Let's get one thing out of the way. Superman is the man. Period. There is no greater Superhero. There will never be a greater Superhero. We owe a big debt of gratitude to Siegel and Shuster for bringing us this hero because without them we wouldn't have films like Winter Soldier.
I want to compare both films, having now seen both more than once. And, let's keep our CBM bias on the side. This is not a Marvel vs DC article.
Winter Soldier features incredible acting and a stellar performance from Chris Evans and really all members of the cast. This is in part due to the excellent script, but also because the actors clearly care so much about the film.
Man of Steel. I know a lot of people liked Henry Cavil in the role. Can you tell me anyone else in the film who really stood out? Kevin Costner? Sure. Anyone else? Anyone?
Winner: WInter Soldier
Winter Soldier tells a great story about inner conflict, conspiracies and trust. The characters grow and nobody is left where they were at the start of the film. We're talking Brave New World (Iron Maiden reference there folks, not the film). Excellent lead-in to Avengers 2.
Man of Steel tells the story about Clark Kent becoming Superman. He discovers his powers, perhaps a shred of responsibility and ultimately lays waste to Metropolis, followed by murder. If you go through the film, you'll notice that other than posing, giving a stark look and screaming, Superman doesn't really say anything. The romance with Lois is forced, rushed and uncomfortable. The plot makes little sense especially considering Lois' huge role. For me personally and many others, it's a train wreck. A certifiable disaster.
WInner: Winter Soldier
Yes, Character. In the end, what got people into the theaters? Captain America and his huge legacy? Nobody compares to Superman. Hell, if they filmed him eating taco's for 30 minutes straight, the theater would be jam-packed. I felt the need to mention this because ultimately just having Superman means you're guaranteed a certain box office draw.
Winner: Superman
Overall Film:
That's for you to decide. Ultimately, for me, there is no comparison.
I'm not trying to start a flame war here. I see people comparing the opening numbers for these two films and it's stupid. It's like comparing Avengers to Groundhog Day. Two different worlds. And ultimately, we as the audience are the real winners. Many of you liked Man of Steel and that's great for you. You probably liked Dark Knight Rises as well. And MANY of you will like or love Winter Soldier, like I do. We win. Man of Steel is still getting a sequel, sort of... So is Cap. We win. Let's go celebrate by having a drink. And maybe by watching Winter Soldier. And then Spidey 2. And Guardians. And Superman vs. Batman. And JLA. Etc.