technical achievements. It's a spectacular and fun film, even one of the best comic book movies we've seen, but it's not enough for the Oscars.
MisterBatfleck - 10/26/2014, 12:51 PM
Well at least we all know TASM 2 is gonna get Best Picture........ at the Razzies.
AsgardianHobo - 10/26/2014, 12:52 PM
I didn't say all of you, just people saying "How can they even consider Cap 2 for an oscar, what a joke!" when the article didn't even talk about that at all. He talked about TDK opening doors, and how he wants to reach as many people as deeply as possible.
MrBlackJack - 10/26/2014, 12:52 PM
Even if it did garner some buzz it would face some mighty stiff competition.
WimpyKid4Life - 10/26/2014, 12:52 PM
Ehhh, who cares about the Oscars anyways. It's all a big scam.
AsgardianHobo - 10/26/2014, 12:53 PM
And I loved his comments how CBM's shouldn't be snubbed just because of people's preconceptions
SauronsBANE - 10/26/2014, 12:53 PM
Awesome, as if I didn't like these guys already! As others have said, I seriously doubt The Winter Soldier will ever get such recognition...but again, that's not even what the Russo brothers are talking about here.

Comic book movies have had this stigma attached to them for too long (though, to be fair, it's COMPLETELY deserving of it. CBMs brought this upon themselves with decades of incompetence). It's great to see two directors so obviously passionate about this.

And that just makes me mad that for every The Winter Soldier, we STILL get steaming turds like TASM 2...which just brings things back to square one. The more Dark Knights, Winter Soldiers, Days of Future Pasts, and (hopefully) Age of Ultrons that we get, the more these movies will finally be widely recognized and appreciated along with the truly incredible masterpieces.

That's why we should be rooting for EVERY cbm to be well-made and critically-acclaimed. Another couple movies like TASM 2, and all the great work that's been done recently will be useless.
Guerillas - 10/26/2014, 12:53 PM
People remember! Only slowpaced snoozefests get´s oscars. Moneyball, tinker tailor soilder spy...
DeusExSponge - 10/26/2014, 12:54 PM
MisterBatfleck - HOT DAMN! Shots fired!!!!
ALegendaryPanda - 10/26/2014, 12:54 PM

imkennypowers - 10/26/2014, 12:57 PM
this is obligatory right??

AsgardianHobo - 10/26/2014, 12:57 PM

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