When Captain America first came to cinemas many were impressed with the film, people thought it was one of the best comicbookmovies within the year and I find it hard to disagree, I loved it! Although there were small things wrong with it, it was the first movie in a long time that was an actual pleasure to watch. There are many elements that other movie studios should pick up on to help with thier movies.
Picking the best actor for the role
Something that Marvel studios in particular are very good at. When Chris Evans was chosen to portray Cap, many thought that he would not be able to play such a serious character, however in the film, he dropped such misgivings and gave a memorable performance that gave Rogers soul and depth.
A good supporting cast
Think back to your favourite movie, lets say star wars, you don't just remember Luke Skywalker do you? You remember Han Solo, Yoda and R2 D2. Filling a movie with a good supporting cast helps maintain a balance and can create memorable scenes. Casting actors like Tommy Lee Jones who maintains a dry wit throughout and Haley Atwell who brings strength to her character and never becomes the damsil in distress helps the film become more enjoyable. However it was Stanley Tucci as Dr Abraham Erkstine who stole the show. What could have been a small cameo turned into a memorable performance.
Make it fun
Not every superhero can fit into the gritty Nolan film style, such characters as Thor and Captain America wouldn't be right. Captain America is about hope and responsibility, not stepping over bodies of fallen comrades in bloddied trenches. Although there are moments of drama and humanity the film still gives us an enjoyable time.
Give us a good villian
Anyone who has seen Green Lantern should know how dissapointing Paralax was. However this was not the case in the first avenger! The red skull provided a startiling contrast to Rogers, showing us what could have been, while furthering Rogers character as a good man. The make up was very good and didn't take you away from the movie while the performance was brilliant, although red skull was over played in parts I still enjoyed it and thought it was a great foundation for their rivallary.